Martial God Space

Chapter 1525: Demon

"I don't mind removing a genius from your Terran. I can kill my cousin. Obviously, I can't go anywhere. It's best to kill in the cradle in advance!" Said in the leaf madness.

It’s just that everyone is very accustomed to killing each other. If it weren’t for this cooperation, they would have been scared to meet.

"I have to remind you that if you look down on him, then you are likely to be planted in his hands!" Ye said faintly.

"How is it possible!" Beishan said with disdain. "How can he be my opponent even if he is again!"

"I will reveal a little more news to you!" Ye Hao's mouth has a bit of disdainful smile. "Our Ye Family's clan government affairs were blown up by him. If you look down on him, you will definitely eat big." Loss, if it is outside, it will be considered, in this ghost place, your advantage can not play to the maximum extent!"

If it was said that Bei Xi had never put Ye Xiwen in his eyes, then they would not dare to be so relaxed now. Although they are not too familiar with the affairs of the Ye Family, they still have basic common sense, but I am afraid The master of the six heavens and the peaks of Heaven and Man, this has been blown up by this Ye Xiwen, this Ye Xiwen is obviously not so simple, if it is just outside, they may not put Ye Xiwen in the eyes, Heaven and Man For them, it’s not enough for them. They are much older than Ye Xiwen. Although they are still among the younger generations, they are basically different from Ye Xiwen for several generations.

If this is necessary to be afraid of Ye Xiwen, then they will not think that Ye Xiwen is too powerful, but that they are weak, and how they might admit it with the pride of their hearts.

In this **** environment, there is also a limit to them. On the other hand, if the Dongfu does not have such a ban, then there will be no madness here. Those old people who are heavenly and heavenly, nine heavens, and even the heavenly people are the masters here.

Now come in, although there are old things in heaven and earth, and the old things are self-styled, but there is no master of heaven and earth, let alone heaven and earth. It is because of the risks that they are self-styled, even if they still have overwhelming fighting power, but there are always some enchanting in the world, with abnormal fighting power. Even if they are all likely to be planted here.

They usually go in and out of places where they can make the most of their efforts, and the gains here may not be able to make them look at them.

"If that's the case, then it's a bit interesting!" Beishan's face was a little excited, even though Ye Xiwen blew up the clan's affairs, but he still has confidence in himself, he is heaven. I am the only one in the underground, not to mention the fact that there is a pinch. Coupled with the masters of the six heavens and peaks brought by the two sides, if this can not hit Ye Xiwen and kill him, then they can consciously die.

"I also think. This started to make me a little excited. If he has no power, then I still don't bother to shoot, but now. Listening to you saying this, I have some interest!" Gu Zhengzheng showed a bit of cruel excitement on his face. "But do you know his position now?"

Yeah swayed his head.

"Do you play us?" Suddenly. Beishan is extremely angry, and Jiagu is also looking at the leaf madness.

"He has been retreating before, but before I came, I had already sent people a message. He will definitely appear when he comes, and you, as long as you find him, you can!" Ye said.

"In any case, you only need to pay more attention to it, and it does not hinder your treasure hunt!" Ye Fan continued. "In any case, if you do not do it, it is a matter of words. It is not good. I will cook it by hand." If you are not afraid that the average person can't clean up this kid, I will not cooperate with you at all!"

"Dry, this thing seems to be a bit interesting!" Beishan said.

"Let me be one, I also want to know this guy who will kill my cousin, hehe!"

Ye Xiwen still did not know that the danger has quietly approached, and for him, now in this cave, there are many troubles.

The dimension space in which the cave house is located, because of the relationship with the main plane, is the kind of space crack everywhere in the whole void, and there is a horrible atmosphere everywhere.

The earth is full of bones everywhere. It seems that it has been a fierce battle in the distant time. Perhaps because of this, the owner of this cave house will fall, and this cave house is also lost in the endless dimension.


There was a violent scream in the distance, and the fierce roar of the roar came from the thick fog and swept over.

Ye Xiwen squinted, and it was more dangerous than he had imagined. He walked all the way, slamming the ground, and there was a battle and a scream in front. Ye Xiwen didn’t want to gossip, but he saw Got a familiar sword light.

The sword light of the Xueyao sword penetrated the sky, and the sky was directly turned into two halves on the spot.

Ye Xiwen quickly rushed over, but he saw that he was right. The man was Ye Hao, and there was Ye Xing, Ye Hao, and the team composed of three people. A group of masters of the Mozu are surrounded by them.

Among them, there are a lot of people who are in the six heavens of the Mozu, and they are also mixed with the old antiques of the heavens and the seven heavens. The strength is tyrannical.

There are more than a dozen statues of heaven and earth. The repair of the six heavens and peaks is in this world, and it is enough.

Among the three Ye Hao, only Ye Hao is already the Sixth Heaven and Earth Peak of Heaven and Humanity, and Ye Xukong and Ye Wei are just just entering the six heavens of Heaven and Humanity, only by virtue of their superior talent. In order to counter the masters of the six heavens and peaks of the human world.

But under the attack of the masters of these twenty demons, they have begun to show signs of failure.

"How come even the people of the Mozu have received the news?" Ye Xiwen blinked. He thought that the masters of the Mozu had been besieging the heavens. How can he draw people to explore the cave?

This is what he had not thought of before. Although the Mozu had gathered most of the military power in one breath, and hit the Terran one by surprise, but hesitated over the years of suppression by the Terran, so they were on the ancient continent, even if they counted the Devil. It is also impossible to compare with the Terran. If it is not another Devil army that is not in the Devil's Circle, it will drag down the masters of most of the Terran. These Mozus on the ancient continent are afraid that they will just be launched, and they will be extinguished by the Terrans.

Therefore, he originally judged that the Mozu should have no spare power to send people. It must be known that the masters of Heaven and Man’s four heavens and above are among the leaders of the Mozu army, and they are the masters of the seven heavens. It is a giant of the party, an indispensable master of the main force. It is meaningless to send fewer people. There are more people, but they do not have so many people.

But now this situation has made his judgments obvious mistakes.

Ye Xiwen immediately did not hesitate, and immediately shot, the eight treasures of Kun Ding in the void become bigger and bigger, rising in the wind, as if it is a hill, crashing down.




The Mozus screamed and were smashed into patties on the spot. A few of the Mozus who had no time to escape were smashed by Ye Xiwen on the spot.

"Ye Xiwen, Ye Xiwen!"

At this time, just when the three people got into some difficulties, they saw Ye Xiwen. For them, it was tantamount to seeing hope. With the addition of Ye Xiwen, they suddenly increased their fighting power.

"Up, kill this **** human!" At this time, the leader of the Mozu was extremely angry and snarled directly, rushing toward Ye Xiwen.

Ye Xiwen sneered: "Looking for death!"

He grabbed one foot of Babao Qiankunding directly with one hand. On the spot, he picked up the Eight Treasures and Kun Ding to smash it directly toward the culled leader of the Mozu.

The strength of Ye Xiwen is so huge that he can shoot as fast as lightning. In a flash, he fell down directly and slammed the leader of the demon.

"Hey!" The leader of the Mozu was smashed on the spot. The whole man suddenly felt like a cannonball. He was blasted out on the spot. The whole body was in the void, and it was disintegrated and suffered an irresistible horror. Let him disintegrate on the spot.

The three people looked at Ye Xiwen like a ghost. I didn't expect to see you for a while. Ye Xiwen was so powerful.

A demon of the Sixth Heaven and Earth in the heavens and the earth was disintegrated on the spot by his bombing. This is also a bit sharper. It seems that in the rumors, he is not afraid of being a fake.

"Up!" With Ye Xiwen's help, the three are also a spirit, especially Ye Hao, the iron fan in his hand suddenly swayed, directly swept a huge hurricane, directly on the spot trapped a demon in the void, living Strangled to death.

Ye Hao holding the snow Yao sword is also invincible, directly to a demon to the scene to freeze, the leaves of the empty sword and the sky, like a stormy waves, but also blocked a master of the devil.

Among these Mozus, there are also some old antiques that have been self-styled and come in. To deal with the ordinary six-day masters of heaven and earth, it is absolutely unprofitable, but they have to face these three metamorphosis geniuses, any One is far more terrible than their mighty.

In addition, there is Ye Xiwen, the **** of killing among them, directly into the masters of these demons, holding the eight treasures and the dragons and urns, as if they were wielding like a tyrant, they are heavy, and those who are ridiculed by Ye Xiwen, Both are on the spot.

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