Martial God Space

Chapter 1704: God, he is Ye Xiwen!

Ye Xiwen’s footsteps are very fast, but it’s a moment of effort, and it’s already reached the peak of the house’s veins. There are various enchantments and traps, especially after the Emperor’s injury, this kind of defense is even more To an unprecedented degree.

But for Ye Xiwen, these are not at all a problem!

He walked through the layers of enchantments and did not alarm anyone. With his current cultivation, he can see at a glance that these enchantments were laid down in ancient times, and many of them have already touched the level of heaven and humanity. Levels are all a long time ago, when the martial arts school was still very prosperous, the ancestors left behind.

His heart was secretly scared. When the martial arts school was brilliant, it was definitely more brilliant than he imagined. At this time, although only a group of young people who were only detached from the sky, there must be very great power.

At this point, he used to know it when he was at the School of Real Martial Arts. He didn’t know it at the time. The former Zhenwu Academy could have been able to reach this point. It seems that it is no worse than the current old age. It must be because of the encounter. What is too big a disaster, otherwise it will not become like this.

"Oh, I didn't expect that we would have fallen into such a sacred peak, and it would have been degraded to this point!" On the mountain path, several figures came over, one of them in their twenties. Can not help but say with annoyance.

"How many years have you entered the Tibetan Star Peak? What do you know!" Among the group of young people in their twenties, a young man in his thirties looks at the forefront of the team and glances behind him. People, said openly.

"When I entered the Tibetan Star Peak, the Tibetan Star Peak was just beginning to revive, and there were not so many disciples coming in. It was far from being brilliant. When it was more forced to climb the hills in the past, only It’s such a degree, what counts!” The young man in his thirties said faintly.

These young people face each other. They can be said to have grown up listening to the legend of the Tibetan Star Peak. They are watching the renaissance of the Tibetan Star Peak as one of the most powerful inheritances of the Zhenwu Academy. It is impossible to imagine what the Tibetan Star Peak would look like in the past. Even if I have already heard about it, it is equally unimaginable.

"If there is no such person to lead us to the revival of the star, how can you have a good day, even the entire real martial arts school is revival with him!" said the young man in his thirties.

"Is that person really so powerful?" Someone asked, other people are also somewhat confused. They have been separated from Ye Xiwen for hundreds of years. They can only guess some real schools from the words. The years of the year.

"You are not in a time with him, you can't really understand, his glory that year!" The 30-year-old youth sighed and said, "If he is now, we will not be such a leader." It!"

"Can he still be better than the supreme owner?" Someone asked without confidence.

"Now the law enforcement master, Mu Shengjie, was a strong presence in competition with the supreme ruler, and Mu Shengjie was defeated in his hand!" The young man in his thirties said.

Everyone else has looked at each other. As a comparison, everyone knows that Ye Xiwen has long since left, but Mu Shengjie has been in the real martial arts school for many years. He only said one sentence, once defeated Mu Shengjie, they have already I know, this is probably a very powerful person.

"When the foreign invasion of the foreign country, the real martial arts school, still in the most chaotic situation, is that the real martial arts school he led drove all the masters of the foreign countries, and then led the Zhenwu Academy to elevate. At that time, I just just entered the Zhenwu. In the school, for me at that time, that is the person of heaven and earth!" The young man in his thirties sighed as if recalling the past years.

The more I was at this time, the more I could think of it, the fact that Ye Xiwen brought the brilliance of Zhenwu Academy.

Others, although they don't know how brilliant Ye Xiwen was in the past, they may be able to understand some.

What they don't know is that the people they are still discussing are just passing by from their side.

Ye Xiwen went straight to the main hall of the mountain. Not far away, Ye Fengyun and his party were unbeaten. At this time they were rushing to the top of the mountain.

"No matter what, this time, I didn't see the predecessors you said, how much is a pity!" He said with an unsettled sigh, he thought that he could see the predecessors, who knows, actually rushed.

"Forget it!" His voice just fell, and he stunned, and a blue shadow appeared in front of him.

"Ye..." He widened his eyes and almost thought that he had admit his mistake. In general, how can he appear in front of himself?

"Predecessors!" At this time, several other people have said hello.

Although the heart is terrified, why this predecessor will appear in this place, but also through the layer of blockade, but did not declare it.

"Thank you for the help of the predecessors, we originally wanted to thank you. I didn't expect that the predecessors have disappeared, but it is great to see the predecessors here!" Ye Fengyun said.

Ye Xiwen has directly crossed Ye Fengyun and others, and said that he is unbeaten: "The younger brother, who has not seen for many years, has made great progress, and he is grateful!"

"Ye Shixiong!" should be unbeaten and finally shouted out these three words. "Great, great!"

At this time, his lips were open, but only spit out three words.

At this time, he didn't know what to say. He could only think of these three words. With Ye Xiwen, he suddenly seemed to have found the main heart, the high-ranking stars of the Tibetan Stars who were unruly in front of outsiders. The heart is finally loose.

At this time, other people finally reacted, Ye Shixiong...

This title!

In particular, Ye Fengyun suddenly thought of something, and looked at Ye Xiwen with amazement. Is this person going to be a legend, prospering the ancestors of the Ye family, Ye Xiwen?

"Do not worry, I am back!" Ye Xiwen said with a smile, in the words, is the unspeakable domineering and self-confidence.

"Yes, that's right. Since Ye Youxiong is back, what are the cows and ghosts, nothing at all!" said the unbeaten excited.

Ye Xiwen is back, what are the cows and ghosts? At this time, he seems to have returned to the time when he was in the east of Ye Xiwen. Although he is not so famous now, he is powerful, but his heart is much more secure.

Hearing here, Ye Fengyun still doesn't understand how the gentle man in Tsing Yi should be the famous ancestor of Ye Family, Ye Xiwen.

At this time, his face was red and very excited. He grew up listening to the legend about Ye Xiwen. He even said that he was inspirational to Ye Zhiwen and became a man like him. Now he suddenly saw the real person, how is his heart? Can not be excited, and even can be said to be extremely excited.

"How is the master now?" Ye Xiwen asked.

From Ye Fengyun, I know that Emperor Wujiu has stunned the coma, but the specific one is not known, and Ye Fengyun is not likely to tell him the detailed situation. Moreover, the level of Ye Fengyun should not be able to know the specific situation of Emperor Wuji. But it should be unbeaten and it is different. He has such strength.

"Hey, the situation is not optimistic, the master can now say that it is a lifeline!" The unbeaten face suddenly dignified, but looking at Ye Xiwen, the heart suddenly felt a lot of peace of mind.

"Take me to see!" Ye Xiwen said unbeaten.

"Well!" said unbeaten, "Follow me!"

Saying, you should go to the top of the mountain with Ye Xiwen unbeaten, and leave these people completely behind you.

"Brother, this predecessor and the uncle of the teacher are familiar with them?" Ye Xueli said with some confusion and looked at Ye Fengyun.

"A few of you still haven't figured it out? This person... This person is not someone else. It is the person of Ye Family who has been mentioned before, and the person who passed through the heavens and the land, Ye Xiwen's uncle!" Ye Fengyun said with great excitement.

"What, he is, Ye Xiwen's predecessor!" Suddenly everyone else was shocked and surprised, his face was unbelievable.

But they are not stupid, so I think it is like this, whether it is wearing, or the inscrutable strength, and the attitude that should be unbeaten, it is like the legendary Ye Xiwen.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect that we were actually saved by Ye Xiwen's predecessors. No wonder he will come to save us!"

"He is our uncle, great. In this case, I see who else dares to bully us!" Ye Xueli said with a big laugh.

Others even think that if Ye Xiwen returns, then for the head of the government, it is simply a good thing. They were the leader of the group, so there is no way to face the law enforcement hall, but now Well, with the existence of Ye Xiwen, they are equal to having a strong head dragon, and who dares to come to them.

Although they are not the top of the martial arts school, as the leader of the next generation, their political wisdom is not low, how to not understand, I am afraid that Ye Xiwen’s return will bring unprecedented changes to the Zhenwu Academy. It also brings unprecedented opportunities.

At this time, between a moment, Ye Xiwen and the two have already arrived at the main hall of the government. They should be unbeaten and lead everything, and everything is going very smoothly. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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