Martial God Space

Chapter 2270: Shen Dan started, arrived in time

There is a mysterious old man who stood up and manifested directly from the void, no longer hiding in the endless void.

He looked at Ye Xiwen in a complicated look and seemed to be thinking about something.

"I am the unnamed father of Broken Dragon, the current owner of the Broken Dragon family!"

Ye Xiwen’s eyes suddenly became vigilant. This broken dragon family has obviously surpassed the long habitat. It should be a master of indestruction. This level is higher than the long habitat and it is completely difficult to kill. As long as there is still a cell, Can resurrect.

The strength is also stronger.

Ye Xiwen had a mocking smile on his mouth and said, "Now that is coming out, is it going to be strong?"

Of course, he did not believe that the other party had just arrived. The cloak man was not directly assigned by him. I was afraid that he would also have the intention to sit down and watch. This is a good way to control a master of martial arts without any effort. Do a good job.

This is why he did not think that even after the robbery, Ye Xiwen retains an amazing fighting power, and after baptism, his strength is stronger than before.

In the end, it’s a loss!

"That is naturally impossible. In this case, we have a responsibility for the Broken Dragon family. We broke the Longchi thing and we wrote off it. Since then, we have not owed each other!" said the Dragon Master.


"Homeowner, no!"

Many masters have called out.

The Broken Dragon family did not care about other people, but said: "If we say, to recruit you, I believe that after this thing, you will not believe us, right?"

Ye Xiwen nodded, not to mention that he would not stay in the Emperor for a long time, even if it was a native of the native of the Emperor, I am afraid that they would not believe them anymore.

Trust destruction is easy, and construction is not so easy.

"So, this is a transaction. As long as you help us win, a god, which we traded from the Dan gods a long time ago, as long as you swallow, will soon be able to consolidate your cultivation. And more will allow you to quickly break through to the middle of the long live, how?" Broken Dragon's family opened a big Tianjiao.

A **** Dan, if it is a coincidence, can even produce a master of the level of the martial arts, can not be said to be precious, and the conditions of the dragon owner. Just let Ye Xiwen win the wind.


Many old monsters are screaming, and this condition is too superb for them.

As long as they do not suffer unimaginable harm, the masters of the sect will be able to survive for a long time. As time goes by, they will naturally grow more, so their number is much more than ordinary people think, but under normal circumstances In the retreat, many people do not appear in front of the world all the year round.

Among the masters of the sermon. A million years of life is considered to be qualified, and 100,000 years are considered young.

Many of them have no chance to swallow a **** in this life.

It is conceivable that this condition is in their opinion, how good it is.

Ye Xiwen pondered for a moment. He had intended to take this opportunity to leave immediately, but if there was a god, the situation was completely different.

He already has a god, but whoever will care more about God. Of course, the gods in his body are undoubtedly more advanced, and have proved. Almost equal to the **** shell, and the ordinary **** Dan can not be compared.

He had intended to stay and then swallowed into the indestructible time to swallow a successful attack.

Now there is another choice. After the testimony, each step requires countless years of accumulation. A **** can save him years of hard work and why not.

"Yes, but I have to see God Dan first!" Ye Xiwen glanced at the broken dragon owner.

"Yes, God Dan gives you, you win, Shen Dan belongs to you, loses, you also want to get out of the Broken Dragon family!" The Dragon Master said faintly, the words are unparalleled cold, hurting himself for this. The son of the son, he will not have a good impression, without the personal shot, it is already very deep in the city, and more importantly, this war, the broken dragon family can not afford to lose.


Everyone is stunned. They have been killing decisive homeowners. What is wrong with this? Why do you keep making concessions? You can almost step back and step by step.

Only Ye Xiwen knows something, because the Broken Dragon Stone is in the Tianyuan Mirror. This battle is really impossible for the Broken Dragon family.

What's worse than losing Broken Dragon Stone is that once you lose, you can't pay the Broken Dragon Stone. They may be completely defeated by the Emperor's Court in a lightning-fast manner. Countless years of inheritance are cut off in your own hands.

The Broken Dragon family did not control the opposition of others, and sent a **** to the hand of Ye Xiwen. This is a golden god. The gods portray countless ancient lines, exuding amazing power and simplicity. The profound truth is contained in it.

However, it was blocked by the array of law, lest the gods fly away, even if there is no intelligence, but the gods are already gods, naturally they are spiritual, and they may fly away if they are not careful.

Ye Xiwen directly put Shen Dan into Tianyuan Mirror. He looks calm and has no excitement, because it is useless to swallow Shen Dan now. Others are not clear. Only he knows best. Now he is stuck in the last step. It is a true demigod, unable to solve the embarrassment and knot of the past life. It is also a waste of swallowing Shen Dan.

It is also okay to take people's money and people to fight disasters!

At this time, in a space fault thousands of kilometers outside the Broken Dragon City, countless tyrannical figures are gathering, screaming again and again, a huge incomparable battlefield is on top, around the battlefield, Many of the shadows that floated into the shadows were hidden in the void, and they were all in the middle of the sky.

In the battlefield, the two figures are fiercely fighting, and for a moment, I don’t know if I have to fight a thousand times or 10,000 times.




The sound of a collision slammed into the sky, and a figure broke away from the horrible scene of intense collision and destruction, and fell heavily on the battlefield.

Everyone looked at it and it was the first genius of the Broken Dragon family.

At this time, there is no good meat in the whole body, the flesh and blood collapses, the bones are flying, and the golden bones can be seen in many places. His eyes are full of gray expressions. Unimaginable, some people can actually be strong. This is the point.

He spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the golden blood penetrated into the ground. He was completely hit hard, and his eyes began to blur. This kind of heavy blow was the one that had previously been with Ye Xiwen.

Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, it was actually hit again.

Compared with Ye Xiwen’s fight with a year ago, the time of the dragon’s desirelessness was stronger. At that time, he could barely touch the realm of the mid-term of the longevity by virtue of the integration of the martial arts incarnation.

A year later, with the baptism of the Broken Dragon Pool, he has steadily entered the middle of the long habitat, but suffered the most terrible failure, more thorough than the previous failure, but also more terror.

In front of him, a figure slowly appeared. It was a man in a gray robes. His eyes were as deep as a knife, his face was calm, and he couldn’t look at the dragon without a desire. He just said faintly: No desire, you are too disappointing, the first day of the Broken Dragon family, but that's it!"

"If you break the dragon family, is there no one else?"

Many of the people on the scene changed suddenly, especially the masters of the Broken Dragon family, but even more ugly, watching this person completely humiliated the Broken Dragon family, but could not mention any rebuttal.

Broken dragon had no desire to struggle. He only felt the pain of the cone heart. The body could not move at all. The blow just killed him, even if his **** shell suffered a bed that was difficult to recover.

He is constantly struggling, but it is useless, just vomiting blood.

"Wind Cheng Zhi, you don't want to be proud, we are not a broken family!" Broken Dragon has no desire to spit out this sentence.

"There are people? Hey!" Feng Chengzhi disdainfully sneered, his eyes patrolling the audience, but his eyes were disdainful. "It’s still three games, as long as you can beat me in the Broken Family, today you won!"



"Miscellaneous, what do you say!"

Under the field, Ling Fei looked at his left and right eyes and concentrated on his own body. He could not help but say: "What are you doing, you are not expecting me to win the guy, what a joke!"

Ling Fei shook her head, she is very clear, although her strength has entered the peak of the early end of the longevity, with the artifacts of the body, can also counter the ordinary long-lived mid-term, but definitely not the metamorphosis.

She is not a broken family, how to be willing to sell life for the Broken Dragon family.

"His opponent is not me, don't look at me!"

Ling Fei holds her shoulders and is determined not to go.

"I thought I was crazy, but it still seems to be someone, there is heaven!"

A chuckle came from a distant void.

When everyone heard it, they suddenly changed their faces, especially the broken dragons had no desire, but they were even strange, not knowing whether they were happy or depressed.

He thought that even if Ye Xiwen was not present today, he could win with his own strength. At that time, Ye Xiwen won the battle and regained his dignity. Whoever thought, completely lost in the hands of Feng Chengzhi.

Now I want Ye Xiwen to save the field.

"Come out!" Feng Chengzhi screamed and turned into a sound wave, which rolled up in all directions.

Ye Xiwen’s figure was far and near, and soon he came to the field and stood up.

"This guy really came, I said, how could he be absent!" Ling Fei's hands are right, hold it up, and the little face is a little excited.

"Who is this person?" Many people still don't know Ye Xiwen, and they can't help but wonder. (To be continued.)

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