Martial God Space

Chapter 1161: Do you need a reason to kill you?

Jianguang was instantly pinched, and then Ye Xiwen was a backhand sword. He was quick and anxious. The smashing master of the law was stunned. He wanted to make a sneak attack, but he did not expect it to be like this, Ye Xiwen. It was easy to pinch his knife light.

"Hey!" His neck and blood blossomed out, blood splattered, and the vitality was instantly cut off. The whole body's body fell from the sky.

Another master of the law and the realm of the law was killed in the hands of Ye Xiwen. It seems that the masters of these laws and regulations are in front of him, and they are simply unable to bear a blow. They are not his opponents at all.

Just like a chicken, how much is dead.

These masters of the Beishan family are a bit chilly, but they are still rushing one by one, because they know very well that if they die here, they will die, and their families can still be treated favorably, but if Beishan Ling died here, then they are really guilty, not only do they want to die, but their nine families can't run.

Although the Beishan patriarch is not the only one, many of them are more than the son, but everyone knows how much he loves this son.

In the past few years, Beishanling has committed a lot of crimes. To a large extent, it is the connivance of the Beishan patriarch, which will lead to such a situation.

They are very clear, so I know that going to face Ye Xiwen is also a death, but I dare not rush to go up, not to die, or to die, they are very clear, how should they choose!




The sword light in Ye Xiwen’s hand is constantly flashing. Every sword will have a law, or the master of the half-step method will fall on his swordsman. The blood will dye the whole ground, which is not the general blood. It is the blood of the half-step method or the law, and it is the warrior at this level. It’s not a baby, you can even say that it’s a human figure.

These bloods permeate underground, and for many years, they will grow out of heaven and earth. If many monsters have the opportunity to swallow the flesh and blood of them, then it is very likely that amazing changes will occur.

To some extent, these people are no longer commonplace. Although the strength may not reach the extent of the legendary gods, in essence, it has gradually approached that level.

Or. Doesn’t everyone’s practice work in that direction?

Ye Xiwen found that there is a benefit of Beishan Ling here, because he does not even have to worry about the escape of these Beishan people. As long as Beishan Ling is still here, Tian Amen will not escape, and he can only be slaughtered by Ye Xiwen.

However, although they rushed to the squad, everyone was able to block Ye Xiwen for a while, but they also got enough skin care time for Beishanling, and there was the protection of the colorful coat. The injury he suffered was not very serious. These times, enough for him to recover a seven seven eight eight.

At this time, he looked at Ye Xiwen with a little horror. He has already seen that Ye Xiwen is absolutely capable of doing it, instead of borrowing the magic of the knife as he did last time.

But he has no way. He can only choose to escape, but Ye Xiwen is chasing after him, even though the masters of the Beishan family. I tried my best to stop Ye Xiwen, but I was able to stop Ye Xiwen, but it was a moment, and I was slaughtered a seven-eight-eight-eighth.

It is impossible to stop Ye Xiwen's progress, but without them, Ye Xiwen is afraid to catch up with Beishan Ling. This is also very clear.

"Oh!" Finally, even the last master has slipped completely out of the sky and completely fallen.

Only Beishan Ling was left, and Beishanling was finally scared.

"No, you can't kill me!" Beishan Ling shouted as he ran away in the direction of the Beishan family.

However, how could Ye Xiwen give him this opportunity, and immediately went up and chased him up, and a flame knife flashed out in his hand.


The horrible swords ran across the sky, and the auras that burned and raged in the distance, and the whole sky seemed to be completely burned.

"Hey!" The flame knife slammed on him. The colorful gods on his body started almost immediately, and he was protected. But the horrific impact of Ye Xiwen’s huge power still made him The body is like a meteor falling into the ground, and it crashes into a mountain.

Because he was backed by Ye Xiwen, he basically fell into the mountain, his face was bloody, his blood was flowing, his nose and bones were broken.

Although it is not a serious injury, it makes him look awkward.

Ye Xiwen chased him up, standing in the air, his face cold, faceless, so that Beishan Ling was unusually astonished, as if he had seen the legendary death.

Cold, unrelenting, killing people!

Ye Xiwen does not seem to be eager to kill him in general, but just raising his hand is a splendid flame knife suddenly slammed down.

"Boom!" The whole mountain was knocked out by most of them. In a pile of gravel, Beishan Ling spurted out blood. Although there was no knife in two, the knife was enough to make him hit hard.

"Do you know what you are afraid of? Do you know despair?" Ye Xiwen flashed a cruel smile on his mouth. "Do you know the thoughts of the girls who died in your hands? Is that desperate, feeling dead?"

Beishan Ling did not speak, just licked his lips and looked at Ye Xiwen in horror. He thought that his heart was very good on weekdays. It was already well-informed. What cruel pictures have never been seen.

But that was all he watched as someone else happened. At that time, he did not care about it because his cruelty and hard-hearted heart would not be slightly moved for others.

Now, when he changed to the position of the protagonist in the countless tragedies he had seen, he really understood that his psychological quality is a ridiculous joke.

Psychological quality, does he have this stuff?

In his thousands of years of life, he never encountered any real danger. The only time he was in front of Ye Xiwen, he planted it and was almost killed by Ye Xiwen.

That was the first time he found out how vulnerable he was.

So from that week, he tried his best to improve his own strength. He finally entered the half-step legal situation under the huge resources of the Beishan family. Compared with a few years ago, it was a world of difference. He has forgotten the shadows and threats that Ye Xiwen brought to him.

But now, in front of Ye Xiwen, he once again felt the threat of this horror, and the feeling that seemed to have been forgotten was once again filled with his brain.

He felt twice in his life, and these two were brought to him by Ye Xiwen. He wanted to revenge Ye Xiwen, and he practiced adult medicine, swallowed him, and swallowed his heart.

Ye Xiwen has become his demon. If he can't sweep away the horror of Ye Xiwen, he will only become his true demons in the future.

But now, this demons seems to have expanded all of a sudden, and suddenly it has become a shadow that is difficult to erase.

At this time, he seems to understand that the sorrows and fears of women who used to be inferior to ants in his eyes before death are often not only bad people, but also all the people. The Yin Yuan all absorbs light, causing this person to become a dead body and die.

It is very vicious, but he never felt it before. He hasn’t felt that he has made any mistakes until now. Those despicable human women should be thankful that they can die in the arms of this young master, but they I have no privilege in my life.

"Why, why, for those women who are like ants, have to chase and kill me so many times?" Beishan screamed.

"Women like ants?" Ye Xiwen flashed a bit of disdainful smile. "Maybe, maybe in your eyes, they are like ants, just stepping on a group, there is nothing at all, but now, you are at me." In the eyes of the eyes, what is the difference between them and the ants? Do you need a reason to kill you?"

Bei Shanling was completely stunned. He did not expect that Ye Xiwen would actually say such a thing. You are an ants. Do you need a reason to kill you?

He always felt that he was very important. He was the center of the world. Everyone had to turn around him. Everyone was obedient to me. The first time, being treated as an ant, it was to face death.

"You can't kill me, otherwise, we Beishan, no, our Baizu alliance, will not let you go!" At this time, Beishanling, no longer naively thought that Ye Xiwen would not kill him. As Ye Xiwen said, in Ye Xiwen's eyes, he is just an ant. Just need to step on a cockroach ant?

If there is a reason? Is it enough to see you not pleasing to the eye?

Therefore, he should try to improve his weight, let Ye Xiwen vote for the rat, do not dare to do it!

"Isn't it anyway? But it's all a bunch of clowns!" Ye Xiwen sneered. "You are waiting for your father now!"

Ye Xiwen raised his hand is a knife.


A knife slammed into Beishan Ling's body. His body was shaken on the spot. Although it was not split in half, it was once again severely wounded, and more blood was sprayed out.

"Reassure, he will soon accompany you!" Ye Xiwen smiled, the day he was chased, he was impressed, he even needed to abandon the star of the behemoth to escape, is absolutely impressive.

Today is a ticket, sweat!

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