Martial God Space

Chapter 2740: Chaos debut

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The Emperor of Heaven resounded, and the whole palace began to tremble fiercely. He dominated the world for millions of years and never felt so angry. Even when facing the King of the Sun, there was no such feeling.

Because in his heart, the King of the Sun is a powerful existence that is comparable to himself, and Ye Xiwen is worthy of nothing, but with a tyrannical power, what is great in other places.

Being trapped in this palace is his death.

This was once a portable instrument of the Apocalypse Emperor. Later, after his fall, the palace became a musical instrument passed down from generation to generation by the Apocalypse.

Among the many best artifacts, it is also the most advanced ranks. Now that Ye Xiwen is caught in, it is a dead end.

The figure of the Apocalypse slowly disappeared, and for a moment it seemed to disappear in the whole world.

At the same time, in the entire palace, various laws began to emerge, and the original rules could not be combined. They were all manifested in an instant, intertwined into a large net, and then disappeared into the sky.

Then Ye Xiwen felt that he was as deep into the quagmire, and all the rules began to limit his activities.

Begin to manifest its own characteristics, and overwhelmingly come to Ye Xiwen.

If you change someone else, you will be smashed into pieces by this law.

Ye Xiwen is not, but this big net keeps falling, and there is a layer of blazing light on his skin. It is the body's instinct to resist the attack.

One after another vortex formed in the palace of the Apocalyptic Emperor. Among these vortexes, countless soldiers will re-evolve and rush to Ye Xiwen.

"Hey, I have to see, how long can you hold on!" Ye Xiwen said coldly. Although it has been affected, but for him, it does not feel anything.




Ye Xiwen’s speed is terrible. Compared with the power that just showed the horror, this time Ye Xiwen showed his terrible speed.

Even in this palace. The speed affected by the law cannot be fully exerted, but in the eyes of everyone, Ye Xiwen is still unimaginable.

The whole person is like a million incarnation, and every punch can kill a large number of soldiers.

The soldiers that have evolved from the palace will be infinite, and Ye Xiwen’s incarnations are innumerable, and they do not fall into the wind. Looking at the past, it is extremely shocking.

There was a cold cry in the palace, followed. At the top of the palace, a huge incomparable scroll slowly emerged, with mountains and rivers on it, as if the projection of a world was clearly projected on the top and slowly formed.

This horrible pressure has instantly crushed the Quartet, and many people can feel it far away.

Even Ye Xiwen also felt some pressure.

"This is the projection of the power of the world!" Ye Xiwen immediately recognized it. He had encountered similar means before, but compared with the projection of the world summoned by the Emperor of Heaven, it is simply a shame. On the same page.

This is no longer the power of the Tianqi Emperor. This is the use of the power of the world to crush Ye Xiwen, even if it is the king of the peak, compared with the power of a world. It is still far worse.

It's just that under normal circumstances, the power of a world cannot be fully concentrated, but if someone is motivated, it can exert a power that people can't imagine.

This force is slowly increasing. Soon, it has grown to the point where even Ye Xiwen feels the pressure of strong pressure, which far exceeds the power that the ordinary world might project.

Although the power of the world is projected, the power is endless, but the world has his will. Even if ordinary people are arrogant, it is impossible to lend this power. Unless it is so deep in the world, it is possible to borrow the power of this world.

Almost between the electric and the flint. He immediately wanted to understand, if there is no guess, this should be the world where the Apocalyptic dynasty is, the apocalyptic world.

The Emperor of Heaven must have borrowed the power of the Apocalypse, so it is possible to form such a terrible force.

The Apocalyptic dynasty has been in business for many years in the apocalyptic world and has already been fully integrated into the world.

Moreover, such a huge force, every once in a while, will pay homage to heaven and deepen the connection with Heaven, so that you can faintly obtain the blessing of the will of the world. The family is prosperous, the masters are born, and the genius is born.

There is an old saying, the great thing about the country, only sacrifices and wars.

It is a profound revealing of this truth, the sacrifice of one more point, the more God will bless this power, so no one dares to scorn the sacrifice.

In the days of the Apocalyptic dynasty, the sacrifices that have been cherished for many years, the power that can be borrowed from his world can be imagined, how terrible it will be.

The power of this horror was crushed down, almost for a moment, and Ye Xiwen’s body of God was the first to collapse, almost a moment.

Like the disaster of the top, the projection of the world is rolling down, enough to crush all the dissatisfaction.

"Ha ha ha ha, Ye Xiwen, how can you compete with the whole world!"

The voice of the apocalypse of the apocalypse came.

The power of this terrible world shatters everything, and no single force can be compared to it.

Ye Xiwen immediately felt that the power that he had exuded was greatly suppressed. If the outside world was fine, but in this palace, Ye Xiwen’s power was suppressed, and the power of the Apocalypse also rushed through the palace.

"It's so strong, these inherit the powers of countless years, and they all have the unimaginable connotation of ordinary people. Even the Tianqi Emperor, who is like a dog who has lost his family, actually has such a means, and it is amazing!"

"Ha!" Ye Xiwen shouted, his whole body exudes a chaotic power. At this moment, he seems to have turned into a dragon, a dragon that rolls in chaos.

It is Zulong!

Zulong has nine claws, which are completely different from the later dragons. It is the invincible existence of the dragons. His existence is a legend.

This dragon roll, actually resisted the crushing of the power of the whole world.

"Zhulong!" The Emperor of Heaven also recognized this legendary invincible dragon, which is enough to compare with his ancestors, and maybe even more powerful.

In the history of the world, there are no more existences that can be compared with him.

"Oh, unless you are a resurrection of Zulong, if you can condense his true body, it will be useless. If you are strong enough, you can't compare it with a world. You have to fight against the whole world. So how? Maybe!" The Tianqi Emperor continued to sneer, and the strength of the crushing was getting bigger and bigger.

The ancestral dragon continually rolled, and lived and resisted the power of the whole world.

When this ancestral dragon was formed, there was a force between the heavens and the earth that converges in the direction of this ancestral dragon.

This is the will and power of Zulong's remnant in the world. It is scattered all over the world on weekdays. No one guides it. It is now like a lamp in the darkness, attracting those forces continuously. .

Although it is only a small part, it can't be compared with the time of Zulong's peak. However, when the peak of Zulong was the peak of Emperor Dragon, it was invincible, even if only a small part of the power, for the King of God, it is also huge. Terrible.

Under the constant stirring of this ancestral dragon, the entire hall actually began to turmoil, constantly shaking, and the sound of rumbling was endless.

The outside confrontation is not really clear, but how many can be seen, the sensation of the entire hall, the two sides apparently in the eyes of the battle more and more eyes, even the best artifacts have begun to show some signs of instability, can not afford this The release of power.

"I didn't expect you to borrow the power, but it will stop here. See me suppressing you in one breath!" The Tianqi Emperor immediately decided not to give Ye Xiwen a turn and continue to let Ye Xiwen absorb the power of the Zulong, maybe still It is really possible to make him successful, which is really terrible.

Although it is impossible to be the power of Zulong's peak, the power of the apocalyptic world that he can use is not all. If you are half-pounded, you will see who will start first.

His figure was manifested, and then his mouth opened, and a dragon's vein was sprayed directly. These dragon veins were integrated into the scroll of the apocalypse, and the scroll of the apocalypse began to be materialized. Slowly rolled down.

The longer the map starts, the more the wind rises in this palace. I don’t know if there are tens of thousands of miles or hundreds of thousands of miles. It seems that a real world is crushed, not a Projection, this is a real world in general.

The methods of the Tianqi Emperor are all in the hands of Ye Xiwen. The ancestors of his incarnation began to exude a chaotic temper. These chaotic qis swept in all directions and began to grow stronger and stronger, as if the entire space was To be unstable, you have to collapse.

"What is this?" The Tianqi Emperor suddenly felt the unusually unusual energy fluctuations in the Zulong, and gradually blocked the apocalyptic world he had landed. "No, can't let him succeed!"

The Tianqi Emperor spewed a few dragon veins and constantly enhanced the power of the projection of the Apocalypse. He did not know what Ye Xiwen wanted to use, but his instinct told him not to let Ye Xiwen succeed.

"Apocalypse Emperor, this move is not completely grasped by me. From the beginning of his creation, you are the first person to see him, hahaha, then, chaos!" Ye Xiwen screamed. (To be continued)


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