Martial God Space

: Say two things!

First, regarding the things that have been said before, these days are quite busy. They are busy outside during the day. They don’t come back until six or seven, and everyone has seen it. It’s basically late in the night, not wanting to make up. However, there is really no time. It seems that it is not realistic at one time. It can only be supplemented by a chapter and a chapter of the East.

The second is to say someone, I don't want to name you, but I have been holding you for a few months. In the past few months, you have added me Q to sell in front of me. I also pretend to have a lot of opinions and turn around to open the trumpet. Or simply as a tourist, yell at me in the book review area!

Do you think I don't know if you are? The first time you yell at me, I know that it is you. I don’t want to see you in that tone. Do you know that when I know someone who is a fan of my **** book, why are you in the book review area?

I didn't reveal it, I don't know if it is you, but I want to leave you a face. I don't have much to say about what you have always said to be a loyal fan of my book, but you not only do not appreciate it, but instead become more serious, I am I often get up in the morning to see that your book review area is your embarrassing book review. It is really enough to open a lot of posts at once!

Every time I just deleted the matter silently, I didn’t mention it in front of you at all. I just hope that if you can see it, you will receive it. Who knows that you are getting more and more intensive, endless, and the more you listen, the more you think you are standing. In the perspective of justice.

I didn't want to be as ugly as I said, but you also took a good look at the mirror. Did you subscribe me? Have you voted? Have you said that before you? Now you tm actually tell me the character!

A few days ago, I blackened your button. It was already a warning and reminder. I didn’t expect you to appreciate it at all. Actually, the face of a complete savior appeared in the book review area.

It is a pity that those who voted for the monthly pass, are you qualified, are you worthy of being compared with them? They are the ones who really support this book, and what about you?

Like those who are forced to do the same, I can't do it anyway. I won't compare it with the second one, but you don't sell it in front of me. I don't feel disgusting!

I won't say anything about this book. I spent a lot of effort to write. You didn't pay for a dime. I just want to say a word. I don't want to tear my face now, so I can get together. If the book really makes you feel uncomfortable, you can ask people to leave, the book temple is small, can not accommodate your god!

Ok, I am sorry to let everyone listen to me complaining. I haven’t said a lot about this kind of thing for a long time, but this time I am really angry and sad. I have been patient for a few months. I hope I can see it when I see it. The result is still like this!

I am sorry everyone!

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