Martial God Space

Chapter 2589: The sage of the sage

Jun Dingtian retreats in succession. In the collision with Ye Xiwen, he suffered a big loss. He was not an opponent at all, and he was hit hard once.

And Jun Dingtian just retreats again and again, there is no slight fluctuation in the doubles, as if the person who had just bursting his arm was not him, but other people.

On his body, three thousand kendos fluttered and entangled him on his body. Wherever Jianqi passed, the hands of Jun Dingtian’s explosion were also repaired and slowly supplemented.

The battle between the hidden valley Gemini stars seems to end with Ye Xiwen completely occupying the upper hand. Ye Xiwen, who is fully exerted, will hit Jundingtian with a single blow. This kind of strength makes many people feel chilly. This ability is only beyond In the later period of the sage, it reached the level of the legendary sage.

"How could he be so strong? He clearly said that even the sages were not in the late stage, but the strength of the play, I think even if it is the peak of the sages, it is not inferior!"

Many people are horrified to discover that Ye Xiwen’s strength has surpassed the limits they can imagine.

The sages are at their peak, and this is almost the limit of the old antiques in the electoral road.

"These two people are really more horrible than one, one is more fierce than one, the martial arts they use, some I have heard, some I have never heard of!" There is an old antique can not help but say.

"Ye Xiwen, you really are an opponent who can't be underestimated. If I just look down on you a little bit, then it is very likely that I have already hated it under your sword!" A somewhat clear look, Ye Xiwen's outburst, does not seem strange to him, seems to have already been expected.

Ye Xiwen's strength naturally does not have to be said, whether it is inferred from the situation of the previous fight, or from the powerful strength that Ye Xiwen broke out hundreds of years ago, it is not difficult to see.

"Do your best, if it's just like this. You will die in my hands sooner or later!" Ye Xiwen said faintly.

"What, Jun Dingtian also hides the strength!"

The face without the stator is the most ugly. Originally, he didn't put Jundingtian in his eyes, but the alliance needed it.

For him, what is the qualification of a guy who has repeatedly defeated Ye Xiwen in his hands to scream in front of him.

But now he knows how outrageous he was at the time, not that the battles of the battles are too weak, but this Ye Xiwen is too strong.

Even if the two of them have repeatedly defeated Jun Dingtian, they have to grab more than they have, and they have taken the shelf before. At this point, it seems that it is self-deprecating, like a clown, jumping up and down, thinking of it, his eyes are even more hateful.

"I was seen through you!" Jun Dingtian said coldly and coldly. "I thought it was not used in the East. I didn't think of it, I finally used it!"

In the body of Jun Dingtian, a strong force is released little by little, as if a fierce beast is awakened in his body. Very terrible.

The strength of his body was bit by bit in the detachment, and soon climbed to the peak of the late sage, and finally hit the peak of the sage.

Ye Xiwen did not take any advantage to him because he knew there was no meaning at all. At most, let him be awkward, because Jun Dingtian is not a breakthrough, but it is a recovery.

He can easily see that Jun Dingtian absolutely hides his strength. Because he had not kept the sword just now, if it wasn't for Jun Dingtian who had already entered the peak of the sage, that sword was enough to kill him completely. The worst is enough to make him hit hard, not just like this.

No wonder he has the courage to target himself. The original strength has reached this point. He is determined that he is impossible to be stronger than him.

Jun Dingtian grabbed a hand and grabbed a long sword directly across the sky, turning into an amazing sword.

Around this amazing sword, three thousand kendos, like three thousand shadows, covered in the surrounding, with amazing power, slammed down to Ye Xiwen.

"With so many years of grievances, today is all over!" Jun Dingtian screamed, his eyes sparkling with sizzling light. Speaking, after so many years, it is said that Ye Xiwen did not have any influence on him, that is It is absolutely impossible, precisely because there is such an opponent who hates him and keeps catching up, he can restore his strength to this point in a short time, but in the same way, he does not want to kill Ye Xiwen all the time.

His sword was directly shrouded, reaching the peak of the sage's realm. Further, it is the strongman of the king's realm. In the electoral road, Jun Dingtian can say that as long as he does not touch the enchanting, he can traverse Going away, even if you run into a enchanting, you can't kill him so easily.

"Come on!" Ye Xiwen also screamed, and the stone sword in his hand exploded with countless stones. The whole body of the golden mana rushed out, covering his surface, hegemonic body, the real peak combat power. .

In this case, especially the addition of the five emperors and the martial arts incarnation, his strength has risen to the extreme.


Shi Zhongjian was thrown out of a horrible sword, and he had the power to reverse the vast expanse of the sky.


In the void, the power of the two sides collided wildly, just like the battle that was repeated many years ago. One side is three thousand kendos. Every sword is a new kind of kendo. It has become a horrible realm.

Ye Xiwen’s Shi Zhongjian is simple to the extreme, only simple and simple.

That terrible energy swept out, and biochemistry became a huge explosion, forming a huge mushroom cloud that slowly rose.


Two huge incomparable whistling sounds came, and the people still did not react. The two men fought together again, like two huge groups of light, and everyone even could not see the movements of the two.

Jun Dingtian fingers picked it up and turned it into a sword. He squeezed a sword, and in the sky, it was woven into a heavenly sword net covering nine days and ten places, as if it were the power of the kendo that destroyed the world.

Ye Xiwen is also not to be outdone, no matter how many swords he has, he is only the simplest trick, his arms are constantly slamming down, and the swords that fall down, like mountains, are extremely heavy.

The change of his kendo is naturally not as much as that of Jun Dingtian, but the martial art repair is definitely a perfect fire. No matter what kind of attack, he wants to incite his offensive.




As they get closer and closer, the fighting power of both sides is also more intense, and the collision is more intense. The two have already killed each other and are close to each other.

Everyone around them feels that the martial arts in the body are eager to move, especially the martial arts who practice kendo. At this time, it is felt that the kendo has to fly out of the body. This is the powerful thing of the three thousand kendos. All the kendos will be 3,000. The influence of kendo is all-encompassing and omnipotent.

Using the ordinary kendo to deal with the three thousand kendo is undoubtedly a way of seeking a dead end.

However, Ye Xiwen does not care, because he also has a very deep understanding of the three thousand kendo. At the time of the last battle, he has already immersed the three thousand kendos to a certain extent, although certainly not comparable to Jun Dingtian, but Jun Ding It is impossible for Tian to want to influence his kendo incarnation with three thousand kendo.

Jun Dingtian's brows are locked and the battle is getting more and more fierce, but he can see that the battle between the two sides has been completely glued up. In this way, his idea of ​​killing Ye Xiwen will also be turned into a bubble. .

And this time he paid such a big price, this time can go back alive, Hidden Valley's amnesty will not easily let him go, after all, this thing from the beginning to the end are Ye Xiwen occupy the truth.

If Ye Xiwen is dead, it is naturally said that if he dies, he will die. But now the situation is that he can’t help Ye Xiwen, then these problems, which are not problems, will become huge problems.

However, although he has already retired, Ye Xiwen did not have such an idea. It can be said that he is pressing step by step, step by step and killing him in front of him, and constantly launching an offensive. In a short period of time, it has already been converted from offense and defense.

At this time, on the other side, no stator looks ugly, then he made up his mind and screamed: "Go, let's go!"

He has already seen it. Jun Dingtian is at best only deadlocked with Ye Xiwen. It is impossible to defeat him. The strength of Jun Dingtian is enough to retreat, but if he changes his words, the situation is completely different. Gu Shiying got the Spring and Autumn Pen, and he couldn't walk away if he wanted to go.

Under the control of the undecided mountain, he instantly turned into a streamer and flew away from the distance. As for Jun Dingtian, he was completely betrayed by him.

He also wished that the two had the best chance of losing both of them, and they all died best. Moreover, he always remembered the actions of his teammates before Jun Dingtian, and he could not be saved. If Ye Xiwen first started, he was not Wu Ziyu. Then the person who is dead now is him.

At this moment, he is willing to take the chestnuts for the fire.

"Want to go, no stator, do you think that this is where you want to come, want to go and go?" Just heard a cold voice, and then only saw a nib that cut through the void Down, directly point to the undecided mountain.


The vast, undecided mountain was blown up on the spot, and a horrible force poured into it. It could not be controlled, and it was blown up. Many disciples of the undecided mountain screamed tragic.

No stator was swept out of it, but a figure directly chased it up, not to be reluctant. (To be continued.)

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