Martial God Space

Chapter 2698: Call your elders to lead people

Ye Xiwen spent a month in front of the grave of Man Yun, and said all his experiences over the years.

Some of the hearts are lost, perhaps in his heart, there are some different feelings for this strange woman.

However, only after this month, Ye Xiwen left the grave of Manyun, and the dead have passed away. How to remember it has no effect.

After cleaning up the mood, Ye Xiwen did not return to the coalition headquarters first, but returned to the real world.

Although he also knows that I am afraid that the entire coalition headquarters has become a mess, but he does not care. This is the strength of strength. If he used to be, he naturally has no such strength, but now, no one can This aspect moves him.

Why is the Magic Eagle King so arrogant, dare to kill Ye Xiwen in the prison of God, not because he is the king of the peak, although in the end will pay a certain price, but the coalition headquarters will not really punish him.

After all, at that time, Ye Xiwen was theoretically dead.

But now things have been completely reversed, and Ye Xiwen naturally has nothing to worry about.

When he wanted to turn his parents into the Holy Spirit, there was no other way, because his strength was not strong enough. He even thought that after he became a sage, he would be one by one.

Because the Holy Spirit is different from the ordinary spirit, eternal and immortal, like the gods, will be crowned with the name of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is no different from the general creatures, and will not be controlled in Ye Xiwen's Kingdom of God.

In ancient times, in many worlds, there are legends that the Holy Spirit represents the gods walking the world. The Holy Spirit is the representative of the gods, and some even open up a world for the gods.

The spirit is different, the spirit is to be banned in the kingdom of God, day and night to pray, his power makes the country more powerful. After the last millennium, it will eventually disappear and be integrated into the kingdom of God to make the Kingdom of God stronger.

The spirit will eventually disappear, but the soul will not, and the Holy Spirit can still cultivate, cultivate into God, and finally form a huge **** with the Lord God, the so-called **** system is formed like this.

A master god, there are still many vassals left. In addition to the gods that are part of the trust, the most reliable nature is the **** of the Holy Spirit of your own home.

The probability that the Holy Spirit will become a **** is very high, because the Holy Spirit Shouyuan is the same as his main god, and it is eternal and infinite. Even if a pig has been cultivated for millions of years, it can be cultivated into a god.

It is only under normal circumstances that it is impossible for a normal person to have such a long life. Even if the Xuanwu family, who is known for its longevity, does not have such a long life, many people are hard to become the key to God. Not because of the difficulty of becoming a god, but because they can't be a **** when their life span reaches a limit.

The Holy Spirit has no such concern.

It is only a Holy Spirit that the Lord God can point to is quite limited, so they will be more careful, because the Holy Spirit represents this god. Walking through the heavens and the world, doing a lot of things that the gods are not convenient to do, and some are the popes of the gods they created. It is not good to choose.

Ye Xiwen has no such concerns. Anyway, he did not intend to develop a great religion. Even if there is, there are disciples who take their services. I don’t have to go into the game myself.

So he was able to give his parents the quota of his Holy Spirit.

Ye Xiwen’s current skill, he couldn’t go anywhere in the sky, and soon returned to the real world. However, when he returned to the real world, he immediately discovered that there were many sturdy breaths lurking around the real world. It turned out to be a master above the gods.

Ye Xiwen’s face changed immediately. There is still a good spy in the real world. But it’s just a broken world with a complete law. There is nothing worthy of so many gods to snoop.

Moreover, nowadays, Ye Xiwen is famous in the world. Who does not know that the real martial arts is his hometown, even those who are kings of the kingdom, I am afraid that they will not be willing to provoke him easily.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, it is clearly directed at him. These people do not know who is being sent. There may be many forces. These people are all potential. Threat, if Ye Xiwen once heard the news of his body, then these people will definitely be the first to rush, just like a group of wild wolves.

At that time, even if the Lord of Fire wants to rescue, it is simply too late. It is a great hidden danger.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiwen’s heart is not cold. He has just witnessed the destruction of the Magic Eagle family. Even this is what he personally did. Why does he have to do this, not that he will encounter such a thing in the future? What is the problem? Now these people are the hidden dangers of Ye Family in the future.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiwen immediately snorted and directly moved to a black dragon **** lurking in the darkness.

"A big courage, Long Island has not let me go now?" Ye Xiwen said coldly.

This is a black dragon god. It is also a relatively specific race among the dragons. The cultivation is the power of darkness, but once it becomes a god, the power is great, and it is also a relatively important combat power of the dragon.

"You are... You are also Ye Xiwen?" The black dragon's reaction was also very fast. He almost immediately recognized Ye Xiwen, and immediately became a dead man, almost not being scared to death by life, making a joke.

Although he was sent to monitor the Ye family, he is more aware of why he is a dragon god, and he will be sent to do this kind of thing, not because Ye Xiwen has created a name in the world. Let the whole Long Island be jealous, even from the news just received, this guy has actually entered the kingdom of the kingdom, it is already invincible, there are not many such geniuses in the past.

When I think of it, he is completely soft. Although he is a very tyrannical dragon god, among the masters of the testimony, there are countless powerful moments, but it also scores to see who compares.

If it is natural than the average person, there is no problem, but if you want to compare with Ye Xiwen, who is famous in the world, it is even worse than the ants.

"How can Ye Daren be here..." The black dragon immediately put on a flattering smile, "This..."

"Why am I here, what's so strange, here is my home, isn't it the most normal thing to appear here, but you, why is it here!" Ye Xiwen's face showed some points. It looks like a smile.

It has been proved that it has been proven that it will not sweat at all, but at this time, this black dragon feels that it is sweating, and the entire dragon body is stiff in the universe, and does not dare to move.

He clearly can feel that Ye Xiwen has locked himself firmly, and he does not give him a chance to escape. He is even more afraid when he thinks of it.

He stayed here during this time, and he was not afraid of anything else. Even if the people of the real martial arts came out, it was not enough for him to swallow it, but Ye Xiwen did not. He alone could hang him like this dragon god. The people he killed were the powerful and powerful existence of the dragons.

There are even some ignorant people who have used Ye Xiwen as the so-called dragonslayer. It is really funny, but the dragons now have no courage to question Ye Xiwen.

"This... this..." This black dragon **** has been incoherent, and in other worlds, the powerful dragon **** of the ancestors, but at this time it is simply utterly speechless.

"Hey, you don't want to say that I can think of it too!" Ye Xiwen said with a cold smile. "But what you think is too simple. You send a letter and let your predecessors of Long Island come to personally!"

Ye Xiwen fixedly looked at this black dragon god.

When the Black Dragon God heard this at the moment, he dared to have the slightest opinion. It was like a big man, and he was almost mad by Ye Xiwen.

Ye Xiwen is really too scared, and the kind of deep and profound pressure from the soul in his mind, so that he can not afford to steal.

Although they are also gods, there is still a huge gap between the common sermons and Ye Xiwen at the level of the gods.

He now only asks the elders of the family to save themselves.

I quickly sent out the news, and then I saw Ye Xiwen with a slap in the face. A word seal completely blocked his whole body, and then he became smaller and smaller. It didn’t take long before it changed like a piece. He was caught in Ye Xiwen's hand and then thrown into the Tianyuan mirror.

At this time, for Ye Xiwen, it is very easy to kill a sermon. Even if it is killed, what can the dragons do? But now that the enemy of the celestial being is in front, he does not want to be guilty.

"And you, one can't think about it, all of them will stay for me!"

In addition to this black dragon god, there are still more than 20 powerful gods lurking in the void. At this moment, they see Ye Xiwen returning, where they dare to stay in the slightest, and they have to sneak away. Where can I think that Ye Xiwen has nothing at all? Forgot them, I will call them up now.

Suddenly, it’s really a bitter, but fortunately, Ye Xiwen didn’t mean to kill them, but to wait for their predecessors to come, which made them feel much better. If Ye Xiwen wants to kill them, then what about him? Only the road to resistance can go.

However, the resistance is obviously not Ye Qiwen’s opponent. In the end, it can only be a dead end.

In the end, after these people sent a letter of help in accordance with Ye Xiwen’s request, this was arrested by Ye Xiwen.

After all these people were collected, Ye Xiwen turned and entered the real world. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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