Martial God Space

Chapter 1463: Shura City Lord who wants to cry without tears

In the nearby city of the Ashura, the city of Ashura returned to the city with a cold face. At this time, the Mozu in the entire city was a bit chilling. I don’t know what kind of setbacks the Asura owner was outside. However, although there is no wound in the owner of the city of Ashura, everyone can see that there are some wolverines, and the guards behind him are still missing a large piece, and they have lost a large number of people, even those who are still there. It is also a serious injury to each body. //High speed update //

Ye Xiwen's one-of-a-kind bomb, those who were not directly hit on the spot, were only severely invented in the pangbian."

The owner of Ashura was only bombarded by Ye Xiwen with his hands. This kind of injury, he recovered almost in a short time, but other people may not have such good luck. It can almost be said that everyone is wounded. Because this army array divides all the damage to them.

Although the members of the directly facing guards directly suffered most of the power, they turned directly into blood fog on the spot, but the rest of the people also split most of the damage. This time can be said to be directly on the spot. It has been hit hard.

If there is no such city of Ashura, they will probably be killed by Ye Xiwen alone.

But even if they are very curious, these demons still dare not ask, know that these demons are more violent than the Terrans. If they angered the city of Ashura and killed them, they can There is no place to cry when I cry.

Although this city is ruled by the Ashura, it is not only the Ashura, but also the masters of other ethnic groups.

For the owner of Ashura, his trouble seems to be coming to an end, but what he did not think is that, in fact, his troubles have just arrived.

He found that since ambushing Ye Xiwen. He seems to be eye-catching by Ye Xiwen. Whether he is traveling or his confession, he will be ambushed by Ye Xiwen. Gradually, he will find that his own confidant can’t leave the city because he left the city. That is a dead word.

Sometimes he even shot himself. It’s useless. In the face of the master of Ashura, who is personally shot, Ye Xiwen is not his opponent, but it is only a complete retreat. It is completely okay, and there is no pressure at all.

So it caused a very bad situation, that is, ordinary people can enter and exit freely, but as long as he is a family member, he will definitely be attacked by Ye Xiwen.

It also forced him to personally lead the team to travel. Even if he personally led the team, there is no use, because Ye Xiwen will come over, and even let him feel that Ye Xiwen is like a crazy dog ​​who hates him, just see him. It will rush to come up.

But what makes him depressed is that every time Ye Xiwen’s ambush will make him lose a lot, very quickly. His guards have already lost almost, and in fact, his guards have gathered for this size. I don't know how many years it took.

Even if the half-step masters of the human level are slaughtered by Ye Xiwen like a dog, but such a master, even in the devil world is not a lot to see, let alone there are many masters of heaven and earth.

The masters of the heaven and human level, whether in the ancient continent or in the devil world, are not very common. The masters of the heaven and the human level, even in the devil world, have a high status, they are not necessary at all. Relying on other masters of the Mozu, unless there is a compelling difficulty, it can be seen how difficult it is for him to recruit these masters.

Because he himself is just just entering the heavens and the four heavens, and there is no such overwhelming advantage, but it is not the master of the peak of the heavens, the name of the devil, the light by their name, Can attract a lot of people to come and trust.

Even if Ye Xiwen does not pose a substantial danger to him every time, for his men, every time he can cause some losses.

For a long time, his guards have already lost all of them. Without these guards, it is impossible for the ordinary troops of the Mozu, who are only detached from the country, to even go beyond the border. Cause any danger.

Soon he became a light pole commander, and many people also heard that there are experts who specifically attacked him, and refused to come to rely on it.

After the loss of the guards, he could only choose to take his own shots, and even launched several anti-ambushes, but they were useless. Ye Xiwen seems to have long eyes and can actually know the inside of their devils. Like the news, there is no way to ambush Ye Xiwen.

This situation has been going on for half a year. The owner of the city of Ashura has been completely unable to bear it. Even the night light ambushed Ye Xiwen once. This time, he directly attacked Ye Xiwen and was caught off guard. The two sides broke out in a fierce battle. Ye Xiwen was almost beaten. The gas was broken, and finally, with the speed of the devil's wing, I finally escaped.

But very soon, this city of Ashura was not happy for a long time, and found that Ye Xiwen was back again. The time interval was only a short day, he had already recovered seven or eighty-eight, and the owner of Ashura left Ye Xiwen. After paying a small price, this time is still far from recovery. In this battle, the two sides fought again and again. Ye Xiwen’s combat power has not been reduced. On the contrary, his combat effectiveness has improved compared with before.

After that, every time, Ye Xiwen will come to find the trouble of the owner of Ashura, and his depressed discovery, every time when Ye Xiwen reappears, the strength will be improved, although he can not compare with him, but each Will be close at once.

And it is getting closer and closer to the fighting power of the three heavens.

Compared with him, the ordinary master of heaven and earth, the master of the three heavens, is nothing at all, it is simply slag.

Although the owner of Ashura has been able to overpower Ye Xiwen, he found it increasingly difficult to suppress Ye Xiwen.

Until another year later, although he was still able to prevail in the battle with Ye Xiwen, he could not completely suppress him, let alone he was hit hard. In recent battles, Ye Xiwen was able to completely Retired, although he still can't beat him, but for him, it is already shocking enough.

At the beginning, the city of Ashura also wanted to monopolize Ye Xiwen's merits, so he did not report Ye Xiwen's affairs, but soon he discovered that he could not completely suppress Ye Xiwen. On the contrary, this kid also changed. It's getting more and more tricky, and sometimes it can be healed. Although this is rare, it is a very dangerous signal.

So he decisively reported the matter to the top of the Ashura, and soon caused the anger of the Ashura people. This Ye Xiwen was too mad, and dared to lie in the city of their Ashura. A raid was organized soon.

In this raid, I did not expect that Ye Xiwen, the owner of the city of Ashura, chose to rescue the soldiers. He suffered a big loss. In the face of several tyrannical masters of heaven and earth, Ye Xiwen was almost hit hard, without any resilience. In the end, he finally decided to get rid of the pursuit by virtue of the Devil's Wing.

This time, the injury was enough for ten days and ten nights. It took ten days and ten nights for the severity of his rejuvenation. It was enough to see how serious the injury was.

Since then, although the master of Ashura has invited the master to organize several ambushes, but it is useless, Ye Xiwen is like a fine-skilled, any lure can not let him out.

These masters are not likely to be stationed here anytime, anywhere, and they can only leave, so soon, they became the owner of the city of Ashura facing Ye Xiwen.

After that, the people once again played against each other several times and ended up with Ye Xiwen's more relaxed body.

Because of this, many of the masters of the Mozu were attracted, even the Mozu Lords in the next city were attracted.

They all want to see what kind of Terran master is actually able to push the city of the Ashura to such a degree.

In the blink of an eye, a year and a half will pass, and Wang Ting’s time for hegemony is also close at hand.

This city of the Ashura is more and more prosperous in the past year. Many people want to see how this master of the Terran is, and with the increasing number of Ye Xiwen’s dispatches, As for his bounty, it has become more and more, and many of the masters who think they are good at this time have chosen to come and want to see if they can take chances and meet the arrogant masters of this human race. .

And many people know that Ye Xiwen only targets the city owner of the Ashura. Others don’t have anything to provoke him. Therefore, many of them are provoked to see the excitement. For their long life, look at it. The excitement of a few years is nothing at all.

The city master of the Ashura is even crying and tears. As for it, isn’t it just ambushing you once? As for this undead entanglement with him?

This is simply an innocent disaster. It’s just that over the past year, his family’s guards have been lost, and no one is willing to join in, because once they join in, it’s equal to being stared at by death. Although Ye Xiwen can't deal with the Shura City Lord, but to clean them up, it is more than enough. (To be continued... ps: Today is the first time, and today’s tired man’s hands are shaking.

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