Martial God Space

Chapter 2619: Blood refining lord

Looking from afar, the whole ghost temple is like a huge ghost. It looks like a very gloomy and horrible. This ghost opens its mouth and welcomes all the people who come in, through the red robe. Introduction, all the people know that this ghost temple is simply a transmission array, the real ghost temple is inside this ghost head.

It's like a ghost with a green face and a fangs. It's like opening a **** mouth.

The closer to this ghost temple, the more horrible the ghosts.

Even everyone has encountered the sages at the level of the sages. Fortunately, everyone has done a good job, and all of them have been sent. If the ordinary team meets the sages at the level of the sages, they will be wiped out on the spot.

However, when they were on the scene, they still did not encounter the legendary ghost king. They did not know whether they were lucky or not. The so-called ghost king did not exist at all.

"This is the temple of the heavens, let's go, let's go in!" The old robe of the red robe came a few times, and took the lead and rushed in.

Ye Xi and others also followed.

I feel that the surrounding space is fluctuating. When Ye Xi and others return to God, they are already in a huge hall. The hall is tall and wide, and it is very large. It is very large in this hall. In the most central area, there is a throne of a hand, like a conference center, but unlike the ordinary throne, these thrones are sketched with fierce devils, ghosts, people Looking far away, there is a feeling of trepidation.

It’s like a head and a ghost who wants to be born again.

At this time, Ye Xi’s ear came the voice of the old robe of the red robe: "This is the temple of the ghosts in the temple of the heavenly ghosts. The reason why the temple of the heavenly ghost has this alias is because of the relationship of this ghost temple. After the powerful ghost emperor dominated the world, he copied the sages and set up the Wan Gui Hall. Everyone who screamed his name was a place of his own. He called it a ghost night!"

Ye Xi glanced at the hall, as if he could still see a scene when there was no enemy in the atmosphere here, but nowadays, things are human. The invincible figure of the year is now just a cup of loess.

In the inner hall of the main hall, there is a huge passage. At the end of the passage, there is a huge transmission array. The space fluctuates drastically. Even if Ye Xi is far apart, it can be sent back to feel it.

Ye Xi knows that this should be the entrance to the real ghost temple. This Wan Gui Temple itself is nothing. All year round in the ghost field.

However, this transmission array in the Wan Gui Temple is only once in a million years, it is very unstable, and because of this, it is transmitted to it, and everyone's location is different.

Otherwise, the red robe will not let the crowds gather their hearts.

Around the Wan Gui Temple. There are several huge stone pillars, each of which must be surrounded by ten people. It is very large. On these stone pillars, there are also images of many ghosts, which are as vivid as if they can fly out of the stone pillars. .

Among them, it is even true that there is a spirit of the spirit of a powerful devil.

And after Ye Xi came. Only then did they find that they were not the first to come. At this time, among the temples of Wan Gui, there were already a number of masters of various ethnic groups coming, almost all of them were masters of the sage.

Also, if it is not a sage. There is almost no way to obstruct the layers of those ghosts. Even when there are more ghosts, there are hundreds of thousands of them, which can't be imagined anywhere else.

However, although Ye Xi is not a team, he is an elite. Very good, so it quickly caused a lot of people's ideas.

Many people's eyes have been projected, and there are several teams composed of masters like Ye Xi and other sages.

Their eyes only stayed a little, and they didn't dare to stay longer. After all, in this place, no one wants to offend anyone who is unreasonable, and inexplicably has a group of opponents.

Desperately, Ye Xi felt that a gaze was on his own body. He looked up and saw, but a **** old man stared at him.

Ye Xi did not speak yet, and the red robe grotesque immediately stepped forward and asked: "Why are the blood refining friends, why have they been staring at my friends, so it is rude!"

The **** old man's blood refining was just a cold scream, the pupil narrowed slightly, and then he said, "Hey, you have to ask him, and the person who killed my blood refining sect is hiding and there is no way to escape!"

Blood refining!

Ye Xi knew it. The **** old man was so hostile to him. It turned out to be related to the blood refining.

He was really just right before, killing a witness who is a blood refining sect.

"Daoyou, how did you get rid of this old thing, the blood refining sect created by this old thing, it is the nearby local snake, very difficult to provoke, and their sect has a secret, if they kill their sect, Will automatically be planted with a kind of blood curse, this blood curse is invisible in the weekdays, but once the blood refining people are close, they will automatically sense this blood curse!" Secret explained.

Ye Xi slightly smiled, it is no wonder that this blood refining can actually recognize himself at first sight. He also believes that there is no problem in handling the technique at the time. It seems that he still looks down on the world, and there is still such a Law curse.

However, he did not explain much, just sinking his heart. Although this blood curse is invisible, but Ye Xi is who he is, he knows his body very well, and there is something more, even if it is hidden. It is also impossible to escape his eyes.

He quickly found the blood curse, lurking in his own blood. If it wasn’t for the red robe reminder, it’s really hard to find, and there is still a spirit in this blood curse. And the direction of the connection is exactly that blood.

It seems that blood refining is intended to stare at him in this way, so that he is inescapable.

Ye Xi couldn't help but sneer, but he didn't move, pretending to be undiscovered.

"How about killing!" Ye Xi said coldly. What he thought was that if the person was from the blood refining sect, then the old guy would know the things of the ghost, which made him nervous. The thing about ghosts and Jane is his secret. If Baoguang goes out, I am afraid that it will lead to no small trouble.

Here, there are a lot of masters who are the peaks of the sages. If they come to find troubles with Ye Xi, that is a big trouble.

"Good, good, good, a man who is crazy. I have seen a lot of crazy people in my generation, but dare to say in front of me **** me, you are still the first!" Blood refraction distorted, Said angrily.

But it didn't work, because it was in the temple of the heavens, not because he had awe of this 10,000-ghost temple, but because there was a prohibition in the temple of the ghosts. The ghost temple’s shocking counterattack.

It is said that this is also the horror that the ghost emperor deliberately arranged in order to shock those unruly ghosts. Even now, this squad still exists.

Therefore, many masters did not dare to start here. Otherwise, it would lead to the resurgence of the Wan Gui Temple. It is not a fun thing. In the past, there were many unbelievers who died here.

However, look at the blood refining, wait for a moment to really enter the ghost temple, I am afraid that I will still hold Ye Xi.

Others haven't had much interest in glanced at it. Now blood refining is undoubtedly a state of anger, and they don't want to be the target of blood refining.

Red robe old blame...

I looked at Ye Xi and looked at the blood refining. I couldn’t help but feel helpless. I didn’t expect a helper I had just found, but I still got such a big trouble.

It’s just a matter of blood smelting a person, but blood smelting is not a person at this time, but a team that is also attributed to a team of sages, and the nature of their team is generally the same.

"The red robes don't have to worry, since it's what I messed up, I solved it myself, you don't have to worry!" Ye Xi passed the past.

The red robe grotesquely glanced at Ye Xi, and his heart was still somewhat gratified.

He didn't know that Ye Xi didn't want the things of Ghost Simplified to be exposed. This is not to let others join in. If this blood refining is not well-known, then it will be the root of the sacred temple.

However, I don’t know for what purpose, I don’t know if there is a ghost, or I want to hide it. Although I’m staring at Ye Xi, I don’t spit out the ghosts, just attaching the gods to it. Above the blood curse of Ye Xi.

What he didn't know was that all these things were under the control of Ye Xi. The concealment he thought he did was actually exposed to Ye Xi's eyes.

After another day, the masters who came later finally came together.

At this point, finally, the long-awaited transmission array finally started, the cracks in the connector, the inexhaustible light burst, and the rumbling operation.

The crowd almost rushed to the front, stepped out, and flew past the transmission array.

"Everyone has to live to gather in the place where the ghosts are rushing, so I will take a step first!" The red robes said that the direct figure disappeared into the transmission array.

Ye Xi did not rush for such a little time. He just stepped, but found that the blood refining behind him was only looking at him sullenly, his face showing a sly smile, as if watching the prey, very strange.

Ye Xi smiled coldly, just glanced at him and then walked into the transmission array.

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