Martial God Space

Chapter 1469: Ferry

There is hardly any chance to give Ye Xiwen a gasp.




Dozens of Thunder Dragons slammed on the Eight Treasures of the Eight Treasures on the spot, which is almost equal to the dozens of top players who rushed to the Eight Treasures, and the rules of the Eight Treasures All collapsed, and Babao Kunkunding was also bombarded in an instant.

This is an unprecedented situation. Babao Kunkun Ding was mastered by Ye Xiwen, and he has a complete ritual technique of "Babao Qiankun Ding". As time goes by, Babao Kunkunding is being controlled by him more and more. Even the power of the heavenly masters can be easily blocked, and now they have been directly expelled from Ye Xiwen's body. This shows the terrible power of these dragons.

However, although Babao Kunkunding was shocked to fly out, it also gave Ye Xiwen some time, although for other people, this time may be too short, but for Ye Xiwen, this time is enough He restored the injury in this body to seven seven eight eight.

He stood up again. At this time, he still had blood on his body, but the injury was almost restored. The place where the skin was originally fleshy, this time grew pink tender meat, although it could not be compared with other places. Muscle-like, but only in such a short period of time has returned to such a degree, this day phoenix regeneration has been really horrible.

Not far from the Shura City, and others are even more stunned. They were still very happy, and they are finally over. Ye Xiwen will soon be killed by God. They are worried about the objects they want to deal with, but they did not expect to This way has fallen.

But what they didn't think was that Ye Xiwen had already recovered a seven-eight-eight-eight-eight in such a short period of time.

"This this!"

The owner of Shura is unbelievable. The corners of the mouth are lingering, as if you have seen the most incredible scenes.

"Hey!" A flash of lightning fell down and directly hit him. He hit him directly, almost like Ye Xiwen was bombarded on the ground. He quickly stabilized his body, if he was blown to the ground. It’s almost impossible to say that you don’t have to know.

There is no possibility of surviving at all. He can be as perverted as Ye Xiwen.

Even the owner of Shura, who has always been known for his physical strength, is like this, let alone the Lord of the Devils and the original Lord of the Magic. They can't imagine that a person's body can actually do this.

At this time, Ye Xiwen did not hesitate any more, and directly punched out the thunderous dragon that struck the sky.

The golden shackles punched the sky, shattered the void, and slammed into the golden lightning.


A horrible explosion exploded in the void, and the dazzling light obscured the whole piece of emptiness, and the glare of the light obscured everything. Dazzling people can't open their eyes.

However, Ye Xiwen felt an unparalleled terrorist force slamming down. Although the lightning was blown up, all those forces fell on him.

"Kara, Kara!"

Ye Xiwen suddenly broke a large piece. Completely broken, and then his body was directly bombarded and flew out, directly hit a few devils who could not escape the half-step of the human world, this power is great. It can be imagined how terrible it is.


Ye Xiwen still couldn't resist the blood of the tumbling, and a direct blood spurted out.

He quickly mobilized the regeneration of the phoenix in his body. Repair the injury on your body.

Fortunately, although the injury is serious, but it can only be regarded as a flesh wound, there is no deeper internal injury, but even if the internal injury, he has no time to manage, this time, he only insisted, stayed, if even this does not support If he goes on, he can't be promoted to heaven and earth.

"Oh la la!"

In the sky, dozens of Thunder Dragons fell down, and they were even more horrible than before. They did not give Ye Xiwen any rest time.

At this time, Ye Xiwen reached out and moved to the side of the Eight Treasures of Kunming Ding to directly rise.




Unsurprisingly, Babao Kunkunding was once again bombed out, and the light curtain that was hanged was almost completely defeated in an instant, and then the remaining Leilong rushed into the Eight Treasures.

"Hey!" Babao Kunkun's constant humming seems to be very painful. Even if he is the top-level weapon of the heavenly order, it is a great burden and even lasts for such continuous bombardment. Anyway, it is possible to break.

The top-level instruments are not omnipotent. In the end, Ye Xiwen’s strength is not enough to really exert the most powerful strength of the heavenly implement. He only has half a step of heaven and humanity, only by his own. Hard strength is also very difficult.

But at this time, Ye Xiwen couldn't care much, even if it was completely destroyed by the Eight Treasures, it was better than his tragic death.

With this buffering time, Ye Xiwen once again recovered to a degree of seven seven eight eight.


Ye Xiwen's five fingers pinch the boxing, and the punching power of the scorpion turned into a long dragon, breaking the sky and taking the lead in launching an attack on the annihilation.

The brontosaurus of that day have not yet fallen, and they have already encountered the power of Ye Xiwen.


Ye Xiwen was almost unexplained and flew out again. The bones of the whole body did not know how much it broke, and a blood spurted again.

Not far from the Shura City Lord three people are even more stupid, dare to attack the sky, this is also a monk, this time, their hearts have been faintly regretted, why should you get into such a guy, this is simply It is metamorphosis, not people.

Such a monk, such a robbery, is a sign of its own, this is an unusually terrible master.

But there is no way, they have already provoked, so the only way, only one, is to go all out and kill Ye Xiwen.




Ye Xiwen also doesn't know how many times he has continued. Time has no meaning for him. He can now say that he has entered the most peak state. Under his body, the ancient tree has already formed a colorful light. Falling in his mind, the guardian of his soul will not be bombarded by lightning.

This is not superfluous, because the lightning in the robbery does not only affect the flesh, but also constantly acts on the mind. Many people just can't bear this kind of bombardment, and finally the whole person collapses and annihilates In the days of robbery.

However, there is no need to worry about Ye Xiwen, who has the protection of colorful Xiaguang. But every time he is so blasted, he stands up again, and he almost has some numbness.

Although it was only the most normal day of robbery, it was far more than a hundred times more dangerous than the previous law.

Finally, after a long time, the whole world was suddenly clear, and the lightning storm that had been falling was finally stopped.

The reality is silent, and then there is a cheer, and the remaining demons are cheering, as if they have survived in the end of the world.

The feeling of nine deaths and one life, they may not forget in this life.

Looking back within a few hundred miles, it is completely ruined, the hills are flattened, and the city is turned into a powder. It drifts with the wind. Although this city has a pattern of moats, what is the use? Under the horror of this horrible power, it has become a thing of nothing, and it has no effect at all.

Everywhere is a scene after the end of the world, and the original hundreds of thousands of demons, at this time, only the scale of less than a thousand people, all of them are masters of half-step heaven and earth, as for Half of the demons below the human world have all been annihilated in the robbery.

"Is it finally gone? I have survived, I have survived!"

"This is all the human kid, kill him, he must kill him!"

After the reaction, after they survived, many of the demons began to boil, looking for Ye Xiwen to settle accounts, hundreds of thousands of demons were enough to form a conquest of the army, but all of them were annihilated under the robbery.

At this time, all the demons turned their eyes to Ye Xiwen in the center of the field, but he saw him sitting in the sky, his body was very miserable, his skin was fleshy and bloody, his blood was not flowing, he had no good meat all over his body, but there was Some of the bones were misplaced because of the smashing of the giants. They were able to see the bones of Senbai, which stood out and looked very terrifying.

Almost no human form, even if they are Mozu, they have always been very cruel and tyrannical on weekdays, but when they saw this scene, they still had a feeling of Sen Han from the bottom of their hearts.

What is even more terrifying is to look at Ye Xiwen's expression, calm and incomparable, as if there is no movement, as if the person suffering such pain is not his.

Like the legendary ancestors who cut the flesh and feed the eagle, the degree of patience is simply a metamorphosis for them.

The most embarrassing monks are not so embarrassed about others, but they can get down to their hearts and be mad at themselves.

Many people can be extremely poisonous when they treat others, but when they change themselves, they often endure a little bit of pain.

So when they saw Ye Xiwen's appearance, even if they were all the evil people who used to be used for cruel things on weekdays, this time they all looked chilling.

At this time, the master of Ashura spoke.

"The day of robbery is not over yet!"

The big devil city around him and the original magic city owner were slowly dignified and voted. (To be continued...)

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