Martial God Space

Chapter 2704: Ye Mogui

With Long Island's bow, many of the forces that were still waiting to see the door also apologized. These are very uncomfortable with Ye Xiwen. They were able to suppress Ye Xiwen, but now they don't have such qualifications.

After defeating the Magic Eagle King, Ye Xiwen is enough to sit on the same level as the top king. If there is a dragon island leader, they may still be able to resist with Ye Xiwen, but now that Long Island is the first to soften, then they naturally cannot continue to resist. It is.

They have come to apologize, and Ye Xiwen naturally will not easily let go of this opportunity to blackmail them, extorting a lot of resources for cultivation.

Although these forces are far more than the Long Island, but one person took out a part, enough to make Ye Xiwen rich overnight.

Ye Xiwen is now more and more aware of the impermanence of the heavens, the feeling that the great world is about to come. Before the invincible leaves, Ye Xiwen is hard to feel that way.

Now, he can feel the feeling that the rain is coming from the wind.

Not only because of the tension in the world, but also because of the feeling that he has such a feeling in his own life. This is an intuition, but he knows that his intuition will not be wrong. At this point, many things have a very strong hunch, and it is definitely not just an illusion.

So he can feel that a very dangerous feeling is approaching, and because of this, he has a very strong sense of crisis.

This time I have to borrow the Zulong preaching map. It is precisely because this dangerous feeling is driving him forward. He must break through to a point where he can protect himself in the shortest possible time.

In particular, this enemy is not a different race, but a celestial being. In terms of the grievances of both sides, once the celestial beings gain momentum, they are a kind of catastrophe for other races in the world. They will become The slaves were enslaved by the celestial beings. This situation has not happened before. Many races in the heavens and the world have recorded this. It is a nightmare day, darkness, no margin, because there is no autonomy. Being a master, even freedom has become a luxury.

And his current strength, if it is only self-protection, may be OK, but it can't protect the most important people around him, and the most important thing is that if he is really turned into a way, then even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, he can How?

In the days when the heavens and the kingdoms fall into the control of the heavenly people, there is no way for them to fight. If those exiled celestial beings are released again, it will be even more horrible, even if the emperors who have left in the past return, only I am afraid that it is enough.

He can't put hope on illusory things, he can only be self-reliant, and his own efforts are the only way to save himself.

Now he is already the fighting power of the King of the Peak, but if you want to go further, it will take more than 100,000 years to complete the normal situation.

100,000 years is too long, he can't wait, just fight for the day, but now, there are also Zulong preaching maps, and there are compensation for the heavens and earth treasures, enough to shorten to a bearable To the point.

After all these things have been dealt with, it has been more than a month later. After the addition of people into the Holy Spirit, Ye Xiwen is completely relieved. He does not have to worry that he is only a retreat. His family is already dead. It is indeed very selfish, and all the power is used in his own family, but it is precisely because he lost that he knows how to cherish it, so that he can be better and not threatened. It is also a great effort for his efforts. power.

Then he accompanied the Canadian for half a month. During the majority of the month, Ye Xiwen also said a lot of preaching. There is no enemy in his kingdom. The cultivation of Ye Kongming is extremely fast. In particular, the big brother Ye Feng, its own cultivation is already good, and later Ye Xiwen tried his best to transform into the Holy Spirit. The improvement of talent is not a little bit, but the short and half-monthly preaching has already caused him to rise to the peak of Xuanjing. Then I went to retreat. If I want to come out of retreat, it is already a demigod. The thing that Ye Family wants to be the first **** is about to be on him.

There is a **** sitting in the city, many things can be solved in a logical way, Ye Xiwen will not have to worry so much.

After Arranging Ye’s affairs, Ye Xiwen did not go directly to Longdao, but first went to the coalition headquarters. Before he could be described as a tumultuous turn, such a big thing must be given to the coalition forces. Otherwise, then I am afraid that there will be ten kings who have personally appeared. The existence of such a level, the current Ye Xiwen is also unwilling to face, and he only has the power of self-protection.

However, he has just approached the coalition headquarters, and he saw that countless laws in the heavens and the earth are rushing in that direction. The earth is filled with golden lotus, the chaos of heaven is scattered everywhere, and the horrible energy ripples Sweeping all directions, you can see that countless stars are shattered by far, and this terrorist force, even Ye Xiwen has changed its color. This has surpassed the peak of the king, even the aftermath of the fight, it is almost The king of the king of the eagle eagle was hit hard.

so horrible!

Ye Xiwen immediately responded, and there are ten masters of the king level, and only those masters of that level can make such terrible signs.

A terrible magical intertwined with the power of the moon, the entire universe battlefield, there is no one at all, everyone is concentrated in the coalition headquarters, simply do not dare to come out, but the aftermath can completely give them to the town Death, such a battle, just watching it feels scary. The sky is cracked, and the whole universe is beaten back to chaos, as if someone wants to reopen this world.

Ye Xiwen is only on the edge of the battlefield, not close, hard to approach, he can't do it, but it is not necessary at all.

It’s just that these magical spirits contain a strong force of darkness, which makes Ye Xiwen feel familiar. Hey, what he suddenly thought of, suddenly brightened, is it.

What he thought of at once, quickly opened the eyes of redemption, powerful eyesight directly penetrated the entire universe, saw the middle of the battlefield, a figure wrapped in magical air and a figure wrapped in the power of the moon in the void The complete collision, the speed is amazing, and even Ye Xiwen, who has opened the eyes of redemption, has a feeling that he can't keep up.

But the figure wrapped in magical air gave him a feeling of extreme familiarity.

"Ye Mo!" Ye Xiwen suddenly remembered, this figure is 100% Ye Mo is correct, he did not recognize Ye Molai in the first time, because now Ye Mo's body is not familiar to him, it should be The body of the Lord of Darkness is used.

The Lord of Darkness itself is also an invincible demon Lord. The strength is extremely tyrannical. In the beginning, Ye Xiwen was only a rough fusion, and he could fight the Abyssal Demon Lord. Now, after so many years, the strength and wrist of Ye Mo may not only be It’s just that the integration of the Lord of Darkness is so simple that it should have been completely integrated, even to the next level.

He originally only roughly figured out that Ye Mo should have nothing to do. Otherwise, he has already felt something about it. Even if it is the end of the earth, he can feel the connection between him and Ye Mo.

Now I finally see Ye Mo again, and Ye Mo’s strength far exceeds his original expectations. Ye Mo is not only able to enter the royal world, but also to be able to fight the top ten kings. The strength of the world is extremely rare in today's worlds.

However, his heart is not strange. Ye Mo originally followed a demon lord. He was the instrumental spirit of Tianyuan Mirror. If he talked about strength in the past, he was not worse than the King of the Peak. Now it is only to restore strength.

And with Ye Mo, he will be able to have an extremely powerful helper, and who will dare to look down on himself in the future.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Qing Yue Wang, you have been known as the top ten kings. It has been hundreds of thousands of years, but why do I feel that you have no growth at all, and only such strength?" A very crazy laughter passed. Come out, like the old devil head of a generation, is the voice of Ye Mo, even if it has been so many years, Ye Xiwen still heard it all at once.

"Hey, you are the one who is with others, stealing the body of the Dark Lord!" In the power of the moon, there was a cold cry, and the figure was shaped, so that Ye Xiwen could see clearly. This is a The middle-aged man, a moonlight robes, looks very graceful and luxurious. Only at this time, under the attack of Ye Mo, it seems to be a bit embarrassing. It seems that he still ate some losses and his face was extremely ugly.

"Hahaha, I am the Lord of Darkness now, no, I am the king of darkness now!" Ye Mohaha said with a laugh. "As for who I was before, what is important, eat me a punch!"

In the magic of black, a figure smashed out, but I saw a very macho man, but his face looked a bit delicate, and his majestic body seemed extremely out of place, but this is not Ye Mo Who is it?

This is his original appearance, although he entered the body of the Dark Lord, but gradually transformed into his own magic body.

Ye Mo slammed out, and the powerful six-handed boxing force was madly condensing, gathering together into a long river of energy, and bombarded it all at once. If you look closely at these energy torrents, you will find that there are countless six roulettes directly bombarding them. The power is terrible.

Looking at the past, I can't see at all what the boxing method is because it looks like it and looks like it.

People are simply unpredictable.

"Good!" Ye Xiwen exclaimed, but did not say Ye Mo's boxing strength, but his perception of the six-round reincarnation.


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