Martial God Space

Chapter 1352: Advice on the second secret [second]

In other words, Ye Xiwen is only considered to have the qualification to become the top ten secret host, but this does not mean that Ye Xiwen can force the hero to become the king of the hermit word.

In other words, that is to say, in their eyes, they still do not think that Ye Xiwen is qualified to truly occupy the mysterious situation of the number one. The meaning of the light is the meaning of this, which is enough to explain everything.

However, the leaf void is different. He did not come in airborne, but directly defeated the owner of the original hermitage No. 6 and occupied the mysterious character of No.6.

This Ye Jia, a world-famous genius under the income of his family, finally revealed his embarrassing side.

There are many people who are exclaiming. This is what he wants to do. It is very early for Ye Xukong to enter the No. 1 secret. At least it is much earlier than Ye Xiwen. When Ye Xiwen was still struggling elsewhere, he would Already cultivated in the mystery of the characters.

But at that time, although he was bearing the name of the Son of God, but in this genius is like a dog's herringbone mystery, it is not too outstanding, and he is low-key, and he does not retreat all the year round, so it attracts many people. Didn't care too much about him, I didn't expect him to shoot for the first time. The first time he showed his fangs was to overthrow the master of the hermitage No. 6 secret.

And it is not a hard defeat, but an easy defeat, even the owner of the hermitage No. 6 secret, even if the ten strokes failed to survive, it will be completely defeated, and the strength between the two sides is also clear.

For a time, Ye Xukong immediately became the most popular contender for the character of the No. 1 secret.

However, this is not the biggest change. After Ye Ning defeated the owner of the hermitage No. 6 secret, there was another amazing news. The owner of the UFO No. 7 secret was also overthrown, and he overthrew him. People are a master of the popular younger generation.

Ye Hao!

Compared with Ye Xuwen, who has been low-key for many years before, and Ye Xiwen who has just returned to Ye Family for many years, Ye Hao is a celebrity. Although she is the first time to enter the hermit word, her name is not small, even in In the mystery of the herringbone, it is also a household name.

She is said to be the reincarnation of the ancient goddess. She is also considered to enter the hermit character cultivation sooner or later, but she did not expect that this time is so fast, and Ye Hao’s appearance is far more than everyone’s imagination.

The owner of the hermitage No. 7 secret is also the original genius of Ye Family, but in front of Ye Hao, he was simply unable to withstand a blow. Without supporting a few tricks, he completely lost in front of Ye Hao, not Ye Hao’s opponent.

This series of turbulence has completely ignited the whole character's mystery. Although the hermit word of the past has never been calm, but overall, it is still stable. Generally speaking, for example, the top ten The replacement of the secrets may be for decades, and there will be no one in the last hundred years.

Because once it changes, it often proves that among the ten people, some people have entered the heavens and humans, so that their position will move to a position. This is the change of the normal top ten secrets.

The situation of being attacked by the masters of the back secrets has rarely been seen in the past. After all, these people are already the most tyrannical people in the world, and it is very difficult to be countered.

But now it happened three times in one breath. First, Yin Taiping was defeated by Ye Xiwen, followed by the counterattacks of Ye Xukong and Ye Wei. It can be said that the pattern in the whole hermitage mystery happened after the addition of the three people. A huge change, such a change, so many old people feel a little unprepared, which is completely different from what they imagined.

To this end, they can only say that the younger generation is extremely fierce.

Especially the young people of this generation are fierce and fierce. Ye Xukong is the son of the legendary god. There is no barrier to cultivation. As long as there is enough accumulation, all the problems in cultivation will be solved.

The other side of Ye Hao is also the reincarnation of the legendary goddess, the talent is excellent, and the breakthrough is continuous, and the progress is also scary.

Although Ye Xiwen has never heard of anything, but he has defeated Ye Xukong, all this does not need to be explained.

When I think of this, I can't help but let many old people have the urge to hit the wall. It is really the old man who blocks the road, and then there are new people who are blasting the bridge, and let people not live.

For a time, Ye Xiwen, Ye Xukong, and Ye Hao three people became the focus of everyone's eyes in an instant, especially for many affiliated families. They also had to admit that Ye Jia was really a source of talent.

The appearance of Ye Xiwen is like a fuse. It has led many people out. There is a leaf void first, followed by Ye Hao. After that, the genius of this generation will also enter the blowout. Ye Xue and others will also Growing up in a short period of time, although not like the night news, Ye Xukong and others are so amazing, but it is enough to have a huge impact on the current pattern.

At the same time as the huge impact caused by these few people, the owner of the mysterious No. 2 secret that has never happened has finally made a sound.

The second character of the herringbone II is also the most special existence in the whole humanity secret. The owner of the mysterious character No. 1 is considered to be the king of the hermit word, so the master of the second character of the herringbone is second only to him. The second strongest.

It has always been the top powerhouse in the mystery of the characters.

After being promoted to become the master of the human level, the original owner of the No. 1 secret environment became the top expert in the mystery of the characters, and is recognized as the strongest master of the current herringbone secrets.

Originally in the minds of the people, he should also be a natural extension of the one, becoming the newest owner of the mysterious number one, who knows, Ye Xiwen airborne characters No. 1 secret, noisy, Ye Xiwen is because of defeat Yin Taiping has completely become the midpoint of everyone's attention.

After that, there was a leaf void, and Ye Hao was born, but the owner of this herringbone No. 2 secret has never spoken. At this time, he finally spoke, and a speech is a summoning order to call the top ten characters. The master of the mystery goes to the 200th secret meeting.

At present, the 200th secret is also in a state of vacancy. No one lives. This time it has become a meeting place.

This summoning order came out, and suddenly the whole humanity secret was boiling.

The owner of the second character of the herringbone No. 2 is very old in the mystery of the characters, and basically belongs to the age of nearly a thousand years old, and may soon be driven out.

This is also a very real problem. People in the mystery of the characters can't be more than a thousand years old. Once they have surpassed the age of thousands, they have already limited their potential. Such people continue to occupy the secret. Not not, but it takes more resources. The previous price is for those geniuses.

This has directly led many people to choose to leave the secrets after they reach the limit. It is very difficult for them to want to enter the world.

But the reality is so cruel, even if the owner of the top ten secrets in the mythical world is not everyone can enter the heavens and humans, let alone those who are behind.

The master of the second secret is such a master who is close to a thousand years old, which means that he may soon leave the mystery.

But even so, no one dared to underestimate him, because he has to cultivate more than a hundred years of other masters of the herringbone mystery, and these geniuses will have a big change in a few years. What's more, for hundreds of years, although the progress will be slower, the accumulation will be enough to scare many people.

Therefore, although Ye Xiwen occupies the mysterious character of the number one, Ye Xukong is the name of the son of God. The other masters of the secret are also tyrannical, but those who can bring everyone together at one time are still only the second secret. The owner, everyone else does not have this appeal, nor does it have this ability.

Ye Xiwen also received this invitation, which is somewhat strange. It is necessary to know that the owner of the second character of the herringbone has always been relatively low-key. It is said that when the last character of the first character is still low-key, it is not low-key. Just because of the relationship suppressed by the master of the strong character No. 1 secret, there is also a very important reason, that is, his age is getting longer and longer, and no breakthrough, the future will be difficult.

Therefore, most of the time, they are also in the process of retreat. Even if Ye Xiwen is airborne and is considered by many people to be replaced by the character of the number one, he has not seen anything.

At this time, I even posted a message to invite everyone to go to the business to do things. What would it be for, is it for the first secret?

It’s not too much like watching. To put it bluntly, there is no inherent gap in the top ten secrets of the herringbone mystery. The reason why the hermit number one is truly eye-catching is the status of his representative, representing the person. The supremacy of the word.

It is the king of the hermit word.

Is he trying to pass a king's addiction before leaving?

It is not ruled out that there is such a possibility. There are too many people in this history who are crazy. There is no way for people to interpret the world of madmen.

But it seems that it is not possible to think about it!

Otherwise he can already shoot!

Thinking of these things, Ye Xiwen has a feeling of the first two big, and at this time Ye Mo sleeps, and Ye Lao only teaches his practice, and for other fundamentals, these things are all handled by him personally. I won't even ask him what to do.

As long as he comes back to receive the teaching, it will become. At other times, he will sit like a stone statue, and he will not listen.

Ye Xiwen knows that he wants to hone his abilities, not only his strength, but also his ability to be a human being, but he can't find a staff member at this time, or he is a headache.

"No matter what, he has any conspiracy, in the face of real strength, are clouds!" Ye Xiwen can only let go of these. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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