Martial God Space

Chapter 1404: Famous movement

"Hey!" Wang Zhenfei spurted out a blood, his eyes wide open, "You... actually broke my way!"

Everyone's way is the most determined thing in the heart. It is easy to be broken, but now Wang Zhenfei is easily broken by Ye Xi, and it is not a small break, but a big break, directly let him lose his avenue. confidence.

The original eyes of the gods are now eclipsed. For a moment, the future is unclear. Some people are like the ones who say that they feel the same.

Everyone was stunned. I didn't expect Ye Xizhen to dare to abolish Wang Zhenfei's way. It was a daring daring. Wang Zhenfei was not only a disciple of Tianyu Palace, but he was carrying a bigger Wang family than Ye Family. Ye Xi did not fear.

More than Ye Xi has the courage to dare to abolish. Wang Zhenfei is even more surprising to everyone, Ye Xi actually has the ability to abolish Wang Zhenfei.

The path of a warrior in the early days of a half-step of the human world can actually break the way of a master of heaven and earth, and how to see this thing, how do you feel that this world is so crazy!

Not only the people who used the gods to explore, but even the positions of Qiu Yao, Zhao Dingfang, etc., at this time, they all said incredulously, they couldn’t believe it at all. It would be like this.

In their view, Ye Xi’s Tao can counter the path of Wang Zhenfei, not being convinced by his way, and it’s already extremely remarkable.

I didn’t expect it now. Actually, this is the situation. Wang Zhenfei’s road is already above the crowd. Everywhere, you can mention the avenues that are higher than everyone’s, but it’s still broken by Ye Xi. To what extent, the truth of the road can make Wang Zhenfei have nothing to say, and think that his own path is indeed not as good as Ye Xi’s.

And if it is a big break. That is definitely not just to say that your own path is not as good as it is, but that the roots have doubts about their own way, Ye Xi is right, and Wang Zhenfei is wrong.

Actually can produce such an idea!

In particular, Qiu Yao, who originally planned to help when Ye Xi could not support it, did not want to, but the situation was reversed, and the thunder of everything happened was too late. She even had a shot to help Wang Zhenfei.

This is good. I didn’t want Ye Xi’s Ye Jiagao’s accident to make Ye Jialei’s anger, but now it’s Wang Zhenfei’s accident, and Wang Jiaxuan’s good will.

Among these people, only Ding is the most calm. It seems that I have already expected the general. He has seen the prestige of Ye Xijun’s killing of heaven and earth on the wind voyage. A small and half-step martial artist can kill the masters of heaven and earth. Luck?

That is naturally a joke!

Even if it depends on combat effectiveness, if there is not enough realm to understand, how to control this combat power.

So from the beginning, he was not optimistic about Wang Zhenfei!

really. As he expected, Ye Xi really tried to suppress Wang Zhenfei. For him, only the people who are also on the Qianlong list. Only qualified to be taken a high look by him.

How can those who have never been to the Wind Stars understand the fierceness and cruelty of the battle on the Winds, and who can name them, can they insult?

There was a sneer in his mouth, what is the frog at the bottom of the well. That's it!

"The ruthless road, the waste of the new is a common thing. Wang Xiong is obsessed!" Ye Xi said in an understatement, as if the root does not put the things just in mind.

What is Liwei, this is Liwei!

"You!" Wang Zhenfei bit his teeth, "Look for death!"

Wang Zhenfei screamed, and the horrible breath of the body instantly enveloped Ye Xi’s body.

Although his heart is broken, his strength will retreat, but it is not now. Even if he is good, he will not be able to go backwards and will be able to maintain it.

Now that he belongs to the realm of heaven and earth, the realm of Tianfeng Peak has completely erupted. He hates Ye Xi and breaks his heart. He has never been a waste person since then.

Heaven and Man is a heaven, although it is still a high weight, but since then it has lost the possibility of a higher level, that is, the road to the future has been cut off, hopelessly longevity, can not hate Ye Xi.

Let's die, I must let you die, even if Ye Family is angry, I must ask you to be buried!

It is best to lead to the two wars between Ye Jia and Wang Jia, how to make a living, and if I have this tone, then it is best.

Dao Xin is the root of a warrior's practice and blessing. His heart is forced by Ye Xi, and his mind is in the upper body. He has been confused.

"Wang Xiong, I see that you are already the upper body of the devil, it is best to go back and settle down this hidden danger!" Ye Xi said without hesitation, did not care, the heart was forced, the heart is easy to succumb Into, even if one is not careful, it is a matter of minutes.

"It's all yours. If you can't kill you, my heart is hard!" said Wang Zhenfei, gnashing his teeth. There is still a way to recover the heart. It is to kill this person. In that case, the original road is broken. Will restore the amount, eager to take it to the next level.

"Boom!" Wang Zhenfei's body shape suddenly flew out like a cannonball, and instantly smashed to Ye Xi.

At this time, Zhao Dingfang, Ding and other people quickly worked hard to protect the restaurant, or the whole atmosphere could be destroyed by the strong atmosphere.

At this time, Ye Xi was directly transformed into a group of golden light flashing. After a while, his voice appeared outside the restaurant.

"Today's argument, Yemou has a lot of gains, and I hope to go back to retreat to calm down and realize that I would like to come and join us!"

After that, the whole person has disappeared into the sky.


Wang Zhenfei's figure smashed out, but he could not keep up with Ye Xi's speed.

Wang Zhenfei’s angry roaring screams out, and the temperament of the celestial world is directly swept out.

"There was another one!" Ding said differently and calmly.

"Unfortunately, this Ye brother broke the heart of Wang’s brother, and the Wang family would not be willing to give up!" Qiu Yao said with a slight brow.

"There is nothing else between this, there is no possibility of reconciliation between Wang Jia and Ye Jia, that is, you Tianyu Palace actually wants to smash between the two strong, carefully play with the fire!" Ding said differently, "Why, this Wang Zhenfei is not Wisdom, if you come up, you may have a few chances, but unfortunately he is too indecisive, actually wants to follow the rules, is too confident about himself, but also a stupid!"

Ding’s different evaluations of Wang Zhenfei have nothing to say. The stupid word is the biggest evaluation of him. “In contrast, this Ye Xi, the strength is tyrannical, the same, but also the heart is hot, do not hesitate to do things, than Wang Zhenfei I know how much I want to be strong, forget it, and say what is the use of these. Today, I have a lot of rewards to go back to the retreat!"

Soon, Wang Zhenfei was smashed by Ye Xi and suddenly spread out. The whole Tianyu Palace suddenly boiled. Everyone understands that the battle between Ye Jia and Wang Jia has entered a stage of white heat, but It is undeniable that the reason is that the arrival of a large number of masters of the Wang family has been completely destroyed by Ye Xi.

It’s not that Wang Zhenfei didn’t have his heart, but he’s stronger than Wang Zhenfei’s.

Although the top leaders of the two sides have not yet played against each other, it is only enough for the younger generation to make a lot of people make their own judgments.

At this time, everyone is not in the mouth of the Wang family, closed the Wang family, but began to mention Ye Jia, Ye Xi, and therefore during this time, the name of the world.

In particular, the disciples of Tianyu Palace who have received many benefits at the conference have begun to say good things to Ye Xi. Anyway, whether it is the Wang family or the Ye family, for their bottom disciples. It is undoubtedly too far away, and the struggle between the two sides is really too ethereal for them.

These people do not have to consider the reaction of the two, just by heart.

Although the Wang family also killed a lot of masters of the whales and the mountains and seas, it has great benefits for the Tianyu Palace, but it is also for the Tianyu Palace, and what is the relationship with them.

At this time, it was silent for a long time. It seems that the high-level Haimen who have not responded at all have finally developed their words. These masters of various factions who have come to support have also been sent to different fronts.

The masters who came to support these various factions came to help, and naturally they would not always look at it and not shoot.

With the strength of Ye Hao and others, it is very simple to keep one side.

Ye Xi also quickly received the warrants dispatched by Tianyu Palace. Since they came to support, they naturally obey the orders of the warrants, but after all, they are not disciples of Tianyu Palace, so if they feel that this order is too absurd, they can refuse. of.

Ye Xi took the warrant and quickly rushed to a deserted island. At this time, he found that someone was waiting. These people are not different from others. Zhao Dingfang also has Lan Zhenglong, Qiu Yao, this Four people, plus themselves, are exactly five people.

"Ye brother is coming!" Seeing Ye Xi coming, Qiu Yao quickly stepped forward and said.

"How come you are all concentrated here!" Ye Xi is a bit strange. Although there is a leader of the Tianyu Palace, they are concentrated on what they do together.

"This is the case. For some time in the future, several of us should work together!" said Qiu Yao.


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