Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 994: Ancient forces

Chapter 994

Han Yu smiled and said, "Is it because they come from the Wuji Hall, and the Wuji Hall is a behemoth, so they can't kill?"

Miaoshouqing said in surprise: "Brother Han, if you know, why do you still..."

Miaoshouqing really can’t figure it out, but the Promise Hall is not even willing to provoke the old men in their family. Although Han Yu is strong, he has been chased by sects such as Tianchan Sect and Jinzhong Sect. Miao Shouqing doesn’t think Han Yu has any resistance. The ability of Promise Hall.

Han Yu said: "At first I didn't know their origins, but after that person said that I learned that they came from the Promise Hall, what kind of power is the Promise Hall, why have I never heard of it before?"

"Uh..." Miao Shouqing, Yu Bagkong and others were all taken aback, thinking that Han Yu should know the Promise Hall. Miaoshou Qingxindao. No wonder Han Yu decisively started after knowing the origin of the other party. He didn't know the Promise Hall.

Miaoshou Qing said: "The Promise Hall is a behemoth in Xiling, inherited from ancient times, and extremely powerful!"

Han Yu asked: "Is it better than Tianchan Sect and other schools?"

Han Yu had long realized that above the first-class schools of Tianchan, there must be more powerful schools, but they have not been exposed to it.

Miaoshou Qingxin said: As expected, Brother Han hasn't touched that level yet. It seems that Big Brother Han should have been born in the grassroots, and being able to achieve such an achievement really makes me ashamed.

Miaoshou sighed secretly. When he was distracted, Hu Lilie rushed to say: "Brother Han, in fact, there are many powerful forces on the land of Xiling. These forces seldom move in the secular world in normal time. What I don’t know. These schools are called "Mystery Land", or "Ancient Forces"."

"Some first-class schools are accustomed to call it the mysterious place, because they don't know what the forces above them are, and we generally call them the ancient forces. The ancient forces have a common feature, and they all It is inherited from the ancient times and is the oldest force in the cultivation world. It is divided into ancient schools and ancient families. The Wuji Temple is one of the Xiling ancient schools. It is said that there have been saints in the Wuji Temple, and there are saints guarding the martial arts and passing on forever. Enduring. It is one of the most difficult existences in Xiling."

Han Yu's discoloration changed slightly, and the ancient times were a mysterious era for people today. The civilization of the ancient times seems to disappear suddenly at the end of the ancient times.

Some people speculate that there was an earth-shattering battle in the cultivation world in the last years of ancient times, that is, that battle, which pierced the heaven and the earth and caused the avenue to wither. Therefore, the era after the ancient times has entered the age of no sage. The world of cultivation is becoming more and more declining, and this world is becoming less and less suitable for cultivation.

If those ancient forces really inherited from the ancients, don't they know what happened in the last years of the ancients?

The existence of these ancient forces meant too much for the cultivation world.

Miao Shouqing seemed to see Han Yu's thoughts and sighed: "At the end of the ancient times, it is a mystery about the present. No one knows what happened at that time. Perhaps only the ancient forces have some clues, but the ancient forces are silent. No one wants to. It is unwilling to reveal the events of the last years of ancient times, even if it is a clue."

Han Yu frowned. The ancient forces inherited the ancients and must have experienced the turbulence of the end of the ancients. They actually kept silent about the affairs of the end of the ancients, which seemed extremely unusual.

You know, that is the pride of the ancient school. Who has this pride and doesn't want to tell the world?

Miaoshou cleared a moment and said, "Actually, I don't know much about the ancient forces. Brother Thirteen knows more."

Han Yu nodded. Judging from Yin Shisan's ability to know Tao Langsha, he is knowledgeable and knows a lot.

Miaoshou Qing said: "Their service is embroidered with a cluster of nebula-like patterns on the upper part of their hearts. This is the logo of the Promise Hall. Later, the person said it personally, and it seems that there will be no fakes. Brother Han, brothers speak more straightforwardly. , Don’t care about it. If a power like the Wuji Temple can not be provoked, it’s best not to provocation."

How could Han Yu blame him and smiled, "I know you are kind, but do you think that even if I forgive them today, they will be grateful for Dade and stop pestering us?"

Yin Shisan's situation was not good, and their time was limited, so Han Yu shot directly with iron and blood, not wanting to waste any time.

Miao Shouqing, Yu Bagkong, and Gui Touxin were stunned by Han Yu's question. They only thought that they would not easily become enemies with the Wuji Hall, but they did not expect the consequences of letting them go today.

Hu Lie grin said: "Big Brother Han's choice is not wrong. If we let them go today, it would be a big trouble. We will kill them directly. Who knows that we did it? On the contrary, nothing will happen."

Miao Shouqing, Yu Bagkong and Gui Tiao nodded their heads with deep thoughts. The former smiled bitterly: "Brother Han is still thoughtful and thoughtful, we think too simple!"

Han Yu smiled slightly, and said no more, he encountered too many things like this. When making choices, they must be more comprehensive than them.

Han Yu opened the man's Qiankun bag, and it was full of dazzling sights, but there were a lot of treasures, but unfortunately there were no healing medicinal materials of the Nine-Rank Great Medicine level, which made Han Yu a little disappointed.

Hu Lielie took a look and cursed directly: "People who claim to be Promise Hall are so poor!"

Mo Xiaoxiao snatched it over and took a look, with a look of contempt.

Their expressions made Han Yu dumbfounded. Nine-Rank Medicine, not everyone will carry it with them. Before, Hu Lilie and the others carried the Nine-Rank Great Medicine with them, because they entered the Gobi Gobi and brought them with them for life-saving purposes. They seldom carry them with them during normal times.

Although the Nine-Rank Great Medicine is not the most precious thing to them, it is not something that can be obtained at will.

Several people quickly untied the universe bags of the rest of the Promise Hall. Similarly, although there were many treasures, there were none that reached the top level, and they were not in Han Yu's current vision.

Everyone gave the Qiankun bag to Han Yu, and Han Yu directly let them divide it. Then Han Yu shot a flame, burned the bodies of several people in the Promise Hall, and walked away.

Outside, the squally wind continued to roar, and the miasma covered the sky.

Han Yu sensed the breath of Xiaoli Dao and others, but there was nothing left in the air. They must have deliberately hidden their breath when they leave, and the environment here is special, even if they stay, they won't stay long.

Han Yu thought for a while, decided not to look for Xiaolidao, and went straight back to the Stealth Mountain Range. Although most of the treasures in the tomb were taken into the bag by Xiaolidao, Han Yu was not greedy for getting the second form of the Fire Cloud Cthulhu and the Big Wave Washing the Sand and Stone to Gold.

Miao Shouqing and the others had no objection to Han Yu's decision, and they showed their way to the south quickly.

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