Martial God Space

Chapter 1425: Still nineteen

Generally speaking, the stability of different worlds is different. The most stable nature is the main world like the ancient continent. It is almost the highest plane of many planes. It has the most perfect law of heaven, and it is not known that it was born. How many amazing and brilliant powers, the ones they left behind will protect the ancient continents one by one, so that the ancient continents, even the battles of heaven and human level, and even high-level battles will not be broken.

The second is the inferior main plane like the real martial arts. They are essentially the same as the ancient continent, but the level is not as high as that of the ancient continent, and the level of power that can generally be tolerated is also different.

Then there are some semi-planets. These planes are often born on the main plane. They are generally stable. What is really unstable is the space channel that is opened up. It can collapse at any time because of space storms. The power itself is a terrible force. It is very difficult to stabilize. The public opinion is such a big battlefield that it is not something that ordinary people can do.

However, there is almost no need to guess. This is definitely the magical world that has a great ability to shoot. After all, the human side can't wait for this space channel to collapse directly. In that case, Ye Jia can extract tremendous power and become the most ancient continent in a blink of an eye. Top power. ..

In the devil world, it seems that the last invasion of the ancients has hurt the vitality. Although it has been a long time since the past, it has not been launched on a large scale. Although the battle is still fierce in this crack, it is like a mad cháo, but compared with the great invasion of the demon world. However, it’s just that the little witch sees the big witch, and it’s just a small fight.

Even so, it has already involved the power of the majority of Ye Jia!

Before coming, Ye Xiwen also made preparations. He knew where he is now. It is in the outermost area of ​​the battlefield of the Devil's Channel that the real core battlefield is in the middle of the position.

In order to consolidate the battlefield of this film, Ye Jia set up a large super city, as well as the top ten super-city, and hundreds of satellite cities, and a huge defensive chain in the city, blocking the offensive of the demon world. outside.

Ye Qiwen, who is far away, can see the horrible killing atmosphere rising, and the crazy collision of magic and aura is almost in a crazy collision.

The killing here seems to have never stopped. At any moment in the crazy battle, and with the closer to the zhongyāng zone, the more intense the battle, even Ye Xiwen can feel that the top masters of the peaks of the heavens in the super city pool of the zhongyāng zone are in the fight. .

Even in the peripheral areas, you can feel the fierce battle all the time.

This makes Ye Xiwen can't help but feel a little heart, fighting here, I am afraid that I can't fight for a long time, otherwise. It will attract a large number of masters, but they certainly are not coming to watch, but to kill.

The thing that fights for the fisherman’s profit is here, almost always.

Ye Xiwen immediately flew past a city in Yejia. I must first find a city to settle down. At the same time, he also used his grasping power to change his body appearance suddenly, and he simply turned into a tall middle-aged man.

Practice to his extent. It has long been possible to control every muscle in your body, even every cell. It is not difficult to be easy to resist. However, after the repair to this point, the average person to judge is to rely on the breath to judge, Yi Rong is also easy to see through.

Only the easiness that he has done so as to converge on the work will not be seen through.

He knows that now Ye Zhenmo’s people must look around for his whereabouts, once it is found, it must be a big battle. To know that Ye Zhen’s ten main cities are Ye Zhenmo is one of the ten main cities. The main city was renamed the town of the magic city because of his relationship. It can be seen that Ye Zhenmo’s hand in the magical channel is full of power and power.

Before he has enough self-protection, he does not want to be exposed to Ye Zhenmo, but he is not recruited into the channel of the devil, because it is equal to the soldiers in service, wherever they are decided, and Can't just leave, it's impossible to be as relaxed as he is now.

He flew into a meteorite belt, and such a meteorite belt can be seen everywhere in this space. It is a relic left behind by the master.

"Oh, another human being came to die!" Hey, it was a very thick laughter, not waiting for Ye Xiwen to think, a big hand immediately fell, followed by a very large body. In front of Ye Xiwen.

It is like a hill, and in front of him, Ye Xiwen is like a cockroach, his huge fangs are shining with horror.

"It's a troll family!" Ye Xiwen immediately recognized it. When Ye Mo was trained as a future demon, how could he not know these devils? The trolls are poorly manned, violent, and often siege. The main force.

When I came in, I encountered such a troll of the heavenly level. I actually knew that I was going to raided every human warrior who came in this place, completely subverting Ye Xiwen’s cognition of the troll family, with Ye Xiwen’s original for the giant. The celebrity's cognition, the troll family are often the main force on the spot, the body is huge, and often there is no brain.

His big hand caught, the sky magic hand, the black cloud rolling, the whole sky seems to be covered.

When the head pressed down to Ye Xiwen, a devil of the level of heaven and humanity shot, and in a flash, he could completely give a half-step martial artist to Ans.

Ye Xiwen shot directly, in the void, and immediately stepped on a few virtual shadows, such as dreams, each figure has turned into a streamer, almost instantly turned into a line of light, like a golden light In the blink of an eye, this one is covered in the sky.




The sound of a whistling sound came, and this enchanted hand was as if it had been split by several swords, and the life burst on the spot.

"How could this be!"

This troll immediately did not think that Ye Xiwen’s speed would have reached this point. Although the speed of the troll is slow, it is also relative to the same level. It is also the fundamental law compared with the natural world.

Heaven and Man has been able to integrate themselves into the laws of heaven and earth, and the speed is slower and limited. The masters of the half-step world are no longer the opponents of these heavenly level masters.

Therefore, he used to be very smooth in the past. Those half-step people, or the human-armed warriors who lived in the legal world, simply escaped from his big hand and were directly killed by him and then directly turned into his blood food.

However, on Ye Xiwen's side, he found that it was not like this. Ye Xiwen was faster than him.

Immediately, a huge mace appeared in the hand of the troll, and he smashed toward Ye Xiwen on the spot.

"Hula!" The mace is in the void, passing the horrible sound of the sound, this troll is the king of the troll, has been completely different from the ordinary troll, and the power is poor, A mountain cracked stone, a bang, can explode a mountain.

"When!" Ye Xiwen raised his hand, a huge humming sound, and the whole mace smashed into Ye Xiwen's palm.

Ye Xiwen suddenly felt that the palm of his hand was stinging, but this mace was not enough to pierce Ye Xiwen’s defense. This mace is of enough rank to be a heavenly implement, but it is relatively rough in the heavenly implement. There is no special power. The only thing that is heavy is that it is heavier than Taishan. I don’t know what materials to use. The weight ratio is changed to the average person. I am afraid that I will be killed on the spot, even if there is no power, but it is The most suitable for him, simply rely on the brute force of one hand.

Ye Xiwen immediately had a mouth, and a sword spurted out and swept away directly toward the troll.

The reaction of this troll was also very rapid, and immediately a large hand spread out directly, blocking the splash of Ye Xiwen.


A huge explosion, but Ye Xiwen’s flying sword directly penetrated the past. The horrible sword directly penetrated his entire arm. The troll’s bones were as strong as gold and iron, but they were given by Ye Xiwen’s sword. Life is running through.


The troll was roaring in pain. His entire arm exploded on the spot. It was like a dynamite. It blew open directly. Ye Xiwen’s sword gas was drilled from it, like a dragon.

The **** fog of the sky was also sucked into the body of Ye Xiwen by a suction. Some of them were transformed into jing pure jing yuan by Tianyuan Mirror, and they were integrated into his body. All the rest were given by Tianyuan. Absorbed.

Tianyuan Mirror has a natural gram effect for these Mozus. Ye Xiwen can feel that Tianyuan Mirror is a strong one, and he has scored another point from Ye Mosu.

"Impossible!" The troll roared, not convinced, how powerful his flesh was, and he was smashed by a sword. The other party was still a half-step boy.

"Twenty heavens and heavens are a heaven, let's start with you!" Ye Xiwen looked at his eyes a little bit, and there was an iron sword in his hand, and the body stepped forward in a step forward.

"call out!"

His figure is like a golden light, directly flashing to the troll's front, the swordsman squirting, brushing, directly through an amazing light.


A **** sky, the head of this troll was directly cut by Ye Xiwen, and the blood spurted like a column. His head slipped directly down and was included in the Tianyuan mirror by Ye Xiwen.

This is the proof of his killing, and the other parts were suddenly bombarded with human beings, turned into blood fog, and absorbed by Tianyuan.

"There are still nineteen!" To be continued...)

Ps: Finally, it’s a good night, it’s a night, it’s hard to die!

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