Martial God Space

Chapter 2736: The emperor came back to death!

The horn of the war blew, and the various ethnic groups that had surrounded the entire battlefield for a long time had finally arrived.

Although the emperor was once buried here, under the conquest of such a large army, it was enough to sweep, and there was no resistance at all.

The war bastions radiated a faint, cold radiance in the universe, tearing the camouflage and sweeping.

"Hey la la la la!"

Countless gods vacant, sweeping out, any light, is comparable to the terrible power of the gods' full force.

Comparable to the gods, this is the strongest war machine that the various ethnic coalitions can sacrifice. Any war fortress is like a lot of gods in the outbreak of terrible attacks.

Even the war fortress core is actually driven by the godhead's godhead.

Since the emergence of war bastions for war many years ago, this has almost reached the point of extinction, and it is even said that there are war bastions that can threaten the level of the gods.

However, Ye Xiwen did not see that it may have been until that time, just by these ordinary war fortresses, it is enough to sweep the world.

After the war fortress took the lead in launching the attack, the iron rider ran across the sky, and the cavalry of the various ethnic groups who rode the terrible beasts, like the black tide, swept the entire universe.

Behind these iron riders, the war behemoths have taken their steps. These giant beasts with some of the blood of the beasts, each step can tremble the void, possessing unmatched power and powerful defense.

The rampage of every war behemoth can open a line of defense. It is very precious. If it is not for dealing with the emperor's rebellion, it will definitely not bring out so many war behemoths.

Every martial art has to pay a huge price to form a war behemoth. It is not that the sect of the king does not dare to be heavily captive.

at this time. The masters of the heavens inside the battlefield have also been dispatched. This is also a stronghold of the Tianzu, and there are many masters inside. There are also big army, otherwise. Only the troops that were besieging this place at that time were enough to completely annihilate them.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Numerous arrows cut through the void of the universe and directly blasted into the battlefield. Each of them could turn a mountain into a powder and smash a vacuum.




Many of the celestial masters are simply unable to prevent them from being shot directly, and the gods are destroyed.

The iron rides of these various national coalitions are not as simple as the ordinary archers. They have extraordinary skills in their own bodies. Accurate and incomparable, directly terrible, thousands of miles away, thousands of miles can not stop their sight, terrible.

The blossoming blood flower continued to bloom. When the first contact was made, the first line of defense of the Tianzu army was defeated. The number of people was not much. The number of people of all ethnic groups was enough to complete the crushing.

It's almost a few breaths. The iron horses of the various ethnic coalitions rushed through the void, and the masters of the heavens who had not had time to escape were also trampled into a mass of meat, and no one could escape.

And behind these iron rides. The War Fortress is making a lot of power. Every time, for a few moments, there are dozens of thick, pillar-like lights that sweep across the void, and fall in front of these iron rides, sweeping them like plowing the ground. open circuit.

The iron rides of these various ethnic coalitions only need to kill some fish that are missing the net. That is, the Internet is not big.

Throughout the battlefield, these terrible knights are galloping. No one can resist it.

The first line of defense laid by the Tianzu coalition forces broke down between the seven and eight eight. In addition to the heavens, there are many grievances on the battlefield. The evil things, at this time, have been living and being killed.

They are all forces of yin and evil. They have encountered such a terrible military force. The forces that have just arrived in the yang do not even need to fight, it is enough to kill them, not to mention the army composed of half gods. pole.

The blood of countless people is entangled together, enough to kill any evil spirits.

No evil spirits dare to rush into such an army. The ordinary ghosts of the mortal world do not dare to attack soldiers with strong blood, let alone the mighty army of the gods or gods.

All ethnic groups joined forces in all aspects of attack, and the line of defense was almost swept together, and the speed was reaching its limit.

Looking from afar, such as the same stock of the frenzy, constantly rushing forward, invincible, smash everything blocked.

On the battlefield, broken rules can be seen everywhere.

At this time, the Tian army has also been rigorously treated. In fact, they have never slackened for a moment, but the initiative has always been in the hands of the various ethnic coalition forces, although the various ethnic coalitions launched attacks suddenly, but They have not let them mess up.

However, even if it is prepared, it is useless. Although there are a lot of masters here, but in the face of the various national coalition forces that have mobilized most of the masters, it is nothing.

The line of defense was shattered under the impact of the War Fortress, and then the various families of iron rides that had been struck up swept directly and swept the remaining people like a wind and cloud.

The masters of the Tianzu screamed, and many people were smashed by a spear. This is a terrible army. Even the king of God had to detour and dare not fight against it.

This is a one-sided slaughter. The military strength of the two sides is really far apart. It is not a level of existence. Although the Tianzu has arranged a lot of masters, it is still like a banyan tree. Can't escape.

Ye Xiwen saw several gods being shot through the heart and shooting directly. In the presence of such a quantity, the power seems to have become less important.

Ye Xiwen followed the Eighth Army and stormed from the west. He did not directly shoot. So far, he has not encountered an object worthy of his shot.

Countless iron rides swept away several layers of defense almost instantly.


A shout of killing and tearing the sky, suddenly screamed, the world was sensational, and the battlefield seemed to be alive and shattered.

Many defense tactics were instantly leveled off.

If you encounter some more difficult arrays, Ye Xiwen will take the shot and erase the array. The first shot is an instant defeat, so that the Eighth Army can move forward without hindrance.

Many of the Eighth Legion were unable to sneak at this time, and their army chiefs were more reinforced than the legendary.

The army marched like a tide, and the speed was so fast that it was all the way, and even for half a day, it had already swept into the depths of the battlefield.

The resistance of the Tianzu encountered at this time is also becoming more and more fierce. Even the kings of the Eighth Army’s presence in the battlefield have successively shot. Although not as powerful as Ye Xiwen, it is also a thunderous trend. , sweeping all directions.

Enough to sweep away many arrays.

Finally, a huge roar, an extremely powerful formation was broken, and the army leader drove straight into the core of the Tianzu base, breaking all defenses and sweeping away on the spot.


Shouting and killing the sound, several powerful gods have sacrificed their best artifacts, falling like the mountains and stars, and the forced array of the heavenly people lost their function and was broken by the best artifacts.

Although not as strong as Ye Xiwen, it is enough.

The Tianzu is not the first big family in the world. It is strong enough to see a world overlapping a world. It is not surprising that the world can do such things, but it is a step here. Unbelievable existence.

Their heritage can be seen in general.

The masters of the Tianzu do not seem to think that the Eighth Corps is advancing so fast that it has already killed their core zone in just a short time.

"You guys are damned!" Many of the celestial masters are snarling and relying on the formation to resist the irons of the Eighth Army.

It’s just that the Eighth Army is too strong, and they can’t help but make them creepy.

There are still three branches of this regiment at the same time. The other regiments have not moved. They are used to support the atrocities and meet the Tian army.

At this time, Ye Xiwen finally moved. His figure flew up from the throne of the army, and before he flew directly to the army, he stood up and screamed.

"The emperor rebelled, came out to die, today you don't come out, all the heavenly people will die. Do you want all the heavenly people to be buried with you?"

Ye Xiwen flew above the void, just as the emperor came to the world, the power was boundless, a terrible battle was inevitable, and the blood was thrown into the sky.

The original plan was to attack but not attack, but since the people of the Tian family refused to take the lead, they would be forced out.

"Who are you?" Someone in the Tianzu screamed. Many of them are very clear about the masters of the coalition forces. It is just that this person looks a bit strange. It seems that they are not their common masters. Is this this time? What happened to the old antiques?

"Ye Xiwen!" Ye Xiwen said loudly, proclaiming his identity.

The name of the Tianzu suddenly disappeared. This name is not very famous. It seems to have been heard, but how could it be so strong.

Their hearts are full of shock.


The one who registered the trumpet every day to swear, you continue, nothing, you register three or five accounts every day, I seal three or five accounts every day, you have perseverance for half a year, but nothing, I am also very Patience, continue, anyway, you are not worried about registering a new account every day, I will delete the title without effort!

There is a pit in the brain. I have seen more neuropathy. I have never seen such a neuropathy. I think that others can’t see if you are alone.

It’s not good for me to get this brain residue, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, the book is almost over, and it’s slowly sealed. See who is more patient.

The brain is sick! (To be continued)



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