Martial God Space

Chapter 2778: Going out, the world is chaos

"Well, I won't deliberately target him!" said the Nether King biting his teeth.

He was also very unwilling, and he was humiliatedly defeated by Ye Xiwen in front of everyone. It was a shameful shame for him. Especially after Ye Xiwen further defeated the demon, he became a synonym for self-reliance.

Even the devil is not an opponent, let alone the ghost of his area.

The top masters of the top ten kings of his deity, actually used by the districts to describe, is this shame not serious enough?

During this time, he jumped up and down, connected a lot of masters, to target Ye Xiwen, against Hidden Valley, but he is naturally very clear now, scornful and heavy, compared with the big thing that the Tianzu is about to return, Ye Xiwen’s point Things are simply not important, and no one really pays attention to this matter.

"Hey, he really went to the big fortune, but after we repelled the celestial family, it was the death of his jumping clown, and all of them would be killed!" The Nether King said coldly, he even thought, In the battle with the Tianzu, let Ye Xiwen die.

Although you can't deliberately target Ye Xiwen, if there is such a good opportunity, then don't blame him for shooting, that is, he will die.

The murderous king of the Nether King, the King of the Copper King is in his eyes, but he does not make a sound, he also hates Ye Xiwen, and I hope that the two sides will best touch you.

He and Nether King are not good friends, just temporary allies. If there is no such thing as a genius, they may be a hostile party.

"But this news has not yet been passed out!" said the Nether King.

"There is no output yet, but this is only a matter of time!"

Sure enough, everything is as the king of the king said, the news quickly spread out, the ordinary news may be able to hide, but such a big news. But it is simply not concealed, or no one has the courage to hide.

Otherwise, it will lead to crusade against everyone in the world.

When the news came out, it overshadowed all the previous news. For a moment, the whole world was horrified.

For many years, there is no such feeling, and the Tianzu has revived. Although most of the people who are now active in the heavens and the world have not experienced the previous two battles against the heavens, they do not hinder their classics from their ancestors. I understand how terrible the heavens are.

That is the most terrible threat among the heavens and the eternal enemies of all races. Compared with the Tianzu, some of the personal grievances of the various ethnic groups are not important at all.

Once the Tianzu return, then they have become a problem even after they survived. The Tianzu was sealed twice and failed twice. The families did not know how many masters were killed or injured. It was already **** and deep-seated.

Once the two sides are right, it is the end of the endless battle, which is why the emperor’s rebellion has just come out. It immediately caught the attention of all the worlds, and the various ethnic groups immediately formed.

If it is a change of other things, it will not be possible to organize the various ethnic groups in a short period of time. This is a lesson of blood and tears. No, they don't care.

It was only the embers of the Tianzu, which had made them so difficult to deal with, let alone the return of the Tianzu collectively. What a terrible thing.

For a time. The whole situation has completely reversed.

From the fact that the various ethnic groups have fully gained the upper hand to the end, the Tianzu has to fully grasp the upper hand.

This news is like the wind spread all over the world, and as fast as this speed is the speed at which the heavens send troops.

The masters of the heavens who flocked in the land of the Tianzu and the land of seals in the heavens and the world quickly joined together. Although the masters of the heavens among the seals are unfamiliar with the heavens and the world, but those who lead the heavens, then there will be no problem, and they will quickly divide the troops and throw them into the heavens. The major forces, and the main force is still in rapid assembly, the strength is getting stronger and stronger.

In the land of seals, countless masters flocked out every day, and the true strength of the Tianzu finally revealed the true face and revealed the amazing minions.

Many forces have not responded at all, they have been completely killed and destroyed. The door is full of blood. For a time, blood is everywhere, and there is war everywhere. It seems that for a moment, the war has ignited the heavens.

The news, naturally, was quickly passed to the ear of the Lord of Fire. He immediately ignored the fact that Ye Xiwen was still in retreat.

At that time, it was already ten years since Ye Xiwen retired, and in a decade, in fact, for these infinite gods, it was just a flick of a finger.

In this short period of time, Ye Xiwen's strength has been greatly improved.

The Devil's Wing has been fully deduced to the extent of the Wing of Time. Compared with the six reincarnation fists, the Wing of Time is more difficult. The main reason is that the time rule involved is too mysterious. Ye Xiwen has exhausted the means. This is the only way to achieve a great perfection.

In addition to the cultivation of the Devil's Wing, in the past ten years, Ye Xiwen spent most of his time on improving his strength. The emperor he brought with him has already been consumed by him. Less than 10,000, the emperor of 700,000 yuan was completely exhausted by him. Except for the use of enlightenment and the demon wing, most of them were used to absorb and transform success.

Ye Xiwen, who just broke through to the late Wang Yujing, is like an expanded pool. The capacity is bigger, but there is not enough skill.

After a decade of absorption, Ye Xiwen finally rushed to the peak of the late Wang Dynasty. Only half a step can rush into the peak of the kingdom. At that time, he can try to rush into the emperor. Among them.

It’s just that the source of the emperor in his hand is not enough. He must return to the treasure treasury. The reason why he is progressing so fast is that the previous accumulation is playing, and the accumulation before it has been consumed by him.

If you want to further reach the peak of the kingdom, you can only return to the treasure house to continue to accumulate.

Even so, his speed is scary compared to others.

Ye Xiwen originally planned to continue to consolidate the realm of time. Who knows, he heard the news and let him immediately sit still.

Just after that, an even more alarming news came that a Tian army had already moved in the direction of Hidden Valley, and the goal was very obvious. It should have gone to the hidden valley.

The Lord of the Flame, as the representative of Hidden Valley, wants to stay in the headquarters of the coalition forces, so it can only be returned by Ye Xiwen. Moreover, compared with Ye Xiwen, the strength of the Lord of Fire is nothing at all, compared with Ye Xiwen. Also more suitable for returning to rescue.

After getting this news, Ye Xiwen still dared to stay, and quickly rushed out of the coalition headquarters, rushed to the direction of Hidden Valley.

The endless wars are ignited among the heavens and the world. Except for some deeper areas, most of the heavens and the world have already fallen into a war. Many forces have no time to resist, and even have no time. Organized a decent resistance, the whole army was wiped out, these heavenly army is even more terrible than the legend.

Siegeing the village is as simple as eating and drinking. One by one, the world is captured by them. Countless people of all ethnic groups are tragically killed, or simply become captives and slaves.

The celestial beings are from the darlings who think of heaven and earth, and do not put other races in their hearts. Only when they are slaves, if they do not, they will not directly trigger the first battle against the heavens.

Ye Xiwen’s flight all the way, his time wing really showed the power of horror, almost a world and a world shuttle, the speed is reaching the limit, he saw, among the vast and innocent Almost all of them were caught in the flames of war. Countless immortal inheritances were caught in the flames of war. They were attacked by the vassal army of the Tian or the Tianzu. One by one, all of them were covered in smoke.

Part of the vassal corps of these celestial beings was the vassal of the celestial beings. It was only after the loss of the celestial bodies that they hid and hid in the corners of the heavens and the world, waiting for the resurgence of the celestial beings.

Now I have finally waited for the opportunity, and some are the slaves who have just been caught by the forces captured by the celestial beings. At this time, they have become vanguards and cannon fodder. They have no choice. If they do not do so, they will die.

As more and more of the world has been compromised, more resources have been used by the celestial beings, and the Tianzu, a unprepared Tianzu, has been steadily growing up, plundering more resources, and not knowing how to **** it. How much wealth. ,

Ye Xiwen looked in the eyes, countless killings are going on, and I don't know how many battlefields are being carried out at the same time. There are more and more masters of the Tianzu, and some of them directly came into contact with Ye Xiwen, and they were directly eaten by him.

But some other heavenly people, Ye Xiwen did not pay attention to it. At this time, there is no more important than Hidden Valley. He can't control so much of other people's affairs.

Even along the way, Ye Xiwen met three masters of the top ten kings, and the masters of the heavens also had their vassal races. Ye Xiwen had to clean up and squander his hands and feet, but the most missing thing for Ye Xiwen at this time was time. Therefore, they can only let them go, and then wait for the followers who dare to come to follow.

"This kind of chaos is simply a sign of troubles in the chaos. But for me, it is not necessarily a good thing. Only in such a chaotic situation, I am not too dazzling and have enough time to grow up!" Ye Xiwen has a little bit of joy, and he naturally has his own abacus. (To be continued...)


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