Martial God Space

Chapter 1164: Lushan Yejia

Shen Yanmei’s death has always been a knot in Ye Xiwen’s mind. At that time, he could not stop it. Even revenge for her could not be done, just like a throat!

It became his knot, and even if he went on like this, he might even become a demons.

This has become an important reason that hinders him from cultivating. Now this heart is gone, just like the dam on the river is gone, and there is a crack in the realm of repairing. There are signs of a breakthrough in the two worlds. It is.

After a little rest, I recovered some real yuan. Ye Xiwen immediately left in the dawn. No matter how arrogant the Beishan patriarch is, he is the patriarch of the Beishan family. One hundred thousand ones are not. The approach is in line with the Beishan patriarch.

The death of Beishan Ling can only be regarded as a big deal. The position of Beishan Ling in the Beishan family is all from the Beishan patriarch, and there is no protection from the Beishan patriarch. Not counted.

However, the Beishan patriarch is different. He is the patriarch of the Beishan family of the royal family among the Baizu alliances. It is of great significance. Not to mention that the entire Beishan family will be angry, even the Baizu Alliance is afraid to vibrate.

Sure enough, not long after he left, a large number of masters with horror breath arrived in an instant.

"Check, be sure to find out for me, how did they die!" A loud roar, instantly spread throughout the sky.

At the gate of the entire Beishan family's anger, Ye Xiwen has embarked on a journey to the depths of the ancient continent. This journey, which had been on the road many years ago, has been dragged into the present and re-entered the journey.

Along the way, Ye Xiwen has opened his eyes. Compared with the real martial arts, the ancient continent is the real world of prosperity, especially after entering the depths of the human race. This is even more so.

In a small city, there are over ten million people. As for the towns of about one million, it is not uncommon. Even some big cities have a population of over 100 million.

This is a sight that is impossible to see on Earth. If more than 100 million people live in the same city, the city has to be crowded.

But in this world, it is very common. Even in the real world, few people really see such a huge city, even more than 10 million cities. Both have been able to serve as the capital of a country.

It’s not like on this ancient continent, just a small city has a population of over 10 million.

However, Ye Xiwen, but also saw some problems, that is, there are too many people, on the earth, perhaps more people are not a problem, because mortals are short-lived species, decades is a round of life. It’s fast, and it’s fast.

But in the ancient continent, even a small child may be martial arts. Being able to blast a mountain is a real way, even a legendary master.

These people are martial arts and consume the most resources. But the same is hard to die, and it’s been hundreds of years. The lifespan of thousands of years, accumulated over such a long time, will form such a huge urban agglomeration, which is a matter of course.

However, such a large base is also a master of the human race, laying a very important foundation, the base is large, all kinds of geniuses are like springing up, and there are many geniuses coming out every year. It is also the fundamental factor why the Terran has been able to occupy the entire ancient continent and the most prosperous place.

The entire ancient continent is extremely large, and the endless sea area is even more huge. I don’t think Ye Qiwen ran for a long time before he ran to the Yunxing sea area, but in fact it was only the offshore area compared to the whole endless sea area and the ancient mainland. However, farther away, there are still many sea areas that are needed, and they are also very tyrannical.

Whether it is the endless sea area or the entire ancient continent, even if Ye Xiwen is flying at full speed, it may take several decades to reach the other end of the mainland from one end of the mainland.

Fortunately, in the entire city of the ancient continent, there are various transmission arrays, one in the region and one in the region, and one in the dynasty. It is very convenient.

Of course, this price is enough for many warriors to go bankrupt at one time, because even the masters of the law and the realm, there is no way to touch some rules related to space in the ancient continent, that is to say, these arrays are beyond The master of the law can be laid out.

Those who have surpassed the legal situation are some people, and any one is enough to exist on the ancient continent. They will not easily appear in front of ordinary people. They are usually in retreat for the sake of longevity. The mystery will not appear in front of the average person.

That is the group of people closest to the gods!

Those talents are a group of people who really dominate the ancient continent. They will not appear easily in their leisure time. What is more, the cost of laying a transmission array is naturally expensive. Most people want to use it. It is not something that ordinary people can use. of.

So even in places like the ancient continent, there are many people who may not be able to leave the city where they live in this life.

Of course, the scope of their city is much larger than that of the cities of the previous earth.

However, these costs are not a problem for Ye Huwen, who is a wealthy person. Rao is so, Ye Xiwen also spent tens of millions of Lingjing, and finally he is the most ridiculous human power from Lingmen City. The place has come to the center of the human world, Lushan.

The so-called ancient is the origin of all the universe, the highest point of all planes, a vast and innocent continent, almost all the races can be found in it, the origin of all races, all the races that want to compete for the world, and the stage of hegemony.

Lushan is the most central location of this ancient continent. Now it is also the core of human rule. It is said that it was the endless mountain of the Pangu Great God that fell into the ground.

Although it is a mountain range, in fact, the entire Lushan area is very broad, and although the whole Lushan Mountain is said to be a mountain, in general, what people call the Lushan Mountain is a very large area. The main mountain range of Lushan Mountain is only included in Some of them are gone.

Ye Xiwen stood on a forest path on the edge of Lushan Mountain. He had a slap in the palm of his hand. He was green and round, but it was thick and thin. He was engraved with an unknown beast in the center of the jade. Although it was just a jade carving, it was almost like living. It was almost as if a beast had suddenly rushed into people's minds.

The mystery of his life seems to be finally unveiled. From a long time ago, the life experience has become a knot in his heart, or a knot of his physical predecessor. If there is no way to resolve this knot. The last resentment of his former master of the body, I am afraid that there is no way to disappear, which will also cause huge obstacles to Ye Xiwen's future cultivation.

The transmission array can only be sent to the periphery of Lushan. As for the inside, it is not allowed to transmit directly to the transmission array. Even in the days when the war was in full swing, there were once the enemy directly used the transmission array to kill the center of Lushan, and since then The transmission array leading to Lushan was completely shut down because it is also the center of the human world.

After coming to Lushan, Ye Xiwen had a somewhat impatient mood. At this time, instead of worrying, there was a pilgrimage in my heart and I began to walk inside.

During this time, throughout the ancient continent, although Ye Xiwen's time was spent in the transmission array, but for his own life, he began to understand some.

It is no wonder that the words left by Ye Junshan at the beginning were that if you took this piece of jade to Lushan, you would be able to solve the mystery of life.

This is not a false statement, because the reputation of Yeshan Yejia is too loud.

In the Laoshan area, one of the three major families, standing in the entire human world, not to mention entering the Lushan area, even in many areas outside Lushan, Ye Xiwen asked casually, I know, Lushan leaves Home, what kind of existence is there.

In the entire human world, there are several behemoths standing in the entire human world. It has not fallen for hundreds of millions of years. Whatever the sea of ​​Xingxing, compared with Yejia, it is basically the existence of ants.

However, the only difference is that the entire Ye family is too large. If it is a tribe, there are hundreds of millions of people. This is still directly surnamed, and it is not counted as a sideline. The family who turned around and the leaves had a relationship with the family.

Ye Xiwen can only judge that he should be a member of the behemoth of the Yeshan family, but in the end is the family of the Ye family, or the family, but do not know, even if it is a family, it is divided into many rooms, and separated I don’t even know how many, or even the human territory, which is spread throughout the ancient continent, has the existence of a family of leaves.

God knows which one, the only clue is the jade in his hand, this is the only way he can find his family, his father Ye Junshan.

Since there is no other information, Ye Xiwen can only choose to go to the home of the Ye family first, first recognize the ancestors and then slowly check.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in Ye Family. Ye Jiaguang has hundreds of millions of people. This is still famous. There are many people left behind, many of them are illegitimate children, or they are accidentally left, so there are many People go to the main house to recognize the ancestors.

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