Martial God Space

Chapter 3073: ten years

The current skill of Ye Xiwen can be described as a skillful accomplishment. It is like a different universe in the past, but even so, this Taiyi Juyuan Dan still fills his whole body space in a short time. Full, like the vastness of the sky, smashing Ye Xiwen's limbs.

This force has grown so large that Ye Xiwen must be carefully controlled.

Originally, he had to attack the realm of the fifth world. He had to go through the barriers of the fifth world day after day, year after year. With his huge skill, he could only use this method of water-dropping, but now it is different. It is.

After swallowing Taiyi Juyuandan, the endless skill is like a wave of water rising over the river, and the crazy impact has started the realm of the fifth world.

At the same time, behind him, the dragon vein began to emerge and was fixed by the chain of the law, and then began to countless auras into the mysterious space of Ye Xiwen's body, and began to analyze the fifth world insanely. Many mysteries.

Many mysteries of the fifth world soon appeared in the eyes of Ye Xiwen, and were analyzed little by little. The fifth place in front of Ye Xiwen had no secret.

Of course, Ye Xiwen's aura of absorbing this dragon's pulse is not as rude as it was before the absorption of the dragon's pulse of the murderous family. The rude absorption of this kind of time is excellent, but it is not cost-effective for a long time.

In the past, among the fierce people who swallowed the sky, it was not their own, and they were naturally unscrupulous. However, now he can’t do that.

And the time is also spent by Ye Xiwen swallowing Taiyi Juyuan Dan through the fifth place.

The outside world, as Ye Xiwen initially guessed, began to completely overturn the sky.

The cracking of a crack over the stormy seas quickly spread among the forces in the stormy waters.

The things about the ancient foreign creatures in the cracks are widely circulated. Although only a glimpse of it, a head has been discovered, but it has been noticed by many people.

And this news has no way to hide. Directly broke out.

Among the cracks, there is nothing in the end, and no one knows.

Over time. Many legends and existences that have reached the extreme have also appeared.

A month later, the figure of the emperor who once killed the world's sermons appeared in the vicinity of that gap.

Two months later. The war gods who once thought that they had been completely degraded, the war emperor returned to the rivers and lakes, led the million yin soldiers, and came to the stormy sea.

At the same time, in the deep sea, the tortoise of the inferior tyrants, the Tiantian Turtles, also appeared in the top of the cracked sea. It was said that they had confronted the war emperor and finally did not shoot.

Two and a half months later. Among the invincible emperors of the Invincible Emperor, the undead emperor appeared in the stormy sea, squatting near the crack.

Three months later, the night emperor, one of the ten emperors, who had defected from the sacred dynasty, appeared in the stormy waters.

This one or now, or once there is no enemy in the world, there are even many old antiques that people think have been seated, because this crack, all appeared in front of everyone.

These are not even the leisure emperors, but the supreme beings of many emperors. Some people say that some of them have actually entered the realm of Tianzun. Some people say that they have not.

But it is undeniable that, no matter what, they are one of the strongest in this world. However, these strongest people have appeared because of this crack, how can this not prevent countless people from paying attention to it.

As these big men appeared one by one, many news about this crack were also transmitted one by one.

However, it turned out that this crack is not elsewhere, but the Pantian Palace, which once dominated the stormy seas for countless years.

Because the age of the Emperor of the Emperor is very far away, many people now have not even heard of the existence of the Emperor.

But as the dusty history began to be turned upside down, all the people knew that it was a terrible existence such as a branch.

What is the body of the Emperor Supreme? No one knows, only know that he has appeared in the eyes of everyone from the beginning. It is already the existence of a royal creature, which is extremely scary. Later, it was a multi-year battle, and eventually even unified the stormy seas, so that countless races in the stormy seas were surrendered to his seat and used for him.

In that period, the stormy seas were extremely strong, and even repeatedly fought with the Eastern Regions, once prevailing, and let the gods of the creations sway.

At that time, the stormy seas and the sacred gods fought each other constantly, and there were countless deaths and injuries. This kind of battle has continued for countless years, until the last time the Emperor Supreme was defeated by the last stronghold, Pantian Palace, since then, the Emperor’s reign has finally disappeared. In the public's vision.

In that battle, Pantian Palace eventually disappeared with the defeat of the Emperor of the Emperor. I did not expect that after many years, the Pantian Palace reappeared in front of everyone.

It is no wonder that even if it is the killing of the emperor, the invincible existence of the war emperor will be heard by the wind. How can someone care about the Pantian Palace that was once invincible?

As more and more news is revealed, more and more people are beginning to smash the Heavenly Palace. Although this idea is extremely dangerous, once it is successful, there is no doubt that it is almost a matter of fact.

Seeking for the rich and the rich, not getting into the tiger's nest and getting the tiger, this kind of thing is not lacking in the heavens and the world, but also in the creation of the gods.

As the news about the Pantian Palace spread gradually in this crack, it was accompanied by countless masters of both the gods and the foreign countries. Many people did not need to be urged by others. Only the Heavenly Palace was enough to attract them. .

The foreign domain and the Fortune Gods have been confronted for many years, and it is not necessary to divide them in detail. It is naturally divided into two camps, and they are crazy about each other around this crack.

Originally, there were deep grievances on both sides, and the direct fights were devastating. With the gradual escalation of the accomplices, the emperors began to confront each other from the beginning of the battle between the gods.

Moreover, more and more famous emperors, or the emperor-class monsters lurking in the deep sea have appeared, and even have not been one by one, it is already a battle between the hordes of emperors.

The aftermath of the confrontation has been turbulent, and even spread to the Star City. It was originally in the Star City that was the first line of the stormy sea. The form is getting more and more severe.

Even the confrontation between the two sides has spread to the Star City. The Star City, which has been peeked out from time to time by some foreign creatures, is in a constant siege during this time. Although there has not been a fight between the imperial creatures, it is already Around the entire Star City, blood flows into the river and blood flows.

For the residents of the Star City, although they have become accustomed to fighting, the collision between such a large-scale camp has made the entire Star City seem to be in a shadow.

Such a confrontation, over time, has been fleeting for ten years.

More and more news about the cracks came, but because of the confrontation between the two camps, no one else could enter the crack.

The foreign domain creatures claimed that they naturally had the power to the Pantian Palace, because Pantian Palace belongs to the side of their foreign creatures, but the creation of the gods does not look like this.

In the last battle that broke out in the Pantian Palace, I don’t know how many masters of the dynasty that had been buried in the dynasty. How could the foreign creatures take the Pantian Palace away?

Moreover, Pantian Palace itself is an extremely powerful horror weapon. It is impossible for the party to make the gods to fall into the hands of foreign creatures.

In the end, what kind of arguments are useless, and ultimately it is necessary to see who is more powerful in the fists.

In the past ten years, there have been more and more masters gathered in the two sides. Even the existence of the ninth state, the flow of the Emperor of the War has been shot, but even so, it is still impossible to really set the battle.

The situation has evolved in a more hostile direction. In particular, the camps of either the sacred or the foreign creatures can be called giants. Once the battle between the camps breaks out, even the emperor will fall into pieces. Even though the leaders of both sides have shown a relatively restrained side, it has become more and more a possibility that the war will only be triggered at a glance when the two sides are getting more and more serious.

Ye Xiwen purchased the small yard. In ten years, there was no change before ten years ago. Ye Xiwen’s metaphysical incarnation still read under the tree. For this, the neighbors on the streets have long been used to it, so Ye Xiwen It has been almost thirty years since I moved in. For ordinary humans, this is a generation of people, and now even ordinary people have heard that Ye Xiwen is a powerful practitioner.

Even many people want to worship Ye Xiwen as a teacher. After all, there are Wang Jun’s example in front. After getting the instructions of Ye Xiwen, Wang Jun has made rapid progress. In the past ten years, it has even sprung up in the Zongmen, even in the Wang family. Also set a huge name.

And all this is only from the seemingly inconspicuous youth of the Qingpao, which is why they can't be moved.

If they can defeat Ye Xiwen as a teacher, then their lives may have changed.

However, Ye Xiwen received Wang Jun many years ago, and he never pointed out anyone. For him, perhaps it is not a fate, and he does not have this mood.

On this day, this quiet little courtyard came to the guests. (To be continued)

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