Martial God Space

Chapter 1377: God and the amount of robbery [four more]

"Want to go?"

Ye Xiwen sneered, and immediately chased him up. He suddenly felt that there were countless forces in the body, and after entering the half-step early days, his strength had an unimaginable earth-shaking change.

He can feel that the power in the body is growing madly every minute, because the previous suppression is too strong, so the foundation is extremely secure, so once it breaks through, this strength will have a tremendous change. .

And Wang Zhenyu has just entered the heavens and humanity. It hasn't been long before, and it hasn't been consolidated for a long time. It is not Ye Xiwen's opponent.

In the void, Ye Xiwen caught up with Wang Zhenyu and stepped out.

"Ah!" Wang Zhenyu screamed, and the whole body was torn apart by Ye Xiwen in the void.

Ye Xiwen’s footsteps have already reached such a level, and it is conceivable that the extent of this strength improvement has reached.

Wang Zhenyu is fallen!

It is enough to straddle the world, the king of the world's peerless talents, so died in this valley, silent!

On this wind voyage, there are too many such situations, no matter how many names they usually have, but here they are like a mustard.

No one will pay attention!

At this time, the fierce snake in the hall saw this scene, and it was almost scared to death. He was also wise, but when he saw that he had just tied himself with himself, Wang Zhenyu was killed by Ye Xiwen. It is simply a crack in the liver and gallbladder.

His huge body instantly broke out of the hall and wanted to escape, but Ye Xiwen could make him wishful and directly squeezed a law.

A sword in the sky is condensed, breaking the clouds, descending from the sky, and instantly nailing the head of this fierce snake to the ground.


This huge fierce snake struggled for a while, but it quickly became stiff. It was not Ye Xiwen’s opponent. It was only in the hands of Ye Xiwen.

Ye Xiwen saw that these two powerful enemies were finally dead. This was a slight relief. Wang Zhenyu pursued him for so many days. It was a confidant. Because of Wang Zhenyu’s relationship, he simply had to sleep with one eye in order to cope with it. A sudden battle.

"Ha ha ha, doing well, killing and decisive, good talent, this is the quality that the **** of this seat should have!"

There was a huge laugh in the stone statue in the hall.

Ye Xiwen quickly followed the hall.

However, I saw a few smiles on the face of the stone statue and said: "It is a **** of the seat, it performs well, and this seat is very satisfied with your performance!"

"Thank you for your praise!" Ye Xiwen said with an arch.

"Do you still call me to respect God? You should call me the Lord!" At this time, the stone statue suddenly blushed.

Ye Xiwen almost immediately felt that the air was stagnation, and the world could not tolerate himself all at once, and he had to become a thousand-person existence.

What is Thunder and Rain Dew is Tian En, this is!

"Yes, Lord!" Ye Xiwen was not tough on his mouth. The stone statue was finally satisfied. He removed the gods, and Ye Xiwen suddenly felt that the whole world was clear.

"Dare to ask, why is the Lord on the Lord?" Ye Xiwen asked.

This problem is not finished, and it is not always said that when God is the commander, even the gods on his own Lord do not know.

"This will be known later. Now I am only able to wake up once every few thousand years, and most of the energy has been passed on to you, and soon I have to fall asleep again. Time is running out. "The stone statue said.

Ye Xiwen looked down and listened, but among his eyes, he was constantly shining, and he could wake up every thousand years.

Is this **** already fallen?

Only those fallen gods will be so weak!

In this world, the gods can live forever, but they can't live without it. The gods also have a real day of extinction. That is the twilight of the so-called gods. Just like the gods of the mythological era, all of them disappeared overnight. No one. Know where these gods have gone.

The so-called miracles that are now seen are just some of the things left by the gods. In fact, they are nothing at all, but even so, they are enough to be enshrined.

Now that I am actually in this palace, I really see a god, and from the tone of Ye Mo, it is not like a fake god.

These are all calculated in the mind of Ye Xiwen for a moment. His current brain is simply a sophisticated computer that can count countless problems in a flash.

If there is no such ability, and how to enlighten the road, the so-called enlightenment is actually to constantly calculate the enlightenment and remove the wrong result. The rest of the nature is the correct result.

"So before I fall into a deep sleep, you have to listen carefully!" This **** seems to be because Ye Xiwen has already paid attention to it and formed a heavenly contract. It is impossible to violate it. He can only be loyal to him, so he is against Ye Xiwen. It is also very reassuring, and many things do not evade him at all.

"This seat has been indulged for many years. Now I don't know what the outside world is, but this seat can already feel the breath of the world, the smell of destruction, wake me up from sleep, heaven and earth. It will change greatly, the gods will return, now is just a prelude!" The stone statue said, "You have become the **** of this seat. If you can wake up from the Xinghai in the future, you can only rely on you." As long as you perform well, you will be able to promote you to become the **** of the seat, and enjoy the eternal life and the success of the Shinto!"

"That, don't know what needs to be done?" Ye Xiwen asked.

"What you have to do is to constantly strengthen yourself, become the robbed person in the robbery, and get enough air transport. As long as the air transport is strong enough, you can directly pull the seat back from the sinking star sea!" The stone statue said, "Now you bring this palace and stone statue, you can save your life at a critical moment, but you must also pay attention, I don't have much energy left now, everything depends on how you are, in In the big robbery, it is skyrocketing, Qingyun is stepping, or it is turned into gray, all of which are controlled by you!"

When Ye Xiwen listened to the stone statue, his heart was shocked and robbed. What kind of catastrophe could awaken the sleeping god!

And what he said before, what is the meaning of the gods coming back, is it that the long-lost Shinto is about to regain its glory, and the gods will return to the earth and turn the world into a mythical era again?

The amount of information in this area is too large, and Ye Xiwen feels that his head has a little pain, as if there are too many things to calculate.

"Now, this seat is indulged, and you can't do too much for you. Waiting for this part to wake up from a deep sleep is the time when you really get the benefits!" The stone statue seems to be constantly inspiring Ye Xiwen, and it seems that he is afraid of picking up his son. .

"Dare to ask the Lord, is there only one **** in the world?" Ye Xiwen asked another question.

"Stupid, as the catastrophe approaches, the gods are about to return, and they will return to the world. In order to get rid of the difficulties, they will definitely choose their own gods. Although we are competitors in the control of the future, at least At the stage, our purpose is still the same!” said the stone statue. “So if you encounter other gods, you can cooperate with them in the short term. Everything is based on the overall situation, and only take this seat from the sea of ​​stars. Wake up, then re-master the world!"

The gods of other gods!

Sure enough, Ye Xiwen’s heart glimpsed, the world is definitely not just Ye Xiwen’s god, but also other gods, but he also heard the stone statue say a word, get out of trouble!

What is the situation, can you say that you are getting out of trouble?

Is it now being besieged?

However, this stone statue has always been evasive and light. In the most critical places, it has not been said, I don’t know if it is not enough to trust myself, or what other reasons.

"I can't do much now, everything will look at you!" The stone statue said, the voice gradually silenced. Soon, the stone statue completely lost its brilliance, and it became the same as the ordinary stone statue. The difference is.

Ye Xiwen knows that the **** behind this stone statue has completely fallen into a deep sleep.

At this time, Ye Xiwen's body of ink directly reflected the appearance of a scholar, appeared in Ye Xiwen's side.

"Just now, this **** said, you have heard, what is the catastrophe, what is the return of the gods, what is going on?" Ye Xiwen asked, the secrets that these things may involve are too horrible, even Ye Xiwen has no I heard that Ye Lao said that even Ye Lao himself could not know.

If ordinary people know it, maybe even if they want to break their heads, they don't know, that is, Ye Xiwen and Ye Mo, the old devil who doesn't know how many years have lived, can know this.

"Is it a mass robbery?" Ye Mo whispered. "There are too many things involved in this, and it is too complicated. As for the return of the gods, I don't know. After all, my fallen time. It’s too early, I’ve fallen since the time of the gods, so I don’t know what happened later!”

Ye Xiwen also understands that, in essence, Ye Mo is one of these gods, but he is a demon, but this cannot change this essential fact.

"But anyway, this time is a chance for you!" Ye Mo said. "This **** is degraded, but it is a **** after all, and the air is long. You become his god. Naturally, he is divided into his own gas, and your air transport will rise and the benefits will continue." To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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