Martial God Space

Chapter 1668: Migrant

Ye Xiwen still doesn't know how powerful this phoenix is, but only a detail is enough to make him realize that this phoenix is ​​a powerful enemy that has never been seen before.

The difference between Ye Hao and Ye Fan is very clear. He is very clear that he has become one of the top executives of Ye Family. In order to maintain the unity of Ye Family, they did not fight as much as they used to, but between them, Controversy is also a common thing.

What's more, the two are proud people. The strength of the two is also at the top of the Ye family. Except for the emptiness of the leaf emptiness, and the leafless 芊芊, and Ye Xiwen, it should belong to the two people. It’s gone.

What strength is this, how proud, and actually forced to join forces, the extent to which the other party has to be forced to force the two to make such a choice.

'Yes, you have heard it. They have never been together, but now they have joined forces. It’s like letting me join forces with Ye Zhenmo, unless the opponent is really strong enough to match. Even a person who is like a family owner, that is possible, otherwise, don't even think about it! Ye Zhentian said. 'The strength of the Phoenix family is unfathomable. Although it has been relegated to the ancient phoenix for many years, it is actually more powerful than us. If it is any of our four ethnic groups, it’s single-handed. I am afraid that it is not an opponent of the ancient phoenix world. In addition, the ancient phoenix has been rejuvenating for so many years, and it is not like we are competing for resources with the other three races. Over the years, their strength has been strong. What is the point, even we don't know."

'For the Yaozu, we can also try to control some of the Yaozu as our masterpiece, but for the ancient Phoenix world, we really know nothing about it. It’s been too long since the last war, not to mention the last war. Among them, although everyone said that the ancient phoenix world has also suffered heavy losses, but the real situation is only they know that these races that once dominated the ancients are not so simple! "Ye Zhentian said that the younger generation of the family is a generation. The light is just the Fengzong. It is already very good. Let Ye Ye have no temper. If it is not the last time you shoot, we will only let them put the last." A layer of face was pulled out. Except for the leaf void that didn't know where to go, our Ye family couldn't find a character that could match."

'And he is not only for our Ye family, in addition to our Ye family, Feng Zong also challenged many other young masters of power, no one can get him, or else, someone has already sold it. Can someone be able to bear this day! "Ye Zhentian continued to say, "The last time, if you didn't shoot, I was afraid that there would be a few giants in the younger generation. If you shoot, you can't let him always let go of our people. I thought this kind of person." It’s already their top character. Now I want to come. I’m afraid that we are still too small to see the ancient phoenix world. It’s just the strength of this phoenix. It’s above any master I know, young one. Among the generations, there is no such thing as the right one. If there are no one hiding the strength among the young giants of the younger generation, we are afraid that no one is the opponent of this phoenix! ”

Ye Xiwen's expression is dignified. Indeed, the strength of the young giants of the younger generation is now only the beginning of the world. It seems that leading the crowd is not a lot of looks.

Among the Ye family, there are leaf voids, and Ye Yeye and others have stepped into the strength of the heavens and humans, not to mention the masters of other forces. It is like a blowout, and it has crossed into a batch of days. The master of human beings.

But the five giants of this younger generation are still able to hold on to this name, relying on the former name, but the tyrannical strength.

The five giants of the younger generation have already entered the strength of heaven and earth very early, but this is not enough to scare many latecomers, especially some of the top patriots who have also entered the younger generation of heaven and earth. One is willing to succumb to the five giants.

At the time when the genius of the genius was like a blowout and a great progress, there were some people who wanted to challenge the five giants and fame by defeating the five giants.

When Ye Xiwen became famous, did he defeat the top five giants in one fell swoop to win the top spot in the top 100?

This has not defeated the five giants through the most direct method. It is only the side of the square method, which has already made him famous. It is also evident that the five giants are among the people.

In the first few years, almost every other time, news of a certain genius about the five giants was heard. At the beginning, it caused a sensation. Many people rushed to watch it, but the result was that no matter who challenged, finally Will be defeated under the five giants, no matter how strong the strength is, it is useless, the strength of the five giants seems to be always so easy, it seems that there is no end of the day. Tian Li

At this time, the people really understand how terrible the five giants are, and how difficult it is for Ye Xiwen, even if he only defeated the five giants sideways, it is a great achievement for everyone.

If it weren't for these years, Ye Xiwen had been very silent. At this time, I was afraid that I had already made a name for myself. The only one who defeated the Big Five had only one of them, even if it passed the square method.

It’s a good idea, it’s not a bad fight to defeat the top five giants, but it’s not easy.

So slowly, the five giants have re-consolidated their position and let everyone know that even the realm of the syllabus, the five giants are the five giants in Japan, and even some of the older generations who have cultivated for many years, in front of the five giants. Day is not an opponent, completely defeated.

It can be seen that the five giants are completely above the crowd, and even so, in Ye Zhentian's mouth, if there is no hidden strength, it is still impossible to defeat Feng Wuying.

‘Is it true that the phoenix has no shadow? "Ye Xiwen is condensed, and the five giants of the younger generation, especially the unparalleled law, have almost achieved the peak of the early days of heaven and earth. There is no more strengthening than this, but it is not the phoenix." Shadow opponents, there is only one possibility, Feng Wu has not entered the middle of the world.

This speculation does not know whether it is true or not, but if it proves to be true, then this will be a terrible opponent.

Is there really so many tyrannical masters in the ancient phoenix world?

And from the last time I talked about Feng Zong's words, it seems that I was interested in coming to myself, but the intersection of myself and the ancient phoenix seems to be just Fengqi.

To say that it is because Wang Ting is the champion of the hegemony, it is really impossible to say it. After all, Feng Zong’s appearance is clearly not to put the Terran in his eyes. How can he put a champion of Wang Ting hegemony in his eyes? .

Or is it related to Hua Menghan's affairs?

After Hua Menghan was brought to the ancient phoenix world, there was no news anymore. Maybe it is really not necessarily related!

These thoughts and thoughts are constantly entangled in his mind, and there is no way to find a reasonable set of contexts. There is no clue.

‘It may be like this. I talked to my family about this matter, and I feel that it is only possible to do so. Otherwise, the strength of Ye Zi and Ye Hao will not be forced to join forces to the extent that they are hit hard! "Ye Zhentian was worried about seeing Ye Xiwen. "So, I discussed it with my family. This time, you don't want to go out. This time it is obvious that he is coming to you, and Ye Man and Ye Hao are not. It’s the shack of the fish pond, and once you play, then he will not let you go! ”

Ye Xiwen understands that Feng Wuying is so strong, ruthless and ruthless, only for Ye Zi and Ye Hao, very distinct, is directed at him.

‘But if I don’t take it, then is it not for them to look down on our Ye Family, let them think that I am timid! Yehwen said openly.

‘What is this! "Ye Zhentian shook his head. "The name of our Ye family is made by ourselves. It is not something that others can look down when they look down. What's more, the opposite is the huge monster in the ancient phoenix. We all have the same people. The ability to counterbalance, we are now retreating, it is nothing! ”

'Ye mad and Ye Hao Jing have been hit hard. I am afraid that within a year, there is no way to recover. If you are a shopping mall, I am afraid that it will be abolished on the spot. This is the real loss for our Ye family. Compared to this, the reputation of the district is nothing! "Ye Zhentian said, "When you know what the other party is going to do, and send it to the door, it is purely a dead end!" ”

'You know, this kind of thing, the family can't make it for you. Even Wang Ting can't make it for you. It's like when you married Fengzong, they can only recognize it, and now they have sent a stronger phoenix. There is no shadow to find the scene, and we old guys will never shoot, otherwise it will destroy the rules of the game! Ye Zhentian said.

‘This thing is because of me, how can I let it go? "Ye Xiwen waved his hand," "Don't worry about pinning your hopes on the five giants. Some people hide their strength. This is not a very reliable thing in itself!" ”

‘But this is no way to do it. If we can shoot, how can it make him go crazy! Ye Zhentian said helplessly, many things are not so simple.

‘Master, I asked to play, the other party pointed out that I was coming to me, I can’t let it go, and I have made progress during this time, not without any help! ”

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