Martial God Space

Chapter 2933: Emperor

The golden age of three thousand years has produced countless geniuses. Perhaps not every one is as outstanding as Ye invincible, so impressive, but it has far surpassed any previous era.

These people have been outstanding in any era, and they can be called a generation of heroes, but in this super golden world, they are buried and buried in the shadow of those heroes.

In this countless exchange of information, a message detonated the world, that is, someone got the emperor.

He became the emperor's breath, shaking the whole world, and everyone felt it, as if the heavens and the earth were changing, countless rules were surging, even in remote places, they could feel faintly, and a crush was crushed on themselves. Heart.

The horrible power made people feel chilly, and the unprecedented dangerous feelings in the transaction were shrouded. Some unskilled creatures shivered on the ground and did not dare to get up. It seemed to be a king in the heavens and the earth.

Only in places where there are emperors and monarchs, can they resist this pressure. This is Tiandao’s cheering for Xinjun.

The king of heaven and earth should have such a prestige and have such treatment.

Soon, just as everyone is still guessing, when the person who got the word is, a message came from the heavenly people. The person who really got the word is the emperor, not Ye Xiwen, or any other person. .

Hey, w↘ww.

This answer is both in the expectation of the people, but also disappoints many people. In the end, it is not Ye Xiwen.

Among these people, there is no doubt that the emperor is the most likely and the most promising, not only because of the guidance and inheritance of the emperor, but most importantly, he holds the emperor who Ye Qiwen does not possess at all. Opportunity.

No one can compare with him in this respect, but even so, there are still many people who are looking forward to it. Perhaps, Ye Xiwen still has a chance.

Compared with other people, Ye Xiwen's chances are undoubtedly much bigger. Others are just beginning to try to attack the realm of the emperor, and Ye Xiwen has already begun to attack the realm of the emperor.

Although it is much shorter than those of the old monsters, it is almost universally recognized as the second person who is likely to have a chance.

It’s just that the Emperor is still taking the lead, and everyone is sighing and starting to rush.

The Tianzu appeared the first emperor. Everything is like a multi-bone Nomi, it has collapsed.

After the emperor rebelled into the emperor, he could break the seal. At that time, more Tian emperors would come to the heavens and the world through seals.

At that time, several emperors joined forces, and all the heavens and the kingdoms would fall completely. No one could stop the attack of the heavenly people.

Therefore, the light is only the emperor's rebellion is not enough to make them desperate. What really makes them desperate is that many emperors will come across the border and will make the whole world fall.

After getting the news of the emperor's rebellion. Many ethnic groups, which were originally swaying, have fallen to the feet of the heavenly people, vying for fear, and fearing one night. It will be crushed to death by the Tianzu.

For a time, the voice of the Tian people rose sharply, and the momentum of the various ethnic coalition forces plummeted.

Even the most sturdy people, the tribes, and the emperors of the Tianzu have such a solution. It is also a bit grand.

The existence of the emperor level is too strong, even if they have the means to restrain the emperor, but it is only restraint. It is not really a deal at all.

For a time, all the worlds are heart-wrenching.

The Tianzu also issued a declaration of the death of the shunner, and asked the various ethnic groups to surrender. Otherwise, once it is broken, the real dog will not stay.

Under this declaration of the shunner's death against me, there are indeed many people who are secretly confessing to the Tianzu. Although the bones are important, they are not as important as the survival of the ethnic groups and forces.

After the emperor rebelled, the Tianzu regained the high-profile posture, and the king of the world seemed to re-enact the situation before the first anti-Tianjin war, reshaping the glory of that time.

Moreover, the Tianzu has opened a list of murders, allowing the various ethnic groups to hand over the characters on the list. The first place is Ye Xiwen, who has repeatedly confronted the Tianzu, followed by the Lord of Ancient Heaven, Ye Wudi, and many others. A young boy who is famous in the world.

This time, the Tianzu intends to exhaust all the young talents of all ethnic groups, as well as the top masters of the older generation, who are also required to kill themselves, so that they can preserve the ethnic group.

Such a group and the power of the old are all exhausted, even if they survive, there will be no hope.

After getting this list of murders, many people are eager to move. In the eyes of many people, if their sacrifices can be exchanged for their survival, it is worthwhile. After all, dead friends are not dead.

If you can't agree with the requirements of the Tianzu, when the emperors of the Tianzu cross the border, it is really necessary to level the world.

Some people with unwillingness have begun to scream for the people on the list to automatically lead to death.

However, there are also many people who are angry, because the list is the most outstanding elite of their teachers or sectarians. I don’t know how many years before they can produce such an elite, so they will die, no one is willing.

Many people think of the endless dark years before the first anti-Tianjin war. The rise of the first-class rises to the heavens and the world, all outstanding people, either rely on the Tianzu as a running dog, or they are caught Go, torture and die.

In the long dark years of unclear numbers, I don’t know how many ethnic elders voluntarily entered the swords of the Tianzu. For the survival of the ethnic groups, they entered the sky after they had reached a certain level. Among the cages of the clan, some of the threatened ones were killed on the spot, and those who were less threatened were detained. They could not see the sky forever, and contributed their contributions to the rise of the heavenly people with their flesh and blood.

Of course, they are unwilling, but once they refuse, they will immediately welcome the Tian army. Wherever the iron hoof passes, everything will be turned into nothing, and the ethnic groups will be removed from the roots and disappeared from the heavens.

Even so, their ethnic groups have to contribute the most brave warriors to the void in an unknown direction every once in a while. No one knows where it is, no one can survive in the end.

Their ethnic group is in such a generation of policies to reduce the number of people, painfully struggling, under the rule of the Tianzu, everyone has passed the incomparable grievances.

It was a dark and turbulent time. It was engraved in the blood of every race, and it can be forgotten, but it really reached this point, and everyone thought about it again.

That period of time is really too dark. No one wants to return to such a day. Especially the masters are the top players among the various ethnic groups. They are the killing targets of the heavenly people, even if they are all. If they surrender, they will not be able to surrender. Otherwise, it will be the end of the dead.

"War, **** battle to death, even if the battle to the last person, my Terran has no retreat!"

In the face of the declaration of the arrogance of the Tianzu, the three emperors of the emperor Jijia, Shennong, and Wuzong were collectively open-minded and responded toughness without any room for retreat.

Undoubtedly, once the Tianzu regains control in the world, then their inheritance of these emperors must be the stab in the eyes, the first object of eradication, others can retreat, everyone can retreat, but they are, they can not retreat.

Soon, the two monsters, the Mozu and the Yaozu, also opened their mouths, especially the imperial inheritance. Almost all of them were tough and faced, leaving no room for everyone to withdraw.

The Tianzu people seem to have no idea at all, even if they do not surrender, then it is to delay a little death, and sooner or later die.

They have such absolute confidence, so there is no single thought that they want to compromise.

The coalition forces of all ethnic groups were very unremarkable, but the same was very bloody, and everyone was forced to a dead end.

Even the brave men in the heavens and the world, with the supreme means, went to assassinate the emperor, but the results were also expected, despite the means of restraining the emperor, but still failed, able to restrain the emperor, It is only on defense, taking the initiative to fight against an emperor, it is really looking for death.

The action of this brave man completely angered the Tianzu, and the Tianzu frequently shot and wiped out the strongholds of several ethnic groups. The blood flowed and the corpse became a mountain.

I don’t know how many billions of all the elites of the various nationalities have fallen under the iron hoof of the celestial beings. No matter what kind of amazing defense, they are vulnerable in the face of the emperor’s rebellion. The family's iron hooves rushed in, and the bases were leveled. Countless masters died tragically. Even the escapes were few and far between. Because the emperor imprisoned the space, no one could leave with space array.

Even in the back, it is not a shot of the Tianzu, but the vassal of the Tianzu is in the shot. His vassal group is particularly fierce after betraying the various ethnic groups. It is also in order to show his role to the celestial being, not to be obliterated. .

Heaven and earth are sad.

The atmosphere is extremely tense. Everyone knows that the invasion of the Tianzu Iron Hood is only a matter of time. After the emperor reinforces the cultivation, he makes a big shot and uses his own arrow. Even the headquarters of all ethnic groups are afraid of being overwhelmed. Dangerous, although there were many means left by the Emperor in the past, but after all, there was no emperor sitting in the town, and the power was less than one.

"Is it so innocent that I love the heavenly people, want us to become slaves of the heavenly people, and kneel at the feet of the heavenly people?"

"God, are you really going to give up on us?"

“Why is this?”

All the heavens are mourning.


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