Martial God Space

Chapter 1648: Crying presbyterian church

"What's the matter, don't forget, before that, my reading force hatched him, but I didn't have to go through the family!" Ye Xiwen glanced at the elders who came to heaven, and said slowly. ..

The implication is that when I was working hard, I didn't want the family to help with a dime. At this time, I would like to pick the peaches. It would be a bit too obvious.

The elders were suddenly said to have a red face, which was suffocated by Ye Xiwen, who would dare to talk to him like this.

He has not been so stunned for a long time, but this person is Ye Xiwen. After such a long time, they have long known that Ye Xiwen is different.

Ye Xiwen, who has defeated the master of the early days of the heavens, is now enough to have the same status as them, enough to be on an equal footing with them.

At this time, looking at him with the eyes of the junior, it seems a bit funny.

Now I can come to the Presbyterian Church. There are a lot more disciples of the younger generation. It is no longer the world of the older generation. Even the younger generations of Heaven and Earth have already had leaves, Ye Hao. Ye Ye is waiting for a few people.

These people are enough to be on an equal footing with them. Maybe in this way, it won't take long before these younger generations can replace their position.

No one dares to yell at these younger generations now because they have qualified for equal treatment.

"How about it, no host is better to feed it, isn't it?" Ye Xiwen asked.

Until the elders who asked all had nothing to say, it was true that they did not take charge of this matter, but they were only holding it, in case Ye Xiwen was willing to let go.

Who knows that Ye Xiwen’s temper is the same as before, it’s stinking and hard, and his master’s respect is simply a tough temper in a mold. Many of these presbyterians have seen it before in high-level meetings. After Ye Xiwen’s stinky temper, I did not expect that Ye Xiwen’s temper would not change after many years. On the contrary, it was even more fierce.

Many people think about how Ye Xiwen treats Feng Zong, and even the madman like Ye Fan must be careful to accompany his smiling face. If he is too angry, he will not attack. How can he dare to start?

I rubbed it and stunned people, it was much more ferocious!

At that time, many people at the Presbyterian Church were also in the secret. I saw that Fengzong was not a general tyrannical. Under the same realm, even they might be blown up by Fengzong, but such a tyrannical Fengzong, in Ye Xiwen’s On the hand, it was slandered by dishonesty.

This is simply a lawless generation, who shall stir him, he would beat who dare!

Not to mention Feng Zong, even if there are many people who have eaten Ye Xiwen's losses at the Presbyterian Church, Ye Niu was once directly captured by Ye Xiwen, and Ye Ganlian's son died in Ye Xiwen's hand, but there is no way to take revenge.

Ye Zhen, the incarnation of the demon gods, was smashed by Ye Xiwen in public, and later he was stunned by Ye Xiwen after his personal arrival. This is a history of bitterness and tears.

How could it be uncomfortable to see how this thorn was used before? If it wasn’t for Ye Zhentian’s strength, plus the owner’s intentional or unintentional bias towards him, with his surname, wouldn’t he still want to retreat?

But now I saw that he had smashed the phoenix phoenix, and suddenly some people thought about it.

Feng Zong’s embarrassment, they saw it with their own eyes and smashed the last.

But after the end of the problem, the problem came, and there is a bunch of aftermath to deal with.

The entire Presbyterian was asked to be speechless. If you want to be arrogant, you have to think about how Ye Xiwen is fierce and fierce. When he looks at his fierce eyes, many people can’t help but swallow it.

It’s too late to say what suppression is now!

"That's not to say this first, just say that you are doing something about Fengzong. Don't you know that he is the special envoy of the ancient phoenix?" Ye Qian asked angrily, who knows Ye Xiwen's next sentence and directly let them The momentum is a bit, dumb and speechless.

"I don't know!" Ye Xiwen said of course.

Suddenly, many people suddenly became speechless and paralyzed. He really didn't know. Many people knew that his retreat had been in full time for ten years. In the past ten years, he was basically a door to two doors. Nima really said the past.

Many people have the feeling of crying, do you want to say the last sentence!

"Whether you know it or not, but you have already created the facts, do you know that because of your impulse, now the ambassador of the ancient phoenix is ​​putting pressure on our Ye family, we must surrender you, or the time will be human and The cooperation of the ancient phoenix will end here. Can you know how much influence you have caused?" Ye Gan said, "Now we humans are fighting against the Mozu alone, and we need the cooperation of the ancient phoenix. What do you want to do?"

"Yes, if you destroy the cooperation between the Terran and the Ancient Phoenix, do you take it alone?"

"It’s really a sinful crime. In the past, you’ve been arrogant, and now it’s a matter of affecting the cooperation between the two communities. Even if it’s a death, it’s hard to redeem you!”

Suddenly everyone’s screams came from overwhelming.

What happened to them in the past, they can’t be justified, but now it’s different. Once something is crowned, it’s totally different.

"You have been closed for a long time, people are stupid?" Ye Xiwen looked at them and said.

"what did you say?"



Suddenly the elders of these parties have said a lot.

"Do you think that the big things of the two ethnic groups will be decided by me, or Feng Zong?" Ye Xiwen asked the girl and asked. "Determining the cooperation between the ancient phoenix and the non-cooperation, is not that I did not fight Fengzong, but whether there is any tangible interest. Have you forgotten this even? Is it because the retreat is too long and has not been in contact with the family for a long time? Things, even this point is gone?"

These people were all red-faced by Ye Xiwen, and they were half-dead, and they all glared at Ye Xiwen to see what he intended to say.

"You don't look at it clearly. The ancient phoenix sent people to come and contact us. Is it really because of sympathy for us? Pity us? How do you put this high-up look, how can you even be cheated by them?" Road.

He continued: "The real reason that really prompted them to send messengers is because of the real threat of the Mozu. Now the Mozu is the main attack on our human race, but will other families really sit back and watch? If we are human If it is broken, then the whole desert is not far from the fall, and once the ancients are broken, the ancient phoenix will be found in the alien space and will be found by the demon, and they will not be destroyed. The world, this will send people to come, is afraid of the madness of the devil world, the previous time, if it is not the Devil's foothold in the unsteady situation, while attacking the ancient Phoenix world, Long Island, can finally be defeated and driven out?"

Ye Xiwen looked around at everyone and said that many people suddenly pondered. Indeed, as they said, the people in the ancient phoenix world are so kind, really motivating them to come, or for the things of the Mozu, the last time the Mozu Crazyness has also caused the ancient phoenix community to be hit hard. Although the Mozu was finally rushed back to his hometown, the charisma of the various ethnic groups at that time was still vivid.

Now the Mozu has not erupted the most powerful fighting power, because they are suppressed outside the strips of the devil, the advantage can not be fully played, but if they let them break through any one of them, a large number of devils come, for the wild, absolutely It is a disaster.

The Terran can't stop it, and the ancients are not far from the fall. Once the ancients fall, the ancient phoenix will be affected. These ancient phoenix must be clearly understood, so this is not obvious in the Terran. When you are in a downroar, you will be in a hurry. If you can suppress the Mozu in the cracks, then it is the best choice for all ethnic groups. Anyway, the main force of the output is the Terran, not them.

"In this case, don't say that I married Fengzong. What happened to me when I killed him? Will they be angry and not shot? The reason for their shots is not because of sympathy, but because of the benefits, as long as there is enough The interests, they will sit back and ignore?" Ye Xiwen glanced at the crowd and asked, everyone suddenly a bit embarrassed, as if asking idiots.

"Reversely, if I was killed at the time, would you have someone to be in my head and say that you can't cooperate with the ancient phoenix?"

Ye Xiwen asked a question about the red fruit. If the defeated person was him, would they be Ye Xiwen?

Obviously, it should not be. The top leaders of the Terran will find ways to suppress the influence of this matter. In the end, it is for the overall situation, he is also good, Fengzong is good, although the weight is not light, but it is still worse than the so-called overall situation. Far away.

In the face of the overall situation, no one can sacrifice, including Fengzong, including Ye Xiwen.

Only now, Ye Xiwen won, so the person who needs to sacrifice is not him.

Everyone is silent, although they want to say it, but it is obvious that no one believes in this statement. If you want to force it out, it will only be a ridiculous joke.

"So no matter whether I am jealous of him or not, it is totally irrelevant to the overall situation. They just want to use this to force the Terran to bow their heads. At that time, they will dominate the cooperation between the two communities. This is already Obviously, you see that some of their messengers have come to the human race, do you have to do a performance multiplication? Fengzong is so arrogant, just to irritate us, sooner or later someone will pack him, by that time, ancient phoenix There is reason to worry about it, just like it is now!" Ye Xiwen said faintly. (To be continued.

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