Martial God Space

Chapter 1334: Ye Xiwen, you give me out [Five, 105 votes plus]

After the morning time passed, it was time to point to Ye Xiwen’s move in the afternoon.

"The martial arts that you are practicing now can be displayed. Although I have never practiced it, but martial arts has always been a one-way law, one pass through one hundred!" Ye Lao said.

Ye Xiwen nodded, in addition to the devil's wing, the vitality bomb can not see people in the move, the other can also come out to see people, nothing.

Funeral Sword

Flame knife

"Big Dust Stardust"

"Babao Qiankun Ding"

"Through the Sky"...

Ye Xiwen demonstrated his martial arts one by one. Ye Lao has been watching and not talking. After Ye Xiwen has fully demonstrated it, this is a meaningful look at Ye Xiwen: "Ye Xiwen, what you have learned is very complicated. But every martial arts has been cultivated to a very advanced level. This is definitely a miracle at your present age. If you want to come, you should have other secrets!"

Generally speaking, the martial arts that the military learns are generally in the same vein. For example, if you first learn the knife method, then what you learn in the future should be the knife method. This is easier to use. Easy to cultivate to the extreme.

It is precisely because people's lifespan is limited. In other words, no one has infinite time to waste, and how to raise the cultivation to the highest in a limited time has become the focus of attention.

In general, specialization is also the best way. Even in the arrogant Tianjiao, it is impossible to fully understand all the martial arts, and only use the practice of one.

However, what Ye Xiwen learned is quite chaotic, and there is no affiliation before and after. That is to say, the martial arts before the study may not have any relationship at all.

For the average person to be confused, just like Ye Xiwen has never learned **** before, but now it is necessary to learn the top-level martial arts of the heavenly order, and change the average person, it is impossible to do it.

Any martial arts is like this. It needs to be gradual. If you don't understand the basics of fingering, how can you learn such a top martial arts?

However, Ye Xiwen has a mysterious space, and can forcibly learn even if there is no foundation.

"Ye Lao..."

"You don't have to say that it's normal to have secrets. Those peerless geniuses are unruly and unruly. They have their own secrets. It's normal. The family won't go to explore one by one. As long as it's not for the family, it doesn't matter. At this time, Ye Lao interrupted Ye Xiwen's words. For Ye Xiwen, there is no secret. Ye Lao does not care. Generally speaking, it is impossible for Ye Jia to have a genius without his own secret. "If you change the average person, my suggestion will be to abandon the miscellaneous study, specializing in one of them, whether it is swordsmanship, knives, boxing, palms, fingerings, any one is broad and profound, if you can learn any one The most extreme level is enough to be invincible on the ancient continent!"

Ye Xiwen did not refute, three thousand avenues, the article can prove the reason of the avenue, he still knows.

"But you are different. I find that the martial arts you have learned are mixed, but they are also very good. I don't think your talent is the kind of aggression. I think you have other secrets. I will also Not much to say, although I don’t know how you learned and mastered these martial arts, but I found that your foundation does not seem to work. It seems that the most basic part of these martial arts is not enough to understand the basics. Although it seems inconspicuous, for any martial arts, this is the most crucial and fundamental thing. When the high-rise building is flat, the foundation should be strong enough to withstand it.” Ye Lao said, “So I’m not only pointing In addition to some of the points of martial arts, you will also point out some of the most basic parts of you. Although you already have some foundations, they are not enough!"

"At this stage, let's talk about swordsmanship first. I found that in so many martial arts, your understanding of swordsmanship is also the most profound. The sword is a gentleman in the army. This sentence truly fulfills the essence of kendo. Really The martyrdom practitioners must go forward without any direction. No one can stop you from advancing. There must be courage to break all the courage. The so-called gentleman is also fearless!" Ye Lao said, suddenly a fierce cough, his face was red. Cough up some blood.

"Ye Lao, are you okay?" Ye Xiwen immediately said nervously.

"I'm fine!" Ye Lao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "It's just an old problem. When I was young, I experienced a lot of bad battles. I have left a lot of dark injuries. When I was young, it was all right, but it was really. When the heavens and the five were down, all of them broke out, but it was just that they couldn’t be old and dead for a long time!"

Ye Xiwen's look is a bit stunned. This is also the fate of all warriors. When he was young, he fought all the way, and the prestige was violent, but the accumulated dark wounds would all erupt in the old age.

When you are young, why don't you care for your body? When you are old, your body will retaliate.

"So you can't follow my old footsteps again. The dark wounds in your body will only be more than me. If you can't remove them, there will be a day when you will be on the top, it will become your fatal flaw!" Ye Lao looked Ye Xiwen, said seriously.

At this time, Ye Xiwen seems to have some understanding, and some do not understand, landing on the top, what is Ye Laozhi?

"Old age, I have really been a lot of time, I thought I could only stay silent like this. I didn't expect to kill a hero in Ye's family. I hope it is enough!" Ye Laoxiao laughed and looked calm. There is no fear of death coming.

For him, the five failures of the heavens and the humans may have begun hundreds of years ago, and it has long since been seen, which is quite different from the sudden death.

Ye Xiwen looked a little sad. Although he saw Ye Lao for the first time today, he still had a good impression on Ye Lao. Seeing that Ye Lao was dying, he was thinking about cultivating talents for Ye Jia and let Ye Xiwen think of the Yuan Dynasty. The old head, lingering and suffocating for thousands of years, facing the five failures of the heavens and the people must also use the secret method to seal their vitality, only willing to help the last one in the most critical time.

With this residual body, burn the last journey!

Spring silkworms go to the dead silk, and the wax torch begins to dry with tears!

"I am sad, I have lived for thousands of years, and I have not gotten anything, I have not enjoyed it, I have passed the wind, I have been lost, I have received everything, I have had a high weight, I have lost everything. After, relatives, friends, comrades-in-arms, nowadays, there is only one of me who is still lingering!" Ye Lao said, there is a hint of relief, "everything has been obtained, and everything has been lost, it does not matter. Yes, life is not like this, get, lose, this is the common sense of life, just fail to climb to the top, a glimpse of the truth, I still feel a little unwilling, I will look at your generation in the future!"

Ye Xiwen sighed and did not comfort anything. Ye Lao was so open-minded and did not need to comfort anything.

"Well, it’s because I haven’t had much time in my life. I have to teach you as much as I can before. Your talent is not the most outstanding thing I have ever seen. Even from the outside, it should be the most common talent. Yes, but you have something that other people don't have, a tough heart, and you still have to rely on you in the future!" Ye Lao's complexion gradually returned to normal color.

He continued to explain to Ye Xiwen the basis of some kendo.

Ye Laosui is the best master of Ye Family. The angle of watching martial arts has long been completely different from that of Ye Xiwen. Although it is the simplest thing, it can tell the most profound truth.

In-depth explanations, words and characters, each word is like a golden jade, ordinary people want to hear there is no such opportunity, but Ye Xiwen now has such an opportunity, just listened for an afternoon, suddenly felt that he almost realized the kendo It is another level.

In the past, Ye Xiwen has always been a lack of such systems. He has practiced more than theory. Now he has added this shortcoming, and the progress is obvious. He can feel it all the time.

In this way, the explanation about the kendo continued until the evening, and Ye Xiwen finally came to an end. Although some of them were reluctant to separate from this state, he also knew that it was really urgent to come to Japan.

Then Ye Lao went directly to Ye Xiwen's Eight Treasures and Kun Ding, and actually began to curb on the spot.

At the speed of Ye Xiwen's dazzling speed, he added a series of the most precious herbs, and suddenly the soup in the whole Babao Kunkun Ding Bo was boiled up, and a group of different fires burned up under the Eight Treasures.

The temperature does not know how many degrees there are.

"You are very good at this eight treasures, and you should be the top-level weapon. I once saw it in a predecessor's handbook. I got it in the treasure house. I didn't expect it to finally fall into your hands. Ye Lao said with some emotions, he learned a lot, and those who can be publicly disclosed in Ye Family, he has been involved in it. With his identity and strength, there is no secret in Ye Family. He is confidential. "The general medicine tripod is not likely to withstand the cooking of this kind of fire!"

In this eight treasures and Kun Ding, Ye Xiwen actually saw that the medicinal materials actually appeared directly, showing the appearance of life, and many of them are fascinating.

At first glance, it is extraordinary!

"This is an ancient prescription in my hands. It is very good for your physical body quenching!" Ye Lao said. "When you wait, you will jump in. You will be soaked in it for more than six hours every day!"

"Ye Xiwen, you give me out!" Just as Ye Xiwen was a little bit sullen, there was a loud cry outside the secret. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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