Martial God Space

Chapter 1361: Qianlong list [seven more]

This time, the meeting of the top ten giants of the herringbone mystery ended with a dramatic ending. It was indeed a terrible battle, but it was not for the sake of the title of the king of the herringbone. The people who came to the scene were eligible to compete for the mystery. The kings of the kings have abandoned this position, whether it is the old powerhouse An Tianhua, or the newly emerging Ye Xukong, Ye Xiwen, or Ye Hao, they have never said that they want to compete for this. The position of the king is dismissive of this position.

After An Tianhua went to the mystery of the land, Ye Xiwen also became the innocent king in the mystery of the characters. In addition to Jin Yuge, there are people who are not called Jin Jinzi and Yu Taizi. Otherwise, it is enough to suppress Ye Xiwen’s words. No one is ever there. I dare to question Ye Xiwen's power to enter the master's character No.1.

As for the jealousy of Jin Yuge, for many people, it has become the vision of a negative dog. The loser’s shouting, no one believes that any one of the so-called Jin Taizi Yu Taizi can suppress Ye Xiwen’s words.

Even the second-ranked An Tianhua was defeated by Ye Xiwen, not to mention the Jin Taizi and Yu Taizi who were still under Antianhua.

Originally, the whole public opinion was inclined to Jin Yuge. Many people thought that Ye Xiwen did not dare to come out, in order to avoid the master of Jin Yuge, but after this war, no one would think so again. Is this called fear?

If even the strength of Ye Xiwen needs to hide from the gold prince and the jade prince of Jin Yuge, then what is the tyrannical name of the prince and the prince of jade, is it already into the heavens and humans?

I think this is impossible at all.

Therefore, for a time, the entire Jinyu Pavilion has become a laughing stock in the mystery of the characters. For a time, those people in Jinyu Pavilion have no face to see people, and they have all hid.

What is the general trend, this is the trend of the times, Ye Xiwen has become the innocent king of the hermit word, it is already an indisputable fact.

There are still many people who are feeling that it is really a generation of newcomers for the old people. At this gathering, the tyrannical strength of several newcomers is enough to make many older generations feel ashamed.

Whether it is the leaf void that can fight Ping An Tianhua, or Ye Xiwen who can defeat An Tianhua, there are many powerful combat forces that the older generation can't match at all, and although Ye Hao didn't shoot, she was too quick to hide her ears. Judging from the situation of the master of the hermitage No. 7 secret, I am afraid it is also hidden. In addition, she has long been famous, and the legendary reincarnation of the goddess has long spread throughout the Ye Family.

Many people are interested in these young masters, but these people are all like appointments, all of them have begun to enter a state of retreat, it seems that they have income at this gathering, which makes many people There is a feeling of depression.

Among the thousands of feathers, Ye Xiwen was in the soup, and the whole body was torn by powerful drugs. The severe pain caused cold sweat on his forehead. At this time, his body had long been free of impurities, even if it was It is the cold sweat that comes out, it is also a potion, valuable.

Just like the dragon's saliva can be watered out of the dragons and grasses like the heavens and earth treasures, although Ye Xiwen did not reach that level, but in fact, it is also close to this aspect, the blood on his body can also be poured out of the sky Land treasure.

For the whole three months, he stayed in the Eight Treasures of Kunming, and he did not move. The fire was constantly boiled under the fire. It was like a warm boiled frog. He always had a kind of himself to be cooked every moment. Feeling cooked.

Abnormal pain, he can only endure the pain and absorb these medicinal forces. These medicinal forces can not be completely absorbed in a moment and will exist in his body.

At the same time, in his body, there is a torrent of energy that has been catalyzed by him. He has been repairing all the dark injuries in his body. Ye Xiwen has been fighting for so many years. He has not known how many dark injuries, and the restoration of the phoenix will leave cracks. It will consume his life. At this time, it is constantly being repaired.

This is the old medicine that Ye Lao refines to make up for the longevity of his consumption. It has been a long time since the last gathering. In this year, the mystery of the characters can be described as a storm. Since then, especially after the departure of An Tianhua, there has been a vacancy in the top ten secrets. Around this position, a huge conflict has erupted.

In the end, after Wu Pengju repeatedly played against, he defeated Yin Taiping and sat on the position of the second character of the herringbone. In addition, the position of other secrets did not change at all. Others seemed to be on this number two. There is no interest in the mystery.

Also, in the whole mysterious world, only the hermit number 1 has a special meaning, representing the king. I have just gone to a tiger, and now I am a more fierce tiger.

Although Ye Xiwen did not make a shot afterwards, his king status has been unshakable. Except for Jin Yuge’s claim that he is qualified to challenge Ye Xiwen’s Jin Taizi and Yu Taizi’s unsuccessful shots, Ye Xukong and Ye Hao, who are eligible to challenge, are also No movement, no one can shake the status of his king.

In addition to the things inside these herringbone secrets, a whole big thing happened in the entire ancient world, that is, an organization called Bai Xiaosheng emerged.

When this organization came out, it caught the attention of the entire ancient continent. When this huge intelligence organization came out, it was like springing up, and no one knew what their origins were.

But this intelligence organization is like a lurking monster. When it comes out, it reveals amazing fangs. No matter what kind of intelligence, as long as enough revenge is given, it can be found.

When this intelligence organization came out, it suddenly caused panic of many forces. Such an organization that holds many of their intelligences is undoubtedly an impulse to let the major forces get rid of it.

Whether it is the Yaozu, the Terran, the Baizu Alliance, the Haizu, these hegemonic groups of the ancient continents, collectively began to look for this organization called Bai Xiaosheng.

However, apart from some of the strongest storytellers among the local strongholds, they could not find the slightest clues of this Bai Xiaosheng organization, which made many forces feel more chilly, unable to find, and even more Terrible, so it has increased the search for the organization of Bai Xiaosheng.

At this time, I don’t know if it was the agreement between Bai Xiaosheng and the major forces. The major forces collectively gave up the search for the existence of Bai Xiaosheng, which seems to be the default of such a huge intelligence organization. presence.

Fortunately, this Bai Xiaosheng organization, although known as omniscience, is still acting with scale, and does not really involve the most core secrets of the major forces.

This allowed the forces to hold their noses and acknowledge the existence of this Bai Xiaosheng.

However, the major forces have also increased the internal cleaning. These secrets are leaked out. Although they are not the most central secrets, they can be found by Bai Xiaosheng. There is no doubt that they should have spies or spies in them. This suddenly gives the major forces a feeling of being sleepy.

For a time, a large number of chickens and dogs jumped inside the forces.

Many spies who have been hiding for many years have also been discovered, but they can't find Bai Xiaosheng's spies, or even if they find them, they are also some outsiders, which makes the forces very helpless.

After tossing for half a year, I had to hold my nose and default to the existence of Bai Xiaosheng.

However, it is conceivable that the major forces will secretly search for the pace of Bai Xiaosheng and will certainly not stop, but will not look so blatantly.

And when the major forces gave up looking for Bai Xiaosheng, Bai Xiaosheng finally showed amazing energy.

Two lists were released, and the Xuan Ran* was set off.

Qianlong list!

This list records the top two of the young masters of the ancient continent. The top 100 is the top 100 young masters, and the next one is the alternate list.

This list is single, suddenly caused an uproar*, attracting the sights and eyes of countless people.

Especially the young strong people who think they are tyrannical, see this list, and then I know that there are so many powerful masters in the world, there are many, and they have never been famous on the ancient continent. Existence.

There are also many masters who have been famous for a long time. This mixed list is single, and it has attracted the attention of countless people. The name on the list, overnight, is unknown and known to everyone.

In particular, many of them are masters of hidden strength training. This time they were all burst out, causing dissatisfaction with many ancient powerful forces, but there is no way. There are only some writers who are not strong in every place, even them. The old nest doesn't know where to go, how to find their suffocation.

It doesn't make much sense for these storytellers to kill.

Moreover, this Bai Xiaosheng is not a soft persimmon. Although his military strength is still strong, it is still unknown, but his powerful intelligence network has been recognized by everyone.

Because several forces were very dissatisfied with Bai Xiaosheng's practice, after the storytellers in some cities were slaughtered, they immediately attracted the revenge of Bai Xiaosheng. On the second day, some secret things in their power were revealed. All the world knows, especially some of their ugly things are being promoted everywhere, divided into seven seventy-four chapters, and they are constantly rolling back and forth. For a time they become the fingers of the thousands of people.

This makes no one dare to move these storytellers again. It doesn't make sense, but it will lead to the revenge of Bai Xiaosheng.

In addition to those who want to hide, but are exposed and unsatisfied, there are more masters who think they are tyrannical, but they are not able to get on the list, and they are very dissatisfied, because they are all proud of the sky. Why can't they get on the list? (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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