Martial God Space

Chapter 2776: Tianzu seal broken

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Among the coalition headquarters, there are layers of buildings in the Yunting Palace.

The bronze king of the celestial king, the two kings of the Nether King sat in the hall, his face was incomparably ugly.

"This time it is to let Ye Xiwen get out of the way!" said the King of the Copper.

"I regret it!" Nether King repeatedly shook his head and said, "I knew that this should kill him in advance. Now it has become such a general trend. Now I am adding up with you, not his opponent!"

"I didn't put him in my heart before, although Qingyue Wang is not his opponent, but he is not my opponent. At that time, I thought his limit was the same. Who ever thought, this is only a short time. Actually, he has already made him gain momentum. Even the devil's predecessors are not opponents!" The face of Xian Bingwang showed a bitter smile.

In fact, he did not lie to Ye Xiwen. He did not target Ye Xiwen and did not have the need for Ye Xiwen.

The person he really wants to deal with is Ye Mo. This matter is true. Ye Mo does not have an unclear relationship with Ye Mo. The most important thing is that now all the forces of the various circles of the world are filled with resentment and resentment. If you don't find a venting vent, then these high-ranking coalition forces will inevitably become the target of this grievance.

Even if he is the head of the top ten kings like him, he dare not be enemies with the people of the world. It is simply looking for a dead end.

Before killing those spies who were buried in the various ethnic groups, they were uprooted. In fact, they were also venting their anger. The top casualties were so heavy that they could not make a bad breath.

In fact, many of the spies in their respective coalitions are already under surveillance. They don’t know it. They just think that they have not been used yet. Sometimes they can even use these spies to use the last counter-measure. .

Otherwise, even if the various nationalities coalitions are renewed, it is impossible to arrest so many spies in a short period of time. Some have been buried for many years, and it is impossible to grasp them in a short time.

Ye Mo is the last goal, in his view. To explain, this is enough. After all, this is another master of the top ten kings.

Compared with Ye Mo, Ye Xiwen is still considered to be innocent. From the debut to the present, most of the roots can be found. Moreover, Ye Xiwen desperately covers the retreat of the big forces, so many people have seen it.

He wants to splash dirty water on Ye Xiwen's body, but who knows, just for Ye Mo, Ye Xiwen's reaction is actually so intense. The half of the Nether King will be killed directly.

I thought that the King of Nether had personally dealt with Ye Xiwen. It should be a matter of stability. Who knows, but one did not expect it to be turned over, and was completely turned over by Ye Xiwen.

Later, it was the devil's predecessor who personally shot, but another fiasco. These unexpected and painful lessons made him somewhat unprepared until he reacted. Ye Xiwen has been completely unable to contain it.

"He is only just the king of the world, it has been so difficult to deal with, if he waits for one day to enter the realm of the quasi-emperor. It is not invincible!" Nether King's face is extremely ugly.

With the amazing momentum expressed by Ye Xiwen, who would believe that he could not even enter the emperor?

Almost the iron plate, it is nothing more than when to enter the realm of the quasi-empire.

Once he has entered the realm of the quasi-emperor, where is the good of these people, if you want to care about these things, then they may not be able to resist the Lord.

"Yeah, with his current strength, even in the early masters of the quasi-emperor. It is also very strong!" Xian Bingwang said bitterly, not only because of Ye Xiwen's strength. More importantly, Ye Xiwen practiced until now. However, in just a few thousand years, he already has such strength, and he has always been very self-conscious, and he has a feeling of embarrassment.

Compared with other people, his age is not too big, even if it is very fast, but compared with Ye Xiwen, it is nothing.

The Nether King also calmed down some, so powerful Ye Xiwen, it is not that they can easily deal with it.

"But he has to be arrogant and can only be arrogant for a while. When other seniors return, it is his death. People who are too arrogant will die sooner or later. He thought he had defeated the demon predecessors, and he was already restless?" Wang said coldly.

At this moment, he hates to gnash his teeth, but among them, he is already an unprecedented master. No other seniors can ask, so he can only count on other races, and other potential emperors have shot.

Moreover, from the battle between the demon and Ye Xiwen, the ordinary quasi-Emperor is afraid that he can't help him. He must only be a powerful emperor to shoot, and it is possible to defeat Ye Xiwen.

Going up, that is the real emperor, not the ordinary emperor, such existence exists only in the legend, the age of the Nether King is relatively shallow, even the nearest Qin Di, he I also missed it.

"If you expect those old people to deal with him personally, then you should not count on it, he is afraid to have to ride again for a while!" said the king of the copper slowly.

"What do you mean?" Nether King looked at the fairy copper, and some puzzled said.

"I just got the news that the seal of the Tianzu is broken!" said the king of the bronze king.

"What, the seal of the Tianzu is broken!" The Nether King immediately jumped out of his seat. Once the news spread, it can be imagined what kind of uproar it would cause. It is simply unimaginable.

Among the heavens and the kingdoms, the heavenly people are a family with great horror for all ethnic groups. They do not refer to the embers of these celestial beings. On the contrary, he refers to those who are exiled. The main force, that is the most terrible existence.

The world of two fights collapsed, countless heroes of all ethnic groups, and even many emperors, all fell into two battles against the heavens.

Even the imperial rule of the fallen emperor, the kind of battle, the Nether King did not dare to think of what terrible, but fortunately, these people were exiled, but now these people have come back, the seal is broken.

Once this news is spread out, the heavens and the world will not say that there are many people who are afraid of smashing at once.

He only felt that the back was completely cold. For a moment, the back was completely cold and soaked by cold sweat.

"Yes, that is, the seal of the Tianzu is broken!" Xian Bingwang said with a sigh. "Now those adults have already rushed. No matter which family, they dare not stay here. Go and plug the seal over there, otherwise we will be finished!"

At this time, the Nether King has thoroughly understood what the King of the Copper King said just now. The masters of the Tianzu actually broke the seal and returned. The heavens and the world must fall into a complete panic. Who else should pay attention to it? Ye Xiwen has broken things so much. Compared to this personal grievance, confronting the celestial being is a big deal.

Ye Xiwen's luck is not generally good, so that he can get some breathing time, and he will continue to breathe for a while.

He did not think that Ye Xiwen could progress to such a short time. In his view, Ye Xiwen’s death has already entered the countdown.

However, at this time, Nether King did not pay attention to these matters at all, but quickly asked: "What should I do, is it true that the real third battle against the heavens really happened? The inheritance of those who have passed the emperor has burned. Is it true that there is no return to the emperor? Even if there is only one emperor, we can also stabilize the front!"

He quickly asked, the so-called adventurous sign, there is a kind of symbol of the mysterious disappearance of the emperor left in their respective forces before leaving, as long as they ignite the sign at the critical time, they may get the news. return.

Such a thing, in the great crisis of the past and the present, is also occasionally staged. There are indeed examples of the return of the emperor, but that is the means by which the emperors passed the last box of the emperor’s inheritance. Less than a critical moment, it will not completely burn off the adventurous.

If you can't get it, it's really wasted.

Obviously, if those heavenly people broke the seal, such a big event is indeed worthy of the use of the sky.

"You don't have to be so scared, things are not as bad as you think!" said the King of Copper, looking to the Nether King.

"What do you mean by that?" asked the Nether King.

"In the beginning, so many emperors joined forces to arrange the seals, how can there be such a good breakthrough, especially the array of the emperors, many of them are directed at the emperors of the Tianzu, they can not break, so now I get from According to the news, the masters below the level of the emperor should have come in. The emperor has not seen it yet. Otherwise, in our current situation, it is estimated that the first time will kill the coalition headquarters!" Said.

"That's good!" Nether King breathed a sigh of relief. If the Tianzu really had the emperor to return, then the various ethnic coalitions had no choice but to say nothing.

They can deal with the embers of the Tianzu, but it does not mean that they can fight against a real emperor. Unless they also have an emperor return here, the situation is a one-sided slaughter.

Under the emperor, they are all ants, and it is useless to go.

"But even so, the situation is not optimistic, don't forget, although this time the seal of the Tianzu masters there is no emperor-level characters, but there are experts of the emperor level, plus many gods, one fell swoop It’s not necessarily impossible to rush us!” The King of the Bronze is still a dignified look.

Compared with this matter, Ye Xiwen’s affairs are only a small matter at best, and it is not worth worrying about. (To be continued)


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