Martial God Space

Chapter 2058: Mixed building

With the spread of the news, more and more masters gathered around the Dan gods, many of them are the masters of the world among the heavens, the status is noble, and the clouds are raining.

In the case of the gods, it is almost the most powerful existence among the heavens and the world.

The arrival of these masters has also complicated the whole thing.

In the universe of this film, the Confucius Continental is itself the core of the gathering of countless masters. It is a mythical master who is often rare and rare. It is also a place where there is an infest and prosperity.

The mixed building, a building, goes straight into the sky, thousands of feet high, towering above the sky, the clouds are haunting, and you can't see the true appearance of the mixed building.

Around the mixed building, a huge market was formed. The market was surrounded by a huge array of methods. The whole array was in operation all the time, forcing the warriors to enter from a special entrance. The average person could not break. Open the entire array.

Ye Xiwen and Li Ya did not directly enter the Dan gods. The current situation is more complicated than originally anticipated. With the masters of all aspects coming to him, he has to be careful, first to find out the situation.

According to his calculations, Li Feng could not be completely degraded within such a short period of time.

People come and go along the way, it seems extremely prosperous.

Ye Xiwen and Li Ya, this is the dawn, and the waiter came forward and said: "Sorry, the two young ladies, we are not free to open here, the two want to enter, must pay ten Xuan Dan!"

Ye Xiwen directly took out twenty Xuan Dan, and then walked straight in with Li Ya all the way.

The whole market is very large, and the radius does not know how many. It can even be said that the whole of the mainland is itself a super huge market. The center of the mixed building is the core part of the whole market. A variety of heaven and earth treasures. The masters of the world around here will come, or set up stalls in it, or come to buy the treasures they need.

Due to the huge scale, all kinds of treasures are complete, and many very difficult to find Tiancai treasures can be found here.

"The 100,000-year-old Xuan Jing, now only 100,000 Xuan Dan, cheap and good!"

"The ginseng of 30,000 years. It has become a fine, after the devouring, the skill has increased greatly. Don't miss it when you pass by!"

A variety of screams, constantly introduced into Ye Xiwen and Li Ya's ears, for a time. There are hundreds of thousands of screams that come in at the same time. These hawkers are also martial artists. They use special methods to shout out to ensure that they will not dissipate halfway.

The average person also copes with these hundreds of kinds, and thousands of kinds of selling sounds, I am afraid that they will be annoyed by life and life and noisy.

However, with Ye Xiwen's cultivation, these are called selling sounds at the same time. It’s not that difficult, but these treasures are not what he wants. He has already entered a dilemma. As a mythical master, many of the former saga can be called heavenly treasures. Baby, now for him, there is no such thing as a slight effect.

"Predecessors are coming to the mainland for the first time?" A crisp voice came, and Ye Xiwen’s thoughts were swept away, but a woman’s pretty child stood behind him.

A cyan dress, it seems quite pretty, her face is filled with a smile, it seems that people will feel better.

"Well!" Ye Xiwen nodded. "But how do you know?"

Liya also looked at the woman with some curiosity. Can't help but be a bit strange.

"This is very easy to distinguish, the appearance of the seniors looking forward to the right, obviously the first time to come, if it has been a few times. It will not be like this!" The woman said with a smile. "If the little girl is a brook, I don't know if the seniors need a guide. The little girl grows up in this nearby world and is very familiar with this generation!"

“I am very familiar?” Ye Xiwen’s heart was moving, and he intended to refuse it. He also swallowed his stomach. “I don’t know if you know about the Dan gods that have just appeared.”

"The original predecessors came for the Dan gods!" Ruoxi said with a smile, although it is not surprising that he said that he suddenly realized.

"If I want to say this, I know something. I don't know what the seniors want to know?" asked Ruoxi.

"The specific situation, do you know these?" Ye Xiwen asked.

"These, I don't know much, but I can introduce the seniors to a place, where they know!" Ruoxi immediately said.


"This, the predecessors, we have rules in this line, we want to be a guide, at least a thousand Xuan Dan, I don't know... Can you give it first!" Ruoxi looked embarrassed and looked at Ye Xiwen, but his eyes It was a swaying turn and looked at Ye Xiwen.

"Give you!" Ye Xiwen did not hesitate, directly throwing the previous Xuan Dan to Ruoxi, these are just small money.

"It is the front of the mixed building. In fact, the mixed building is the largest martial art force in the mainland. In these days, it is also a huge and powerful force. It also sells some intelligence. If the seniors want to To know something about the Dan **** world, then it is best to go to the mixed yuan building!" If the river got the Xuan Dan, he suddenly smiled.

Her eyes turned and looked at the local tyrant, and there was some slight movement in her heart. One thousand Xuan Dan was not a small number. The person who could make a lot of money was definitely a hidden local tyrant.

It is a pity that she could not see the cultivation of this person. Even the cultivation of the girl around her could not be worn, and it was impossible to determine where they were.

We must know that although she looks strange and quite sleek, she has already entered the realm of dying, and she has never seen anyone, but she has never seen it. figure it out.

But the two people in front of me, but there is no way to see it, just like two ordinary people who have no cultivation, but can come here, can there be ordinary people?

It is impossible to see at first glance. This should have been the most normal point, and it has become the biggest flaw of theirs.

In addition, before Ye Xiwen opened his mouth, he was asked about the Dan **** world. Now there is no doubt that the Dan **** world has become the hottest topic nowadays. What people are most concerned about this Dan **** world, The most time is the peak of the dead Xuanjing, the invincible king, the poor are not afraid to squat, and the real dare to sway in it, no doubt, are masters above the myth.

The identity of the two is almost in vain, although it is not sure that it is a mythical master, but the peak of the dead Xuanjing is only inevitable.

When she thought of it, her smile became more and more brilliant. She was just a guide. These battles had nothing to do with her.

“Floating House?” Ye Xiwen blinked. He looked at the towering tower in the cloud, faintly exuding some treasures, but was blocked by a strong array, obviously Some masters have been reinforced, but he can still see it at a glance.

"This mixed yuan building, I am afraid it is also a magic weapon!" Ye Xiwen said.

"Predecessors have a good eye. This mixed-use building itself is a magic weapon. It is said to be the portable instrument of the Kaiyuan Building. Later it became the ancestral home of the mixed-yuan building. It is very powerful, even here, even if it is The master of the dead Xuanjing can't be put in it!" Received two thousand Xuan Dan, if the stream smiled and said, "Although there is such a saying, but I have never seen this mixed yuan building really open, Maybe it’s not at that point at all!”

"Well!" Ye Xiwen nodded. This is normal. When I really want to use the mixed building, I am afraid that the sects are facing the invasion of foreign enemies, and the whole line will soon collapse.

Just like the Zhenwu Academy, if you use the real Wushi sword, it is really a crisis of extinction.

"Let's go, let's go inside and say it!" Ye Xiwen said.

The three are strong martial arts, although the entrance is very far away from the mixed building, but for the three people who are on the road, it is only a few dozen breathing time.

Of course, it is in the absence of full efforts, otherwise it is far more than just that.

Downstairs, the two gold armored soldiers guarded by the village, Ye Xiwen looked at it, actually is the master of the dead-level level, although it is only the weakest early stage of the dead, but it is enough to swear.

"Predecessors, these two are elites among the mixed-line soldiers. In fact, the guards at the door are so strong. Other places are not so strong!" Ye Xiwen was still confused, and suddenly, the explanation of Ruoxi came from the ear. The voice, he suddenly realized, it is no wonder that there are such strong guards here.

Although the Dao Bing is not a general warrior, but can cultivate to the dead, there is no doubt that it is the elite of the elite. It is only used to look at the door. Now I understand that I am afraid that the shocking component is higher than the guardian. some.

There are two masters of the dead-level level who are watchers, and some people who want to make troubles must think about whether they have this ability or not.

However, for him, it is no problem. He has already entered the realm of mythology. These two dead-level soldiers can't cause any deterrence to him. Liya is calm and abnormal.

Seeing the unusually calm look of the two people, if the brook is also secretly screaming, thinking that when he first came, he was frightened by the two soldiers who died at the level of the level of the realm. It is certain that Ye Xiwen is afraid of not simply inference.

The three people quickly entered the mixed building, and Ye Xiwen felt the pressure of a magic weapon, and fell on him.

Before he thought about it, a little bit of a scornful voice came from behind.

PS: Return to Shanghai tomorrow, resume update!

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