Martial God Space

Chapter 1611: Unified recruitment

The two masters jointly besieged Ye Xiwen, and it is necessary to completely slaughter him. The two men’s offensives almost came to the front and rear.

Any one in the eyes of everyone is a difficult to deal with, but this time they have joined forces to deal with Ye Xiwen, not to mention a Mu Tianying who is watching from the side.


Their offensive collectively fell on Ye Xiwen's body. Ye Xiwen had no time to come. Fortunately, his body was in the eight treasures of the Kunming Ding automatic body, two huge impacts, bursting out a powerful impact, two consecutive impacts let Ye Xiwen The body was slightly shaking, and it was actually shocked.


Ye Xiwen sneered, almost at the moment of attack, his counterattack has already been smothered, the first goal is the leaf madness, the long sword smashes out the powerful swordsman, and pushes the leaf mad face .

Who knows, Ye Hao was already prepared, and he did not love the war at all. He took a strike and went to the toes. The body disappeared directly into the void, while on the other side, Lei Zhenghua’s speed was extremely fast.

The confrontation between the three people, but it was only a moment, it was over. It was almost there. There were a lot of people who didn’t see it clearly. According to the repeated replay of memories, they could barely see clearly. what happened.

At this time, Mu Tianying’s next offensive has already been killed. He held up the Sun’s fake sword and turned it into a [***] 虚 in the void, slowly rising and then suddenly falling, he was the whole person. It seems to be completely integrated with the whole world, terrible.

"Ye Xiwen, what are you, do you think that you alone can stop us from joining forces? You are the arm of the car, as long as you surrender the fake sword of the Sun King Sword, I will not care about you!" Mu Tianying The sound is cold and ruthless.

"Now, what you said is useless. You have completely irritated me. There is a saying that you can't die if you don't die!" Ye Xiwen smiled coldly, without any intention to compromise, even if the opposite is three young ones. He is the best player in the world, and he has not given in the slightest concession.

"This Ye Xiwen is so fierce and fierce, no wonder that there is no need for someone to help, actually one to three, not falling, it is too strong!"

"It's not just that you don't fall into the wind, I just want to kill them all!"

"You thought that I have been doing this for the past six months. I will let you see now. I have gone to the place where I have been doing the hard work for half a year!" Ye Xiwen suddenly slammed a force in it.

It suddenly formed a frenzy of the surname of God.

"Give me the defeat, the sword!"

Ye Xiwen’s huge roar, the endless magic of the angel’s sword in his hand boiled up, and a sly force came out of it, covering the whole world, and ascending the time, he fell in the direction of Mu Tianying. Go on.


The huge roar, the power of the scorpion turned into a powerful energy spurt, which dragged out the infinitely large figure in the void, tearing out a huge crack and spreading all the way toward Mutianying. go with.




It was almost the fastest, fast and anxious. Although he was late, he actually rushed over the [***] 曰 first crossed the key line, and the [***] slammed into it.


Taking the collision of the two sides as a far point, the horrible power instantly expanded in all directions, and then a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose up, as if there was only one mushroom cloud in the sky.

And in this, an amazing power of smashing out of it, the situation is like a broken bamboo, stunned out, rushed to Mu Tianying.

"How is it possible! Impossible!" Mu Tianying couldn't believe it. How could he, with the power of the Sun King's sword, he was the most clear, but now he is not allowed to Ye Xiwen, but also by him. The sword of the scorpion gave a surprise attack to him.

"Sun God Wall!"

He shouted, and in front of him appeared a wall of flames condensed into flames. In an instant, this wall of gods was essentially instant.

"Boom!" The power of this scorpion directly broke into the wall of the gods, but heard the sound of Caracalla, which turned out to be completely broken.

The remaining power is still like a full moon, directly to Mutianying.


After a huge scream of Mu Tianying, he was directly blasted out, and the bones of his chest did not know how many broken.

Everyone looked silly, only a sword, will be the shadow of Mu Tianying, completely falling in the wind, this half a year, Ye Xiwen in the end is what it has experienced.

Although everyone does not know the strength of Ye Xiwen before, but it is completely conceivable that there is absolutely no such tyranny. Otherwise, if Ye Hao knows that he has this strength before, then there will not be so many people looking for Ye Xiwen’s trouble. Isn't this completely self-inflicted?

"Eat a spear!" At this time, Lei Zhenghua's offensive was further killed. He swollen in a moment, as if the body had been pulled up a bit, becoming a giant of lightning, and the energy of countless lightnings was His body is constantly boiling, mutual engulfing, mutual eruption, wave after wave, galloping like a wave, sweeping up.

Countless lightning laws have condensed behind him to become a huge illusion of Raytheon, terrible.

Lei Zhenghua's move, fast, is coming to the extreme, like a thunder, and it has swept over in an instant.

On the other side, the leaf madness also cooperated with the attack. Although the two had not cooperated before, but they are in the realm of such a realm, if they have the heart to cooperate, it is absolutely incomparable.


A stunned sword shines like a long river of martial arts, and his martial arts will be condensed into it. It seems that the whole person has to be transformed into a long sword, and it is invincible. When it passes, the void is completely smashed. A broken piece of debris, like a lens, floats in the void, barely under the influence of the law of space, repaired bit by bit.

This kendo long river is tearing away in the direction of Ye Xiwen at an unimaginable speed.

The two did not leave their hands at all. They also wrote that it would be a great alarm for the two people to make a big noise. Although they were all ghosts before this time, they must first remove Ye Xiwen and then say it. If not, the defeated Ying Hai and Mu Tianying are their best examples.

"Ye Xiwen, I would like to see how you escaped from our encirclement today, even if you can challenge more and more, we can't be our opponents!" Ye said coldly.

The two of them left and right, before Ye Xiwen took Mu Tianying a sword and flew, he had already shot. He was supposed to cooperate with Mu Tianying to kill Ye Xiwen. Who knows that Mu Tianying was hit hard by Ye Xiwen and caused a sword. There is a huge loophole in the encirclement.

However, what they never expected was that Ye Xiwen had no intention to go.

"Jumping the clown, the scrap is no more than a few!" He sneered, this time, the moment moved, the left hand lightning-like exploration, and went directly to Lei Zhenghua's direction.

After the moment, the first hand arrived, and the left hand directly caught Lei Zhenghua's spear with Thunder power.

"court death!"

Lei Zhenghua also discovered Ye Xiwen’s movements in an instant, and could not help but sneer, as if he had seen the most ridiculous joke in the world.

His own spear, he is very clear about the power, the average person touches, it is simply looking for death.

Sure enough, in the moment when Ye Xiwen touched the spear, the power of the horrible Thunder instantly burst into the spear, like an electric snake, entangled in Ye Xiwen’s arm, and his arm was instantly scrapped.

"The power of lightning in the district wants to scrap my arm, it is really self-sufficient!" Just as Lei Zhenghua thought he had something to do, Ye Xiwen’s cold voice passed to his ear.

His body burst into a golden light and instantly suppressed the thunder.

"Hey!" Ye Xiwen grabbed the spear of the spear, and the sharp tip of the sharp spear spewed the temper of the scorpion, and it was able to smash the void, but it was impossible to Ye Xiwen.

Immediately after Lei Zhenghua felt a horrible force like a monster, it was applied to the spear. He was originally a broken bamboo, and the unsuccessful spear was not able to move at all.

At this time, Ye Xiwen Ye Xiwen's face showed a bit of ridiculous smile, his left hand suddenly pulled, he suddenly could not control the body, the whole person flew forward in an instant.

The whole person completely broke the sound barrier and flew in the direction of Ye Xiwen.

At the same time, Ye Xiwen’s right hand pinched his fist and slammed it out with a supreme momentum. Lei Zhenghua, who was brought over by Ye Xiwen, could not react because everything happened between the electric and the flint, his It's fast, but this momentary change is happening faster than he can react.

He could only watch Ye Xiwen’s fist hit him directly on his face.


With a huge crash, he only felt a terrible force directly hitting his head. The whole body flew out like a cannonball and slammed into the mountain wall.

Directly fainted.

Everything happened too fast, almost in an instant. When everyone did not see what happened, they suddenly saw Lei Zhenghua flying toward Ye Xiwen, and then he flew out directly with a punch.

Electro-optic Flint, it is too late to see so much, or, although captured, but the amount of information is slightly larger, it is not easy to react, it takes a period of digestion.

At this time, the lightning-fast offensive of Ye Hao was just bombarded in front of Ye Xiwen. (To be continued.

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