Martial God Space

Chapter 135: Killing the enemy

It’s not just that Guiyuan Bawang knows that there is not much time. In fact, Ye Xiwen also knows that time is running out. As more and more emperors are swallowed up by Emperor Pan, his vitality is gradually recovering and will change. It’s getting scary.

At that time, he might not even be able to escape, so he is also in a hurry. He must remove the guy who knows that he has a secret through the stone before he finds it.

If he is allowed to take the news out, he may face various raids from the Tiantian Turtles. Not to mention that even if he keeps the Taoist stone in the end, he will be angry and angry. Announce this matter.

Although he is still not very clear, the true origin of the Taoist stone carvings, but in the attitude of returning to the Yuan Bahuang, it should be something that is unacceptable. At that time, unless he surrenders the Taoist stone, the world is simply There is no place for him to stand.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Xiwen is almost forced to go to the road, this will choose to take a risk.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Xiwen decisively shot, and the swordsmanship that was handed out spreads throughout the palace space, extremely fierce, flocking everywhere, almost to fight the entire space.

"How could this be!"

Returning to the Yuanba Emperor, the murder of Ye Xiwen is more intense than he imagined. It is really necessary to kill him.

However, he is not a master of slaughter.


Guiyuan Bawang suddenly violently screamed and screamed, and the whole body seemed to be a stream that broke through the eternal shackles and directly retreated toward the distance.

"Want to go?" Ye Xiwen sneered. The nose sword in the hand is shaking sharply. Cicada, directly to the tens of thousands of horrible swordsman.


Jianmang fell down, a string of blood blasted open, and the Yuanba Emperor was directly cut off the small half of the body, blood spewing, looks terrible and embarrassing.

At this time, the returning emperor has also been violent. In a flash of riots, a blazing magical eruption came out of his body, and on his head, there was a quaint character in his life.


This metacharacter is simple and unusual, has the meaning of vicissitudes of life, and does not know when it was obtained by him. Most of the avenues of returning to the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty fell on this metacharacter.

Yuan is the same as the beginning word, it is the beginning of the meaning, with an imaginary avenue and power.

"Now let me see why I am called Guiyuan!"

Returning to the Yuan Bawang shouted. After being forced to the end, it was just a fist to fight back to Ye Xiwen. In an instant, it seemed that everything was falling apart, time was back, everything was everything. All of them have completely returned to their original appearance. Yuan is the origin of everything and the root of chaos.

This retrograde terrorist force directly came back to Ye Xiwen, and immediately drowned Ye Xiwen. After being forced to rush, the returning Yuan Bahuang really took out the power of his own source.

It’s just that the power of this move is too big to be used at all times.

"I have already been ruined. This kind of trick is useless to me. Time is back!" Ye Xiwen shouted, and a pair of golden palms came out from the endless returning power. Directly tearing this force into two halves.

Then, everything is going backwards. Going back to the time when everything hasn't happened yet.

Everyone only feels that a horrible force is sweeping. The terrorist power brought by this unit is backed up by the power of a time. In a flash, it has returned to the time when everything has not happened yet. .

Ye Xiwen, who is standing in the middle of the center, is not hurting at all. This is the power of the robes of time. After getting the origin of the ancestors of the time, Ye Xiwen’s understanding of the power of time is a leaps and bounds.

Therefore, it is also possible to make this trick in a small scope. The power of time is too mysterious. Even the master of the emperor level may not be able to do much better in the face of time.

"How is it possible!" Yuanyuan Bawang never imagined that Ye Xiwen broke the card at the bottom of his pressure box so easily. The power of this returning yuan was even a fear of Geng Jinhuhuang and others. The last big loss, the worst, can also get him the time to escape.

However, this move completely failed in the face of Ye Xiwen, and it did not play any role at all.

"This is impossible. You are too far away from me. I don't realize that this is the root cause of your commandment today!" Ye Xiwen said, while he turned his hand over the sky, there is no need to say more. Directly one print has fallen.

The power of heaven and earth has been borrowed, and it has completely fallen over the world.


A large piece of flesh and blood flew together, it was the flesh and blood of the emperor, and he was severely wounded by Ye Xiwen.

From the time he just played with Ye Xiwen, he was constantly being hit by Ye Xiwen, and his body shape has long been broken.

If you put it outside, who would believe in the name of Wei, and the glory of the stormy seas will be so miserable. In the face of Ye Xiwen, it can almost be said that there is no power to fight back.

Ye Xi’s strength is far stronger than him, and even more, he has taken the opportunity.

Returning to the Yuan Paiyao, I felt that my body was almost completely broken.

Ye Xiwen’s attack was too horrible and too scary. He did not see it with his own eyes. He could not believe it. Someone could completely crush him in the same realm.

"Ye Xiwen, I will not let you go!"

Ye Xiwen did not rely on it, and the Yuanba Overlord broke out completely. In an instant, the whole space was messy. Various magical magical flying, the rules were made up, and the intertwined one after another formed a gorgeous optical network to attack and kill Ye Shiwen.

At this time, his eyes were resolutely determined to be dead, and Ye Xiwen was faster than him. Even if he used the secret method, he still could not escape from Ye Xiwen's hands. Since he was going to die, he would die with Ye Xiwen.

It is not possible at ordinary times, but it is completely different here. It is only as strong as Ye Xiwen to die when the Emperor is found.

"I want to go to the end? I really want too much!"

Ye Xiwen sneered, and immediately screamed coldly, in the palm of his hand, exuding endless fairy light, the dark Bodhi holy hand appeared in his hand, and the endless power of darkness fell off in an instant.


Directly shot in the Yuanyuan Bawang, almost his Emperor's source is a smash, his body, not to mention, directly blown up.

Ye Xiwen has a lot of Taoist instruments, so he has a lot of attack methods, which makes people invincible. Every piece of the device has its own unique attack technique, which is absolutely impossible to prevent.

Although it is better to say that the miscellaneous is not pure, but to the point of Ye Xiwen, it has already stepped out of its own path, and will not be implicated in the miscellaneous. On the contrary, it can completely walk out of a road of its own.

Returning to the Yuan Bahuang, he rushed out and reorganized his body in the distance. He looked at Ye Xiwen’s eyes and was full of resentment.

He was forced to go crazy, he was completely crazy, he was very angry, but he hated helplessly, he could not change this fact.

Because he is far worse than Ye Xiwen.

"Today you have to die!" Ye Xiwen slammed and his body flew straight out.


The fierce battle was once again triggered, and it broke out in an instant. It should be said that Ye Xiwen was completely pressing the lord of the Yuan Dynasty, and that the lord of the lord had no hope of winning at this time, and he also made a fuss, together with Ye Xiwen. stay.

To be the same, he is the emperor of the sixth world. Once he is worried, he still has such ability, or the ability to temporarily drag Ye Xiwen.

But there is a limit to being difficult.




Once again, his body was collapsed by Ye Xiwen and collapsed. The Yuanshen has already been broken. On this part, even the emperor is useless. The emperor claims that it will not be worn, but there is actually a limit. Where.

No one can truly be invincible and infinitely reborn.

If it is an ordinary case, the victory and defeat are early, but the two sides must set the other side to death at this time. Ye Xiwen is going to return to the Yuanba Emperor, and the Yuanba Emperor will be brought to Ye Xiwen to accompany him. Both sides have made a fuss, which makes The battle was delayed until this time.

In the case of the Imperial level battle, it is actually short enough.

Finally, everything finally broke out. Ye Xiwen once again collapsed into the flesh of the Yuanba Emperor. This time, he did not give him the opportunity to reorganize his body, or was restricted by Ye Xiwen. Ye Xiwen almost immediately The hand of the **** was turned out, and the **** of the returning emperor was captured from it.

The emperor's **** is integrated with the flesh, so it is extremely difficult to kill. As long as one cell escapes, it can re-evolve the deity. Only in this case, only the same emperor can have a way from him. Stripped his gods in the flesh.

They are all emperors. Although the avenues are different, many of them are the same. The only ones who know them best are themselves.

How could the original **** of the ruined emperor, who had already been ruined, survive the attack of Ye Xiwen? In fact, there is only one obsessive thing left to be left now. The obsessiveness of ordinary people is useless, the emperor’s Obsession can be turned into a substantial existence and a substantial attack.

However, in front of Ye Xiwen, it is still not enough to see.

Although his **** is tough, but Ye Xiwen's hand rises to ignite Nanming's fire, and the Yuanshen's Yuanshen screams and is burned into a ash.

And his body was automatically reorganized, and then he was included in the heavens and the earth by Ye Xiwen.

Just as Ye Xiwen was leaving, a horrible atmosphere covered the whole world, and one person and one ride appeared in this space. (To be continued.)

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