Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 981: Shiqiao Hengkong

Chapter 981

Ishibashi was originally a dead thing, but at this moment it seemed to be refined all of a sudden. The exquisite and terrifying organs here are truly rare in the world.

Han Yu turned into a streamer to shuttle in the void, avoiding stone bridge after stone bridge. Wherever he went, as long as there was a stone bridge, he would instantly resurrect and attack him.

There are countless stone bridges here, and it didn’t take long for the horrible “bang” sound to be heard in the void. Those resurrected stone bridges, Han Yu did not stop after avoiding them, but chased them like a dragon across the sky. .

He fell into the terrifying stone bridge formation and was trapped within a very small area.


Eighteen stone bridges hit Han Yu from all directions, traversing the void, covering the sky and the sun, leaving Han Yu with nowhere to go from the sky to the earth. And besides these eighteen stone bridges, there are countless stone bridges moving. Even if Han Yu avoided the attack of these eighteen stone bridges, it would be difficult to leave.

Han Yu’s soul power always pays attention to the wind and grass within a radius of 30,000 feet. Among these stone bridges, there must be one that leads deeper into the tomb, but each stone bridge is exactly the same. With Han Yu’s eyesight It's hard to tell.

Han Yu used all his mighty steps, turned into countless afterimages, and avoided the attacks of nine stone bridges one after another. When the tenth stone bridge hit, Han Yu was inevitable.

The stone bridge was like a dragon wagging its tail, hitting Han Yu's back straight.


The vitality surged in Han Yu's body, supporting a solid vitality shield.


The stone bridge was hitting the vitality shield directly. The strength was incredible. Han Yu was hit with a snorting sound, his heart became dull, and his face turned flush by the way.

With the help of the impact, Han Yu hurriedly rushed forward, taking off most of his strength along the way.


Han Yu didn't have time to catch his breath. The eleventh, twelfth, and thirteen stone bridges collided from the top, bottom, and left directions, and they could hit Han Yu at the same time. If he was hit, there is no doubt that even with Han Yu's physical strength, he would be shaken out of internal injuries.

Han Yu's vitality swelled under his feet, abruptly lifted three feet higher in the void, and then directly used his broken punch, and bombarded the stone bridge above.


Han Yu's punch was enough to destroy the mountain and the ground, but it only made the stone bridge tremble. On the contrary, Han Yu was shocked so that his arms were numb, and his body flew back, hitting the stone bridge below.

The collision directly made Han Yu's body seem to be disintegrating, his five internal organs shifted, and he felt a sweet throat, and almost couldn't help vomiting a mouthful of blood. When he reached his throat, Han Yu swallowed abruptly.

Han Yu didn't even have a chance to breathe, so he hurriedly showed his way to avoid.


Han Yu had just avoided, another stone bridge collided with this stone bridge, making a terrifying loud noise, making Han Yu buzz in his ears, and dizzy. As long as he is a little slower, he doesn't know how he will end up at this time.

So far, Han Yu passed through the encircling circle of the eighteen stone bridges just now. However, after passing through this encirclement and entering the encirclement of another stone bridge, Han Yu found that as long as he went, the stone bridge within three thousand meters would be guided, and he would be killed immediately.

And the total number of stone bridges in the range of three thousand meters will not be less than thirty.

This is an extremely headache situation. The stone bridge can't be broken, can't hide, it is very likely to be trapped in it, until it is hit and killed.

As strong as Han Yu, how can he withstand dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of impacts?

The bridge, originally the road to the other shore, has become an obstacle blocking progress here.

It is unrealistic for Han Yu to cross the dense stone bridges and enter the depths of the tomb; and it is not easy to retreat at this time.

Looking at the stone bridges one after another, Han Yu's teeth were crisp.

Han Yu didn't even think about it. He fell on the nearest stone bridge. He couldn't tell which stone bridge was the real road. There was only one stone bridge and one stone bridge to experiment.

After falling on this stone bridge, the rest of the stone bridges did not stop moving, and they all hit the stone bridge.


Suddenly, there was a raging fire on the stone bridge where Han Yu was standing, and the entire stone bridge instantly burned with a fire dragon, leading to the endless depths. At this time, Han Yu also saw further afield, and he felt even more heavy. This huge abyss seemed endless and bottomless.

"Puff puff……"

The flames instantly flooded Han Yu, and Han Yu's clothes were burned. In an instant, Han Yu was burned in many places.

Han Yu sucked in pain and was surprised at the same time. His physical body could withstand the punishment of heaven, but he couldn't stand the burning of this flame. The most important thing is that even the vitality shield can't stop it. The horror of these flames can definitely burn to death a master of Wuwang Sixth Layer easily.

Han Yu snorted heavily, the strange flames of the Xuantian Realm couldn't burn him, let alone the flames here.


A sound of dragons shook the sky, and the red dragon appeared, and the sea of ​​flames retreated, unable to get close to Han Yu. The red dragon revolved around Han Yu and roared, quite provocative.

At this time, another stone bridge struck, and Han Yu flew directly onto the stone bridge.


The two stone bridges slammed into each other, shaking the sky, but they were unscathed.

As soon as Han Yu fell on the stone bridge, the stone bridge instantly turned into a fire dragon, and the flames roared, burning the sky and the earth. However, Han Yu has a red dragon body, and the flame can't touch his body, and it doesn't hurt.

This is also Han Yu, as anyone else who comes in this time cannot get out of this trap. This is really a desperate road to death.

After Han Yu left, the flame on the stone bridge just extinguished and changed back to the original state.

Han Yu keeps changing the stone bridges, many stone bridges are like this, the flame goes out as soon as the person is not there. Han Yu remembered all the stone bridges he passed by. These stone bridges that can emit flames are by no means the right path.


After Han Yu converted 23 stone bridges one after another, he was hit again, this time he vomited blood.

Han Yu's mood has become heavier and heavier, even if he is not afraid of flames, it is not easy to find the right path among countless stone bridges.

However, I can't go back now, I can only bite the bullet and move on.

On the other side, Xiaolidao went all the way to the broad road and went straight into the depths of the tomb without encountering any danger. At this time, he was standing outside the main tomb with a smug smile on his mouth.

"Han Yu, Han Yu, I have arrived, and you, have you fallen into a dead end? Haha..."

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