Martial God Space

Chapter 1541: Fatal miscalculation

"Cry, snoring, snoring!"

In the entire field, there was only a heavy gasping sound, and Fang Qi was deeply hurt. At this time, it was hard to see Ye Xiwen, which barely stopped and began to treat the injury. His injury has no way. Dragging down, originally in accordance with the ideas of the two innate alliances, it is indeed going on like this, his only end is to be dragged to death on the spot. //High speed update //

Seriously injured and died, there is no other end.

And that thin and tall god, escaped, the eyes are still full of incredible, almost, almost he died together, this time, the eyes are full of fear.

"Come out! Who?" This tall and thin **** shouted loudly. The terrible sound waves directly stirred the space like waves, and the ups and downs, and in the void, the figure of a white robes came out with a square The same mask, cold and cold looking at this thin god.

"Damn, there is still an ambush, I am careless!" Slim God said, biting his teeth, because there was no sign at all that Fang Qi might have a companion, so they slowly relaxed their vigilance if he If you have a companion, you should have already come out already.

In the process of chasing, Fang Qi can say that he has used his luck to hide in the past. If he has a companion, he should have come out to help. I didn’t expect to wait for them here. When he shot, he directly killed his companion, and even he was hit hard.

Daddy, he suddenly found that the new master opposite is actually a constant breathing, he suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, this person has also exhausted it?

The thoughts that I wanted to leave suddenly faded. The blow was too horrible, let alone a surprise attack, even if it was a hard front. He only has to be killed on the spot. If it is not for him to hide fast, I am afraid that the end will not be better than others.

Such an attack is simply not possible in the six heavens of heaven and earth. Even if it is self-styled, it is impossible.

Then there is only one possibility, which is the instrument or the secret method borrowed, and if you want to issue such an offensive, there is bound to be a price.

And this person in front of me. I am afraid that I have already become a paper tiger. Otherwise, how can I not win the battle and kill him?

Thinking of this, all the mysteries were suddenly solved.

The idea he originally wanted to escape. At this time, he has been thrown into the clouds. Although he broke his arm, he asked himself more than one of the two.

He looked coldly at Ye Xiwen who just came out and said, "Who are you? How have I never seen you? Is it new?"

Their gods know little about each other's true purpose, but this does not prevent them from knowing each other, especially the use of martial arts, and it is easy to judge who it is.

God has only a total of nine full members in the league. In addition to Fang Qi, the other eight, he knows a little, and definitely not. The breath is not right, then there is only one possibility, that is, this person is new, and only so. Can explain the pass.

The heart is faintly excited, and the newcomer is relatively best to deal with. It seems that he is about to make a big fuss, and killing these two people is the minimum requirement. If one of them can be caught, then it is too much to find out.

It may not be possible to completely destroy the gods in one fell swoop. In that case, you can save a lot of confidants and speed up the return of the gods.

You must know that God makes different and mortal people. They are the most trusted believers of the gods. This relationship is intimate. Similarly, every **** will not be an ordinary person. Therefore, although the number of gods is not large, they are absolutely It is a terrible top master. This also makes it possible that although they are not many people, they have always been a headache on the ancient continent. They are not many people, and there is no big force. It is easy to turn it into zero. It is impossible for the average person to find them, and they have basically stood at the peak of the ancient continent. Even if they find them, they are not their opponents, and those top players who can compete with God are undoubtedly big. The most advanced masters of the forces, the general existence of the pillars and columns, and the loss of one, may lead to a force shock, and even related to the rise and fall of a force.

In the past, there were too many forces to encircle the gods. The last few most active forces lost their power, and then this force directly declined. Some of them were destroyed by the enemy, so that they would hurt their own interests. Few people continue to do it again.

So slowly evolved into being able to deal with the gods, and only the gods, and fortunately, the gods are also contradictory, killing each other, or the ancient continent will not necessarily become what it looks like.

The horror of God is not only for ordinary people, but also for God. It is very difficult to kill a god. Many gods have their own unique skills at the bottom of the box. There is no way to kill them. Qi was chased by two masters of the same rank for so long, suffered so severely, can also support the arrival of Ye Xiwen, it is conceivable how powerful the gods are.

Just now, Ye Xiwen used the method of surprise attack. In one fell swoop, the two people who were unprepared, one killing one, or the other face to face, then the battle did not know what it would be like.

It is precisely because of this that even the gods of God make the alliance of the gods, the most weak of the many gods, and the most powerful innate alliance, for many years there is no way to annihilate them, if this Once he was able to follow the line and grab something, so that the gods would smash the alliance, then his credit would be unparalleled. At that time, he would definitely be rewarded by the top leaders of the innate alliance. He was a little excited when he thought of this. .

Moreover, in his eyes, the two men are already waiting to slaughter the lamb.

Ye Xiwen looked at him faintly, and his breathing gradually stabilized. As he expected, Ye Xiwen did exhaust the whole body. If this was not the case, he would not be given such a simple method by this thin god. Forced out, because he really does not have many real elements, even hidden in the void can not be done.

This is Ye Xiwen's second fight with the gods, but the last time the spectator Fang Qi and the two sea masters played against each other, it is enough to see the terrible God, far beyond the ordinary genius, which makes him extremely jealous, had to When you come up, you will kill.

Offering a feathered butcher knife, he made a full blow, but it was a pity that only one was killed by him on the spot. The rest of him only broke his arm, and he was not even a heavy hit.

If it is outside, if you encounter these two gods, Ye Xiwen’s only choice is to run. Now, he is not the opponent of these people, he still needs time to grow.

Behind him, Fang Qipan sat in midair, and the light of the gods shone most of the void. He was healing with the magical technique. Although he could not catch up with the effect of the rejuvenation of the phoenix, it was the god’s gift. The law, the therapeutic effect, is naturally not said, the ordinary wounds are already good, that is, because this time the wound is too fierce, it will be dragged until now.

"New, I advise you to surrender. If you can explode something that your gods have made alliances, maybe it will be useful to be introduced into the innate alliance!" The thin **** made an arm Slowly growing out, not the flesh, but the energy arm formed by energy, although it is only an energy arm, but the power is not worse than the flesh, which is also a kind of inheritance method that his **** passed down.

He continued to regain his arrogant look, and he glanced at Ye Xiwen condescendingly, acknowledging the victory.

"What's wrong with today, how can one make me surrender, and I am so confident that I will surrender?" Ye Xiwen said with a cold smile, the voice through the mask seemed snoring, and it was unclear whether it was male or female. .

"Do you want to resist, I know that you should have some secrets, but what about it, you have no real yuan now!" The thin **** made cold and looked at Ye Xiwen. "You who have no real yuan, just the lamb to be slaughtered!"

"Do you know what kind of end is the last person who advised me to drop?" Ye Xiwen asked as the thin **** asked.

Without waiting for God to answer, Ye Xiwen said to himself: "Now, he has been sent to **** by me. Why, do you want to go with him?"

Ye Xiwen’s body really boiled up a little bit, and the momentum on his body was also raised a little bit.

“Restored some?” The skinny **** gave a look at Ye Xiwen. Gujing said without waves. “Do you think that I can’t wear your thoughts? It’s nothing more than trying to talk, delay time, and then If you recover your real yuan and fight for some time, will it be useful at that time? In such a short time, I will give you several times more time, it will be useless, and you will not be my opponent at all. Today, you two The end of the game has been set, I wanted to give you a chance, I did not expect that the two of you are really thorny, stubborn, then don't blame me!"

"Your nonsense is a bit more. Do you really think that in such a short period of time, can I recover less?" Ye Xiwen calmly looked at this thin god, and said coldly, "You are very smart." I can also see my current state, but you are missing the same, and this is enough to make you die!"

As said, Ye Xiwen’s breath of madness rose wildly, without any exhaustion before.

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