Martial God Space

Chapter 2889: Fall into the encirclement

Yan Zun and Ye Xiwen and others have penetrated the layers of space in an instant and continue to move deep into the depths of the abyss. The harsh environment is in their ears and they are constantly retreating.

In this abyss, there are only a variety of extremely harsh and extremely extreme environments, which are not suitable for normal living. Even if the masters of the quasi-emperor level are trapped here all the year round, they will be mad.

This is the most terrible place.

The result of long-term imperceptibility is unacceptable to the quasi-emperor.

Daddy, Yan Zun suddenly stopped, and Ye Xiwen also stopped.

"Yu Zun, what is the place here, shouldn't it be the place where the emperor retreats?" Ye Xiwen asked coldly.

"Oh, Ye Xiwen, you are really smart, you can't create a big name outside, it's a pity, it's too late!" Yan Zun, a flash, has appeared in thousands of feet, "unfortunately, today you I am dying here!"

"Why, are you going to deal with me?" Ye Xiwen sneered. "On your terms, do you think you will be my opponent?"

"Ye Xiwen, although I am not your opponent, but there are still people who can pick you up!" Yan Zun's face slightly pulled down and said, he was even looked down by Ye Xiwen, suddenly angry. "Don't think that you can discuss it today!"

"I am a bit curious. They used to buy you. I actually let you agree to sell me. I have a fetish. I just want to see if you have something out there and make you feel like you are using it. It’s worth it!” Ye Xiwen couldn’t help but sneer.

Yan Zun suddenly felt a bit strange. The face was obviously introduced into traps and traps. Not only did Ye Xiwen have any tension, but the three people behind him did not have the slightest tension. This is no longer a problem of good psychological quality.

This clearly shows that there is no fear, especially the hidden king with the lowest strength is also completely unwitting.

It is impossible for him to imagine that the hidden king is now how easy it is to make jokes. Ye Xiwen is a person who can even be defeated by the emperor, not to mention the district’s esteem. If he does not betray, he will betrayed. Ye Xiwen. Isn't that a dead end?

Although it is likely to be introduced into the encirclement, can it be more dangerous than when it was surrounded by people in the country?

Have the previous things. When he encountered the current situation, he did not feel that there was any problem at all. He did not even think that this was a trouble. He could only use two words to sum up the behavior of Yan Zun, that is, to find death.

"Cut, it's so funny!" Ye Mo couldn't help but sneer out. This is really looking for death.

The face of this sorrow changed and said: "You don't have to make a fool of yourself, bluffing. No use, here is your death!"


His voice just fell, but he saw that his chest did not know when he had one more hand and directly penetrated his chest. The blood splattered, the flesh and blood collapsed, and the bones flew.

"This..." The face of Yan Zun's mouth sheds golden blood. He is completely unbelievable. He was attacked. He hit the chest directly. He didn't even see it, and he didn't even react.


He couldn't help it anymore, his throat was sweet and a blood spurted out. Spraying all over the sky.

Yan Zun grabbed his chest. Trying to let the blood not continue to flow out, but the vitality seems to be swallowed by an unknown monster, and it is still rushing. He has quickly run the healing method, but it is useless and can only delay the loss of vitality. This feeling makes him feel fear. Once the vitality is gone, it is his death.

He quickly swallowed the medicinal herbs and swallowed them. These medicinal herbs are usually very precious. They will not be swallowed at the critical time, because they are different here.

On the outside, many precious herbs are not difficult to find, and they can be found very easily, but in this case, the living environment is extremely bad, and even the emperor is difficult to survive. Not to mention the medicinal materials such as the sacred materials, which are completely unproductive.

It is precisely because of this. The medicinal herbs have become extremely rare, almost all of them were brought in from the outside. When they were not at a critical time, they would not choose to take them.

Now he has not taken care of so much. If he doesn't use it at this time, he has a feeling that he will die.

The feeling of the madness of this vitality makes him almost mad. I don't know how many years have not felt like this. Since the testimony, life is eternal, and he simply does not feel any loss of vitality.

But now, it seems that the time when I stopped coagulation all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of them are reflected in the body.

There was a bit of fear on his face. Why is this? Why is this? He just had time to see a big hand piercing through the chest, but it was too late to see who actually shot.

His eyes are fixed on the eyes of these people. It must be one of them. It should not be said that Ye Xiwen is sure to do it. Among these people, the only one is the most likely. It is.

But at this time his eyes did not dare to have the slightest bitterness of the sin, only the endless fear, his strength has also approached the peak of the peak of the emperor, but the result was hit hard, not to mention even the person who is the shot I don't know, can he not fear in his heart?

"I really can't live without it!" Ye Xiwen sneered a sneer. It was just that he shot. In his opinion, this daring dare to betray him, he must be ready to die. "How, now I am willing to say, in the end, what benefits do those people pay you, is it worth your betrayal?"

"Do you want to watch me die? I don't want to start a big battle, kill him, I have already introduced him into the formation!" Hey, Zun Zun is busy, he can't take care of it at this time. What he thinks is demeanor. He is afraid of Ye Xiwen in front of him. He is simply afraid of it, and he can’t delay it for a moment.

Just as his voice just fell, the whole battle was rumbling, and the heavens and the earth changed. In an instant, the heavens were swallowed in, forming endless power to boil in the void.

Ye Xiwen immediately felt that a powerful force was being projected through the entire array and strangled him.

However, Ye Xiwen has run a little bit of skill and has already bounced this force, but Hidden King and Ye Hao have already started to work a little hard. The whole law seems to have become a big helper, helping him to strangle in the big The people in the array.

But before Ye Xiwen continued to delve into it, he was suddenly screaming in front of him, and his flesh and blood began to collapse in vain under an inexplicable force, even under the power of the law. It will collapse.

"Ah, why, isn't that good? Isn't it good, as long as I bring them in, here is the eye, you won't kill me?" Yan Zun screamed again and again, the formation started, to him The strength was not so fast, it was strangled by the power of the formation. Even this was just the beginning, but he was also heavily wounded by Ye Xiwen. So far, there is no way to control the injury. This is a complete break. The balance in his body caused his injury to intensify in an instant, causing his body to begin to collapse one inch and one inch.

"Idiot, what do you count, even dare to bargain with us, giving us as a slave is your supreme glory, and you dare to threaten us, if it is not to see you still have a role, I was jealous of you. !! A voice of indifference came from it.

When Ye Xiwen heard it, he was happy. This person is not who he is.

It seems that after enjoying the benefits of Ye Xiwen, this Yizun also wants to extort and extort a celestial family. Who knows that it is self-sufficient to be counted by the celestial being together with him!

"Ah, I know it is wrong. I know it is wrong. I am willing to give you slaves as a servant. I only ask you to let me live a life!" Yan Zun screamed constantly. At this time, he finally realized that he was afraid. I want to ask for Rao, he really understands, whether it is the Tianzu or Ye Xiwen, it is not easy to be with the generations, want to count them, it is really looking for death.

Closed here all the year round, almost let them have forgotten how terrible the outside people, especially what he is provoked is a group that can not be provoked.

"I just want to give us a slave as a servant? It is already late, this big battle is perfect, there is no eye, you will be together with them into this big array of nourishment, hahahaha!" Haha laughed, and the mood was extremely smooth, and finally I was able to get rid of Ye Xiwen.

After he got this swearing letter, he already had such an idea, and now it has finally been realized. The threat that Ye Xiwen gave him is too big, even more than the old rivals such as Huolong Zhenjun. Terrible, not because of his strength at the current stage, but his amazing growth rate, and soon he will grow to the point where he can't contain it.


Finally, I don’t know how long it took, and Zun Zun screamed. The whole person blasted on the spot and turned into a group of flesh and blood. Then he was absorbed by the big squad. The whole battalion was running faster and faster, and the pressure exerted was also stronger.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Numerous sacred gods swept through the air and swept over Ye Xiwen and others. This is the real killing of the whole big squad, and they must all stay here.

"Is it a small skill like this?" Ye Xiwen sneered, "Look at me breaking this break!"


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