Martial God Space

Chapter 2580: Fight to the end

If it is normal, Gu Shiying may be depressed, but this time, he will not be depressed, the reason is very simple, because now for him, there is nothing more important than taking the Spring and Autumn Pen, and Ye Xiwen will be his capture Spring and Autumn Pen's biggest guarantee, there is such an ally, what are you afraid of?

In this action, he may not be right in every resolution, but his decision to invite Ye Xiwen is absolutely the most correct.

But in the same way, there are some unwillingness in his heart, but for their generation, the practice has just begun, and the momentary victory and defeat can not explain anything.

"I was disturbed by two mad dogs. I still don't know how far the situation has developed!" Ye Xiwen asked.

Everyone is speechless, and Ye Xiwen really has a big heart. After such a battle, he can still ask so calmly, to what extent the situation has developed.

The two characters who are high for everyone, for him, are just two mad dogs.

With such a ratio, the gap between the two sides is really not that big.

"We are the first to get here, so don't worry!" Gu Shiying said, but it is because of this, so there will be some people coming back, even he is not clear.

Ye Xiwen breathed a sigh of relief, at least he was not late.

Since they haven't started yet, everyone has started to meditate. This time the battle is fierce and thrilling, but in fact, for them, the benefits are also quite good, because it is not always possible to see such a high level of fierce battle.

For them, this is also a very rare experience.

It can be digested for a long time now.

This is also the most valuable asset they have been able to obtain for a long time, even more important than many natural treasures.

After all, Tiancai Treasure is easy to find. This kind of battle is not something that can be seen every day. This is why many people are also willing to watch the battle of the strong. It is not only to satisfy the minds of gossip, but more importantly, to learn a lot from the experience.

This kind of battle has even a lot of meaning for Ye Xiwen himself. After all, this is the first time in his true sense that he defeated the sages by his own strength. Before that, he relied on the horrible power of the A Nasal Sword. The sentiments gained at this time are not the same.

Above the Shushan, there is a cliff waterfall, and Yun Yunxi and Ye Xiwen stand side by side. The two haven't seen each other for more than a thousand years, and they feel extra kind at this time.

"Ye Shidi has not seen for more than a thousand years, but I have not thought that I have progressed to this realm. I am grateful!" Yan Yunxi took the lead and broke the calm.

"The progress of the teacher is not small. I can see my sister here today. I have a few accidents!" Ye Xiwen said.

Among the electoral roads, even the sages have a lot of degeneration, let alone the long-lived, and there is no guarantee. It may be the presence of the wind in the outside world, but here it is nothing.

"Ye Shidi's meaning I understand, but the so-called snake has a serpent. The mouse has a mouse path, Ye Shidi, you come in to choose the emperor road is definitely for the legendary emperor's chance, I am just to find a further chance, After all, not everyone can be as far behind us as Ye Shidi has been for a thousand years! In general, there will be no big guys coming to us for trouble!" Yun Yunxi said with a smile, This is like saying to Ye Xiwen, but also to telling myself. When I said this, I suddenly felt that my heart was suddenly released, and I felt a lot of transparency. I only felt clear in front of me.

The body of Yun Yunxi was suddenly big and light, and on the top of the head, a Qingyun rose up, and many magic treasures were displayed on it.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiwen still does not understand, this Yun Yunxi has got a big chance, and even has broken some kind of obsession, and his mind has been improved.

She is already the peak of her long life. Further, she is not dying. She has crossed a major stage. For many gods, it is a big opportunity that may not be encountered in a lifetime. How many people have been stuck in their lives for a long time. The peak of habitation, from the road to the fall, has never really crossed this level.

In the sky, there was a robbery cloud.

"Congratulations to the sister, He Xi Shijie!" Ye Xiwen said with a slight smile.

"This time I really thank you Ye Shidi!" Yan Yunxi looked at Ye Xiwen seriously, only she knew best, she put down her obsession with Ye Xiwen, feeling that the two sides are no longer at a level, no obsession She can be so clear and clear.

Even her gratifying progress over the past thousand years is due to her obsession with Ye Xiwen, hoping to catch up with his footsteps. This obsession made her progress in the early days, but it soon became Her obstacles, if she can't break it herself, may not be able to cross this life.

Now that I have really let go of it, I have a brighter thought, and I am in harmony with Heaven.

She raised her obsession and also because of Ye Xiwen. She also put down her obsessiveness because Ye Xiwen, the so-called one drink and oneself, is unpredictable.

When Yun Yunxi finished speaking, he no longer said anything more. He went straight into the robbery cloud and jumped into the robbery in public.

The people on the Shushan Mountain saw the shock of the heart. They naturally did not know that there were so many twists and turns. For them, they only thought that they had read the sentiment after the battle between Ye Xiwen and the old man, and thus directly broke through a big one. The realm.

Many people can't help but admire hatred. They also watched the battle. They didn't have direct progress. Although there are no small gains, it is obviously no different from Yu Yunxi.

Even for the gods, it is also hierarchical.

For the gods, every big realm is a transformation and rebirth. The long habitat can only be regarded as ordinary, but after the immortality, the status is different immediately. The status is elevated and immediately jumps to another level. The small aristocrats in the gods, the sages are the great aristocrats in the gods, and the strong kings are the supreme rulers.

Ye Xiwen looked at the figure of Yun Yunxi who had not entered the robbery. He couldn’t help but sigh. In fact, he didn’t know the thoughts of Yun Yunxi, but he now has enough debts, even if he understands it like a mirror. Can only pretend not to understand.

The robbing of Yun Yunxi completely inspired the enthusiasm of everyone on Shushan. Soon everyone found that Ye Xiwen was not as cold and inhuman as they thought, so they came to ask for the time when the battle had not begun.

Ye Xiwen is also a comer. The preaching is not only good for them, but Ye Xiwen is also the same. This is a process of constantly sorting out his own feelings about the avenue. He can also realize his own clarity.

Later, Gu Shiying and Yan were not easy to join in. The other people had too many levels to discuss with Ye Xiwen. He could only preach, but after Gu Shiying and Yan were not easy to join, the situation was completely different. To put it bluntly, the two sides are still one level higher than Ye Xiwen.

In particular, it also brought Confucius' unique practice concept, which made Ye Xiwen have a feeling of not gaining a lot.

The law of the three people turned into a golden lotus from the sky, and everyone was as fascinated as it was, and there were great gains, and the three people who talked about it all had their own gains.

On this day, Ye Xiwen and others who had been talking about it for ten days finally ushered in the arrival of other people.

And it is also a powerful master.

"Look, it is the undecided mountain of the gods, the powerful power, actually swept!" An exclamation exclaimed everyone from the environment of the argument, they finally remembered this time. The battle has not finished yet.

Everyone has seen it, it is a very famous instrument of the undecided gods, and there is no fixed mountain.

Those who originally invited Confucius to help boxing, there are still some drums in the future. After all, although Confucianism is strong, it is not easy to provoke the gods. However, their strength is not strong, they can only To the role of containment.

But now, they have no worries anymore. The reason is very simple. Ye Xiwen is sitting in the town. What else can they worry about? Can the master of the mountain be strong and strong, can the old guy who has passed the old man?

However, the power of the unconventional mountain swept away and they could not help but marvel.

Ye Xiwen stood up and looked up, especially Gu Shiying, no matter how much preparation was made in advance, but when he was really facing the battle, he still did not dare to slap each other.

"Finally, there is no fixed mountain, no god, no stator, is he and Jun Dingtian alliance?" Ye Xiwen said faintly.

Such a level of characters, every move is incomparably attractive attention, Jun Dingtian and others can easily explore the alliance between Ye Xiwen and Gu Shiying. In turn, Gu Shiying also easily found out that Jun Dingtian Alliance with no stator.

"Teacher, wait for the battle to start, you are responsible for controlling Shushan, suppressing the other side of the undecided mountain, as for the charge, and handed it over to me and Ye brother to be responsible!" Gu Shiying said.

Shushan is his home base and must have a trustworthy person to sit in town.

"No problem!" Yan is not easy to nod.

He has taken over the control letter from Gu Shiying.

Ye Xiwen's eyes were so deep that after opening the eyes of redemption, he looked at the roof and the strong temperament above him rose, but he did not find the atmosphere of Jun Dingtian.

There is a strong atmosphere above the undecided mountain, but it is not a celestial heaven, it should be a stator without a definite god.

"Without the stator, you are not sure that the gods will dare to rob us of the spring and autumn pens, and not quickly retreat!"

Gu Shiying went up and said. (To be continued.)

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