Martial God Space

Chapter 2820: Liwei success

"Is it a small look at you, first take me this punch and say it again!" Ye Xiwen's voice seemed to have been transmitted from all sides at the same time. On his body, all the breath instantly expanded and formed a horrible temper. The column, sweeping away.

This horrible momentum instantly alerted the various ethnic groups and the Tianzu coalition forces, and the temperament of the masters of the quasi-emperor level can easily turm the entire battlefield.

Even in an environment of incomparable chaos, it still cannot be concealed.

"This is... **** it, the man named Ye Xiwen!" The big self suddenly opened his eyes, and he immediately recognized Ye Xiwen’s breath. He just played with Ye Xiwen. How could it be unclear.

"He even dared to come here!" At this time, the big self-satisfaction suddenly burst into a burst of fineness, killing and sweeping, for a moment, it seems like there are countless stars in his eyes because of his anger. And it broke.

He has turned thousands of times in his heart and turned countless thoughts. Such a scourge cannot keep him going.

Although he could not leave the battlefield, but Ye Xiwen came to this battlefield, the situation is completely different, he can completely kill Ye Xiwen on the battlefield.

His true body and incarnation are not a concept at all. His real strength is more than one hundred times that of his incarnation. He is sure that he can easily kill Ye Xiwen.

Although he is extremely angry now, he has not rushed to shoot, because he knows that if he can't kill Ye Xiwen in one breath because of rash, then the next time Ye Qiwen has prepared, it is not so easy to kill him.

After all, this is not a hidden valley. In the coalition headquarters, there is still a existence that makes him jealous.

He can't take unscrupulous shots.

Even he himself did not realize that he had already used Ye Xiwen as a stab in his eyes. He wanted to get rid of it, not just the kind of jealousy, but a kind of worry, worried that Ye Xiwen grew into an uncontrollable worry.

In other words, even he himself has a little fear and uncertainty about Ye Xiwen's future.

"Six-round reincarnation!"

Ye Xiwen slammed out a punch, and the powerful punching force instantly tore the sky, and instantly obscured the heavens and the earth, wherever he went, he was invincible.

Suddenly, the three old people feel it, Ye Xiwen's terrorist strength, the punch has not yet slammed, but already felt the unparalleled pressure.

"Awful, how can it be so powerful!" The three old roars of the blame, even their masters of the quasi-emperor level can not bear, there is an impulse to kneel down.

This was suppressed by the boxing, and the surrounding laws were completely uncontrolled, and they were completely out of control.

This time they completely felt the feeling of Ye Xiwen’s confrontation with the big self-satisfaction. Ye Xiwen’s understanding of the heavens was far less than that of the heavens, so he was completely suppressed in the law, but now the situation is completely different. Emperor, and Ye Xiwen is only the king of God, but their understanding of Heaven is not as good as Ye Xiwen.

In an instant, I feel that the control of all the laws of my body has been stripped away. This is still unprecedented.

This kind of unpredictable change made them a little scared and confused.

"Damn, how is it possible, how can it be so strong!" The voice of the old man's dry and dumb voice roared, and the whole body was spewing with mana, fighting desperately.

But it didn't work. Even if they joined hands, they couldn't stop Ye Xiwen's attack.

"Hey!" Ye Xiwen's offensive fell to them easily.

The defenses that the three of them had joined together were not used at all, and they were shattered in an instant. Many artifacts were instantly shattered, and then three people took the punch together. The whole person flew out instantly. .




The three men spit a blood, and the body directly rushed into the coalition headquarters like a meteor.

With a punch, just punch!

Suddenly, for a moment, the entire battlefield was quiet, especially those who were preparing to go out, all of which were frightened by this change. Ye Xiwen’s strength was too strong.

"The three emperors, even if he can't catch a fist, I shouldn't be wrong!" A stunned stunned by a god, there was a feeling of being alive and scared.

At the most critical moment, I was almost scared to death.

The three strangers in the quasi-emperor can only be regarded as the bottom, but that is also counted in the quasi-emperor. For them, it is still the existence of high, but now tells them that such a powerful master actually How to make them accept when they are shot by one person.

It’s just too subversive.

Even if it was the same demon of the emperor, it was also a stunned look at this time, and the whole body was shaking.

He still vaguely remembers that Ye Xiwen was not so strong before, even this half has not arrived. How many years have passed, how can he be strong enough to this point.

This is really incredible.

In the past few years, in order to revenge and hate, he also worked very **** the practice, coupled with the training on the battlefield, he has actually cultivated to the peak of the early imperialism in a short time, and he believes that the strength is enough to match the shoulders of Ye Xiwen. Thinking about when and thus Ye Xiwen regained the magic word in his hands and put him into the **** of eternal death.

Who ever thought that Ye Xiwen actually progressed to this point, and compared with Ye Xiwen’s progress, his progress was nothing.

It’s ridiculous that he still wanted to take the magic word back from Ye Xiwen’s hand. Now, if you want to come, it’s simply a delusion, there is no possibility.

As time goes by, the probability that he wants to capture the magic word will be lower. On the contrary, Ye Xiwen's strength will only become stronger and stronger, and his chances will become more and more embarrassing.

How could he be so strong?

The devil is still completely unbelievable.

Even if he has the air in the air, the speed of progress like this is really amazing.

At the moment his head is already blank and he doesn't know what to say.

I feel that there is really a feeling of falling into the sky, just like when I was just captured by Ye Xiwen, the feeling of despair, he still remembers clearly.

At this moment, many of the quasi-emperors in the coalition headquarters have also lost their voices for a while. Many of the young people who have joined the circle of their newcomers are not in the heart, but now it seems that this younger generation is not at all They are as bad as they think, even stronger than many of them.

Not the emperor, but the victory is like the emperor!

Ye Xiwen’s debut in front of everyone is amazing, and no one can treat him as an insignificant little person.

Originally, in many people's eyes, it seems to be a self-organized alliance like a clown. Now it seems that it is not so ridiculous, and perhaps lacks certain foundation, but a strong leader can make up for many defects. .

Many of the thoughts that were originally locked in Ye Xiwen were also silently removed. For a weak person, they might have no problem doing this, but for a strong one, they dare to lock the mind on him, no doubt. This is a provocation.

Just a punch, Ye Xiwen played his own position. They dare not regard Ye Xiwen as a weak person, but as a fellow who can communicate and talk, and can be side by side. This is enough.

Ye Xiwen’s purpose has also been reached. This is his most fundamental purpose. Some of his status is not given by others, but is played by himself.

After a fist hit the blame of the three old, Ye Xiwen faceless, as if to do a trivial thing in general, there is no difficulty at all.

Then directly entered the coalition headquarters, and no one dared to stop.

After entering, Ye Xiwen directly found the Lord of Fire. As a liaison between the hidden valley and the hidden alliance in the entire coalition headquarters, the Lord of Fire is still as many as ever, so it can be separated and handled.

His deity is still practicing mostly. This short period of more than 100 years has made his cultivation even further. He has already reached the peak of the middle of the kingdom, and now it has broken into the late period of the royal world. .

Although it is not very stable, among the many gods, it is already considered a master. It is not the bottom.

The right to speak throughout the coalition headquarters has also increased significantly.

"Ye Shidi, you just made a big splash, hahaha, it’s really a big heart!" The smile of the Lord of Fire is still very hearty.

"It’s just a few cows and ghosts that don’t have long eyes!” Ye Xiwen said without hesitation.

"This is what only the younger brother dared to say this. The few long-sighted cows and ghosts in your mouth are powerful empires, and the heavens and the world dare to say that they can't hold them. There are not many people!" The Lord laughed and said that the emperor was just an ordinary cow and a zombie. It seems to be Ye Xiwen.

Even the only prospective emperor who is promoted to the same type is the same.

"Brother, I am here, mainly to find out what happened in the recent situation!" asked Ye Xiwen.

He intends to retreat in the near future, but he is really worried about the current situation.

The pressure that the Tianzu gave him was also very great, especially the whereabouts of the emperor, but it became a fascination and became the biggest hidden danger of the various ethnic groups. In the absence of the emperor, the two sides can still draw a tie, but once With the emperor involved, the whole situation will change because of one person.

"The recent situation has been stabilized, but the killing of the wounds is even worse than before!" said the Lord of Fire. "Especially our hidden valleys are even more serious. The disciples who have been practicing these years ago can survive. Not even one third!” r1152


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