Martial God Space

Chapter 2902: Loss

In fact, the skill has climbed to the point where it is stronger than the big one, and the time robe has also recovered. It is used by him, and the strength of Ye Xiwen completely surpasses the imagination of ordinary people.

Even the emperor's gods can smash their eyes.

The sword of the dominating sword was made out, and the gods were not diminished. It was even more terrible. It turned directly into an amazing sword mang, and fell to Ye Xiwen.

The Tianzu and the Yaozu around suddenly felt that a huge whistling sound came, and almost all the ear bones of the people were shattered. The spirit was unstable and there was the possibility of broken bones.

His slash across the sky directly shattered everything, as if a huge iridescent traverses the scorpio, directly strangled it, sweeping a large piece of afterglow, forming a piece of kendo field.

Sword potential

In the face of this amazing blow, Ye Xiwen did not flash and did not hide, stepping straight out, stepping out of the golden light under the feet, greeted him.


Ye Xiwen slammed out a fist and slammed it on the sword. In a flash, a huge roar broke out and suddenly trembled.

Whether it is Ye Xiwen's boxing strength or the sword of the dominating sword, it has unimaginable power. The two sides have no temptations, and when they come up, they are dead.

Yan Jianming circulated between heaven and earth, and Ye Xiwen’s fists smashed the gods, drowning the whole world, spreading out, and instantly letting countless big stars burst together and turn into dust.


At this moment, Ye Xiwen killed him directly, and he did not have a chance to breathe with a blow. As soon as he came up, he exerted a powerful and mysterious technique, and his body was covered in a miraculous package. The treasure was solemn and brave.

"Turning the sky, three in one!"

Ye Xiwen’s front is a scroll of the sky, and the left and right sides are the seal of the mountain and the seal of the sea. At this time, the three seals merged together to form a fierce wave. Fall down directly.

The sword of the lord was suddenly smashed, and he was still immersed in the attack. Ye Xiwen has not completely recovered, but at this time, Ye Xiwen has completely shot, and does not give him any breathing room.


Ye Xiwen's three seals fell together, and instantly formed a huge mushroom cloud. The sword of the master was directly bombarded. His spirits burst into the air and there were signs of collapse. This is a sign of great horror.

His spirit itself is incomparably strong. It is impossible to casually appear in such a state, almost a moment that has been hit hard.

At this time, it is already a life-and-death, and almost has to touch the power of the level, which makes people feel chilly.

The huge mushroom cloud rose up, not only the people of the Tianzu saw it. Even the masters of the allied coalition forces who have been intimidated have seen it.

In particular, a few of them took the lead, and they rushed to the forefront of the masters, such as Huolong Zhenjun and others. They even saw Ye Xiwen’s shot and flew off the sword of the ruler.

Almost no one was planted with the head. I only felt that the world was full of chills. The younger generations were cold and cold and sweaty.

What did they see?

A completely awakened, revived horror device was actually blown away by people, is it their eyes?

At this point they have completely confirmed. The Tianzu has dispatched so many masters, and it really came to deal with Ye Xiwen, and it is no exaggeration to say that such a teacher is moving.

In the face of a monster that can fly the ball, how can you pay attention to it?

As for how he would have more than one demon army, many people have already guessed the reason. After all, some people have seen the appearance of the enchanting shots, which are in their expectation.

But for Ye Xiwen's fierceness. Many people still feel a little uncomfortable, and they can only say the last sentence before he retreats.

He became stronger, he became stronger again, it was a monster.

The people of the heavens and the world have been unable to control him.

However, before they even slowed down, they saw Ye Xiwen take a step further and stepped out of the way. They rushed to the front of the sword of the dominance and continued to pursue.

Behind him. The Tianzu army used the Ye Xi text as an arrow to pierce all the way. Wherever passed, the Tian army also collapsed all the way.

Compared with the Tian army, which is fighting each other, this Yao nationality army, which was summoned by Ye Xiwen, appears to be a little less, but more flexible enough to be commanded by Ye Xiwen.

Coupled with these ancient demon, many of the big demon are masters who have been fighting for many years. The experience of war is very rich. Anyone who should be arrested is a master of war. Commanding the army is just like a fish, just like art.

Ye Xiwen chased it up in one step and chased the past toward the sword of the ruler.

"Damn!" The sword of the ruler couldn't help but scream, but it was useless. Ye Xiwen did not give him a chance to breathe. The nose sword in his hand was so grand that he fell.

"The sword of the rule!" Ye Xiwen simply dominated the sword to counter the sword of the ruler.

The sword of the ruler was directly smashed, and the whole body flew out, and the spirit exploded in the air.

Although it was reorganized at once, it has been transparent. This restructuring has also cost him a lot, not to mention that some serious injuries, even if the body is reorganized, there is no way to improve.

However, at this time, the Wanjie map and the huge pterosaur had already swept over.

Especially the pterosaur, huge in size, like a huge star, behind a pair of **** wings are flapping, the sharp corners on the head are like the sharpest health care between heaven and earth, directly scratching the sky and killing a A huge sword light rushed toward Ye Xiwen.

"Come on, fight again!" Ye Xiwen did not further pursue the meaning of killing, directly put down the sword of the dominance, and turned back to the pterosaur.


Ye Xiwen slammed directly into the sharp corner of the wing faucet, and the huge roaring sound exploded. It was like two of the world's hardest metal colliding together, and the heavens and the earth trembled. On the shore, the stone is worn out.

The Sun and the Moon are all rotated, concentrated together, and then released wildly.

This time, the amazing collision, Ye Xiwen did not move, but the huge pterosaur was flying out. In the face of this raid, Ye Xiwen did not mean to fall in the slightest.

At the moment when Ye Xiwen flew out this pterosaur, on the other side, a huge world that Wanjie figured out finally fell down directly.

"Give me a break!" Ye Xiwen screamed. Before the world fell and destroyed his demon army, the nose sword in his hand screamed, and the swordsman rushed and instantly smashed out the blood. The swordsman directly plunged into this fallen world, where countless illusions of life were directly annihilated, and then the whole world was pierced. In the end, the whole world began to burst into rumbling.

It seems that the real world is broken down in an inch and an inch. It is very terrifying from afar, as if the end of the world really came.

Jianmang went to the world and penetrated the world. After destroying the world, he directly passed through the sky and swept through the front of the Wanjie map.

The fascinating face of the Wanjie map is extremely ugly. Although this shot was swept from him and was not directly scanned, but if it is not the guardian of the Wanjie map, only the aftermath of this sweep is enough. He is heavily wounded.

The power of a nose sword is really more and more horrible.

Unlike the pterosaur, the Wanjie map was actually played against Ye Xiwen and also played with the A Nasal sword, but Ye Xiwen at that time was not so terrible.

Even if you count the robes of time, you just barely compete with him. At that point, you can only say that you are barely dragging him and the rifle. It is nothing.

Not really a real threat, at most it is just an annoying crawler.

But now, Ye Xiwen, with his own strength, has defeated the sword of the dominating sword. He does not say that he had seized the dark Bodhi's hand before, and killed the people who were in the sky and so on.

The A Nasal Sword is also stronger than before. Even if it is the same device, he can obviously feel the horror of the Nasal Sword at this time. After devouring the Tianqi Emperor Sword, his power improvement is only a little bit.

Only this sword actually gave him a feeling of being almost seriously damaged.

His face is so ugly that he can't be ugly. It's no wonder that the news sent to him by the cracked gun is careful and careful.

This guy is growing too fast, and this time he can't let him go, otherwise no one can cure it in the future.

"Kill!" Wanjie map violently, the horrible atmosphere of the sky rises like a world, thousands of volcanoes burst out in a flash, showing a terrible texture in the void. It spread out in a circle and rolled down towards Ye Xiwen's mighty.

This is the power of the Tao. After deciding to eradicate Ye Xiwen, there is no slightest hand to keep it. When the hand is shot, the power of the sky is sweeping.

In the face of the eruption of the Wanjie map, Ye Xiwen did not hesitate at all, directly as a positive breakthrough, and directly rushed up.


The sword of a nose sword, rising in the wind, directly grew up in the thousands of feet, and instantly penetrated the Galaxy, and fell to the Wanjie map.

Ye Xiwen's swordsmanship and the infinite world of the Wanjie map, any one of them can easily smash the existence of the ordinary peaks, and at this time directly collide.


The violent explosion was triggered at once, and it suddenly burst into the air. This stalemate only lasted for a moment. Ye Xiwen’s swordsmanship was unrelenting and broke open. (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)


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