Martial God Space

Chapter 2749: Re-existing two kings

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Ye Xiwen had already acted at the moment when he was killed in the night without injury. Ye Qiwen had already acted when he was not injured at night. He was very confident in his sword. It is enough to kill the night without hurting.

Therefore, the two kings have not yet reacted, but they have been forced to the road by Ye Xiwen. The injury suffered just now is not good enough, and it has already been forced to come.

"I fight with you, die!" At this time, the two kings began to provoke the secret technique he created. The two completely different forces of yin and yang are no longer split at this time. Instead, they are completely integrated. .

After the split, the two forces of yin and yang were automatically transformed into completely different forces, and then the human form was condensed. This is a means of cultivating the body of the body.

Plus his deity, it is equal to three masters of the same realm attack at the same time, although this method can not last, but only a short time is enough.

Only he is already the fighting power of the top ten kings. If you add two masters who are as powerful as you, this strength is enough to make countless people chill.

This is the end of his box of pressure, originally intended to shoot at a critical moment, will not know the situation of Ye Xiwen fell, who would have thought, at this moment was forced out.

But there is no need and no way, no need to come out and be killed by Ye Xiwen, then it will not be used.

The three people are united in one heart. One shot is the cooperation of the three parties. One shot is the combination of three times the fighting power, and the power is soaring.


The strike directly penetrated the Scorpio and bombarded Ye Xiwen. Because he was too close, Ye Xiwen couldn’t get out of the way. The wing of space behind him exploded and wrapped him into it.


Intense collision. Three times the attack, the horrific energy frenzy that set off collapsed the Scorpio.

"This old guy actually hides such a backhand!" The Apocalypse couldn't help but **** a cold air, if it clashed with the two kings. When he used this yin and yang in a critical moment, he was afraid that it would be hit **** the spot. It may even die.

If one-on-one, even if the two kings lived for a long time, the skill is more profound, but only a little stronger than him, he will not feel anything, but if in the battle, suddenly suddenly broke out Out of the other two incarnations, everything is completely different.

These old guys can rank among the top ranks of the Tian people for so many years. Not only is it a long time to live, but there are also some horrible means of pressing the bottom of the box.

In his heart, he even had a few precautions.

"Not even dead!"

The two kings saw their own offensive, and they were easily blocked by Ye Xiwen. They couldn’t help but slammed three times. The three same players joined forces. Although they could not be shot like martial arts avatars, they were amazing enough, but the result was fundamental. I don’t want Ye Xiwen, it’s just too scary.

"Damn, among the Terrans. How can such a monster and enchanting come out? Is it true that Qin Fang’s things will be repeated?" At this time, the two kings thought of a person, the only invincible existence in the ancient times. They are simply unimaginable, and they are overwhelmed by the pressure.

Unlike most people who have never seen Qin Di differently, he was once suppressed by him in his time. As the only master of the emperor level on the Ming Dynasty, his words are like the same. The heavens and the thousands of circles do not dare to follow, even if they are the same.

He was most impressed once. It was Qin Di who personally touched the nest of their celestial beings, although they had the legacy of their predecessors. There are some ways to counter the existence of the emperor level, but they are also very clear about themselves. Can only be barely contending.

How can some dead objects contend with a living emperor? It is impossible in itself. If this emperor is willing to pay a certain price, it is enough to wipe them out. When everyone thinks, they have to face the top. At the time of the disaster, Qin Emper left and did not kill.

That time, although it was a danger, it made him understand that the horror of the emperor at that level was not the people in the myths and legends that I heard when I was young, but the terrible threat to living.

Only one person is enough to suppress all their hopes of survival, no one is the enemy of such a master.

It is precisely because of this that it is from that time that the Tianzu began to deliberately seek to enlighten the opportunity of enlightenment. There is no invincible supreme sitting, let alone re-mastering the world, even if it is survival, it may be the biggest. problem.

And the predecessors who have been exiled are simply not reliable. The Celestians have tried their best to find the spatial coordinates of the predecessors who have been exiled into the endless space, not to mention bringing them back.

The land of that seal is still a taboo in their family.

So they understand that if they want to get rid of such a situation, it is only possible to re-emerge an invincible emperor among them.

It’s not easy, their plans are about to become, but Ye Xiwen wants to cross a bar, and Ye Xiwen’s amazing performance almost reminds him of the time when he faced the uninformed Qin Emperor. Invincible, the peers can't look back on their backs, some people are amazed, and it is a kind of sorrow to live with him. It is a sorrow that breaks the unbreakable law, and enters the electoral road. In the end, it is enlightened, even in the masters. For the first time, in the second battle against the heavens, he was also one of the most stunning people.

This feeling makes him feel more horrible, especially from the human race, and makes him feel fear in his heart. Is it really possible that he will become another Qin Emperor?

When he was still thinking, just for a moment, Ye Xiwen’s counterattack was instantaneous, and the horrible punches swept through.

"Give me a burst!"

The two kings violently screamed, and the yin attribute of the two yin and yang avatars suddenly blew up.


A horror of a top ten king-level singer, what a horror, a star river will be destroyed together, if not in such a special environment of the battlefield, where can afford to live, do not know how many boundless sins to build.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to have lost its voice, and then there was an endless sound bursting out, accompanied by a crazy energy storm, smashing into the cracks in the broken space, swallowed up by the infinite chaos. Go in.

Everyone thought that this time Ye Xiwen was afraid that he really wanted to be injured, but he did not expect that the smoke was scattered. Ye Xiwen was not injured at all. Although the wing of space was damaged, it was obvious that even such a sudden terrorist explosion was also Weieng injured Ye Xiwen.

If you change to a normal person, even if you have a defensive instrumental body, you will be killed by alive. This kind of shock wave is difficult to defend.

However, Ye Xiwen was alive and hard to resist, and his physical body cultivation was really terrible.

Many people reacted first, that is, they felt this thing, and they were almost scared to death by Ye Xiwen.

"The only way is that no one of you two wants to go today!" Ye Xiwen sneered and reached out directly.


The two kings had no time to think too much, and directly detonated the incarnation of the Yang attribute. In order to block Ye Xiwen, he did not believe that the two incarnations exploded, but they couldn’t help each other.

His face also showed a bit of a painful look. This yin and yang two incarnations are not unusual for him to condense. It takes him a lot of effort and loses one. It is a hurt. And, let alone the two burst together, but as long as you can win this **** human, everything is worth it.


In his mind, there was no other thought at all. Only the idea of ​​pulling away from Ye Xiwen, Ye Xiwen’s body was too horrible, and it was too bad to fight me.

As soon as he retreated a thousand miles away, he was also trying to escape the aftermath of the explosion of Yang’s attribute.

"Want to go, this time, it is too late!" A big hand suddenly caught out of the mushroom cloud of the explosion, and even directly caught the two kings.

His big hand slaped directly and turned it into a scroll, and his life fell.


The two kings want to escape, but there is no way. They are directly smashed, and a blood spurts out. The body smashes the ground of the battlefield, and the earth is shaking. It is conceivable how terrible this blow is.

The two kings only felt that the bones of the whole body seemed to be scattered. The ordinary strong attack could not hurt him. This is the horror of Ye Xiwen’s attack.

At this time, he has completely lost the idea of ​​competing with Ye Xiwen. It is really not a level of existence.

Ye Xiwen did not care, but at this time he actually rushed out of the smoke and rushed over.

"Ye Xiwen, our Tianzu will definitely not wear the sky with you, you must face our pursuit for generations!"

"A generations? Do you think you still have a chance? After today, all of you will die!" Ye Xiwen did not care, "Don't say that for generations, I am in front of you, have the ability to chase what!"

Ye Xiwen trampled down one foot, and the Scorpio was trampled down by the living, and an inch and an inch collapsed in front of everyone.

"Ye Xiwen, you can't think of it!"

The Tianqi Emperor had already culled at this time, and he had to rescue the two kings. Otherwise, he was left alone. In the face of Ye Xiwen, he could not imagine the horrible result.

"Get out!"

Ye Xiwen took a shot and directly flew out the Tianqi Emperor, and then continued to fall.


The two kings died tragically. (To be continued)


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