Martial God Space

Chapter 2878: Amazing shot

The hypocrisy of all hypocrisy should be torn off in an instant, revealing the instinct of nature.

His look is stunned, staring at Ye Mo!

"I advise you to stand up and watch me wait for him to clean up. Then come and ask your words. If you cooperate, you may not have to die. The gods are not going to die. I don't think you want to, how do we say that? Is there a bit of incense, isn't it?" It should not be said, haha ​​laughed.

"Animals!" Ye Mo only said coldly, the double-twisted brush suddenly became red, and it became very magical. This is one of the typical characteristics of the Mozu.

"It seems that it is really toasting, not eating and drinking. Do you think that you can escape today? In addition to me, there are several brothers in the country, and any one is enough to destroy this small team." With you, still want to escape? It’s ridiculous!” I should continue to say.

"Hughing!" Ye Xiwen only focused on other meditations at this time, and next to him, Ye Hao's attention has been on these lords since now.

She instinctively can feel the danger of these lords, and there is an amazing killing, that is, directed at her.

Although she never really saw the lord, she also guessed the identity of these people, but now she has confirmed it.

"I didn't expect that the lord of the meditation country appeared personally. It was much more powerful than the last time. It seems that the country is not a group of grass bags!" Ye Xiwen said with a corner.

These priests suddenly looked a little cold, and they were killed by Ye Xiwen. It is undoubtedly a shameful shame for the country. If not, the country will not be angry, and three top lords will be sent. I personally came to chase Ye Xiwen.

It is okay to have a normal lord. They just want to make sure that there are absolutely no mistakes. Ye Xiwen must die, and Ye Hao must die.

"Ye Xiwen, do you still have a mood to tell jokes when you die?" The four faces of the four sides swayed at the same time, and the voice came from all directions. It seemed that it was impossible to see clearly, which direction was passed from.

"Death to the end, do not know who is dead to the end!" Ye Xiwen said coldly. "It’s a coincidence that the two gangsters have come together. I don’t have to go one by one to clean up the portal. Kill the light!”

"Bold!" The blood madness suddenly glared at the Lord and screamed.

Behind him, on the devil's giant ship, countless soldiers of the dynasty are screaming, and it seems to be cheering.

Ye Xiwen looked at the past and saw clearly that this devil ship was full of graves and scattered tombstones. They are the homes of these meditation warriors. They practice in the same day, and they only choose when they fight.

Each of these graves exudes an amazing atmosphere. If you don't look at this boat, it seems that you have seen the dusk of the gods. They are all warriors who were transformed into the country after the death of the gods.

"I still have to talk nonsense with them and kill them all. I can't wait to ask the whereabouts of the landlord from Ye Hao's body!" Yuan Shimei began to say that he couldn't wait to say it. urgent.

"Do not be self-sufficient, all will die!" Ye Xiwen said coldly.

"Ye Xiwen. It seems that you have lost your heart and madness. If you face us, you dare to say such things!" It should not be extinguished. "You are too angry, and you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue. I am really I don't know how you are a person who uploads a person. You are not qualified at all. Only I have such qualifications. I want to get the inheritance of the demon. When I am promoted to the emperor, I am invincible. Hahahaha, I am more than you. What is it?"

"Just by you? On the battlefield, you will not be able to quit, and you should stop running, hahahaha!" Ye Xiwen haha ​​laughed. "I have heard of the emperor running in the heavens and the earth?" Just because you are escaping from this point, I dare to conclude that you will never be able to approach the emperor forever, but it is a timid generation!"

The look that should not be destroyed is even more indifferent, but coldly said: "Reading is barely a part of the same door. I will give you another chance to surrender the Tianyuan mirror and hand over all the adventures in you. I will also spare. You have a life, give you the opportunity to be my dog, otherwise, don't blame me, you are welcome!"

"Ye Mo, you are advanced. You are not saying that you have got what you want. Can you directly promote the peak of the quasi-emperor and restore the peak fighting power of the past? I will drag these people for you!" Ye Xiwen did not speak, just gave Ye Mosheng said.

"Ye Xiwen, you can't do it, these people are not a leisurely generation!" Ye Mo said with a little hesitation.

"You haven't recovered your strength yet, and you don't have much help to stay. These ones are not the peak emperor. If you don't recover to the peak fighting power, you can't help. When you come out, I will go in and look for my chance." Let's go further and kill them when they come out!" Ye Xiwen said with a bite.

Whether it is from the aspect of Ye Mo or from the aspect of Ye Hao, there is no room for reconciliation between the two sides. Only the other side can die.

"Well, I will get stuck!" Ye Mo said, suddenly bursting out of the magical magic, and then a step, directly drilled into the crack.

He is also the martial art of the spiritual master who has been in the same line of practice. Ye Xiwen can be recognized as a half-baked half-way. Even if it is him, he is naturally easily recognized and then rushed in.

"Not good!" Should not be ruined, and Ye Xiwen just said so much to him, clearly wants to drag him, and then let Ye Mojin go to accept the final inheritance.

His face suddenly changed. If you really let Ye Mo get it, then there is something about him.

"Kill, kill him, if you let him know the inheritance of the demon, I can't get anything. When you don't want to think about anything you want!"

"Kill!" The first to take the shot is that the Yuanshi lord, who has long been unable to resist, directly culled out. On his body, there appeared the Yuanshi inscription, and for a moment, it was earth-shattering.

You must know that his front is a big man who is earth-shattering. He dares to take the name of Yuanshi. Naturally, he will not be a leisurely generation. After he died, he combined this with the Tao and practiced an earth-shattering degree. .

"Yuan Shi Falun, give me a crack!"

On his body, a circle of light wheels flew out instantly. The longer it grew, the more it was like to die. The above did not know how many grievances were screaming. In the hustle and bustle, it was the cover that had died on his hand. On behalf of the strong, now even the soul has been detained for his use.

In an instant, this world was transformed into a land of meditation, and the past was smashed toward Ye Mo.

This Yuan began to suppress the Falun in time, and in an instant, it broke out with amazing power. It was necessary to kill Ye Mo and prevent him from entering it.

Among the cracks, apart from being indestructible, no one of them can enter. Although I don't know what kind of situation is inside, I can't let Ye Mo get it.

It’s true that it’s true that if Ye Mo succeeds, then there is really nothing for them.

"Give me a break!" Ye Xiwen shouted, and of course he would not allow such a look.

The big hand suddenly grabbed it and grabbed it on the Yuan Falun.


The sound of Hong Lu Da Lu's general voice swayed out, forming a shocking sound wave. Many of the warriors on the devil's giant ship felt that their ears were creaking, and they almost lost their hearing. This collision is too much. Amazing.

"How is this possible!" Yuan Shiming said incredibly, Ye Xiwen actually caught his Yuan Shi Falun.

You must know that his Yuan Shi Falun was cast from a fallen emperor's Tao. Although it is not a Taoist instrument, it is not necessarily a matter of how strong it is.

There are not many other things in the meditation, so there are some things that the gods are ruining. The time they exist is too old, and they specialize in this way of death, so there are other unimaginable details, even Longdao. The immortal inheritance that existed many years ago is also difficult to compare.

And Ye Xiwen now picks up with his hands, which makes him feel shocked and eclipsed.

At this time, the blood mad lord also shot, his speed is faster than the speed of the Yuan Shi lord, almost a **** figure, instantly smashed out, the speed is almost extinct.

His life was one of the ancestors of the blood family. Now, although the spirit is re-born, it also inherits the amazing speed talent of the blood family.

For a moment, actually caught up behind Ye Mo's body, and at this time Ye Mo is just half the body that has just rushed into.

However, just when he was about to succeed, he only felt that there was a flower in front of him. When he did not know when, he appeared in front of him. In an instant, an amazing sword mangling rushed from his fingers. In an instant, he had already rushed to his door and rushed out.

"Brush!" This sword mandled directly from the body of the blood mad meditation, only smashed a residual image, and ultimately did not be able to kill the blood mad master.

At this time, the blood mad lord was re-apparized not far away, and his face was a little bit suspicious. Ye Xiwen’s speed was too fast, and even his ancestors who were playing at this speed could not see it. How did Ye Xiwen come over, it seems that it was a direct shuttle to the space, and it took a short distance to travel through the space without being affected. This is a very amazing thing in itself.

When Ye Xiwen shot, he shocked several people, and it was such a short time that Ye Mo had already fallen into the crack. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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