Martial God Space

Chapter 3156: He turned out to be the seventh world

Yundi’s anger is that Ye Xiwen did not give him a face at all. In his view, this is an unforgivable sin. When he used to be a giant, he was already used to taking it.

However, he still had a bit of joy. It was really a waste of time to break through the iron shoes. Just when he didn’t know where to look for Ye Xiwen, even when the sudden recovery of the Emperor’s reign was overwhelmed, Ye Xiwen reappeared. It is.

"If you are arbitrarily dying, you know, what is this sin?" Ye Xiwen stood back and held his eyes, only looking at Yundi, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"Emergency is right, it is a last resort. You can know that the attack of the Emperor of the Emperor is imminent, and the Emperor of the Golden Emperor is the one that I have worked hard to find. It is an important force against the Emperor of the Emperor. You dare not ask. The indiscriminate killing of him, is it that you are a fine work of the outer domain, deliberately come to engage in destruction?" Yundi looked more and more indifferent.

"A good thing is an urgent need, but also a big hat, I am afraid I can't afford this hat!" Ye Xiwen sneered, said. "Yun Emperor, you are good at life and death for your own sake, how do you want to make a plan with me?"

Ye Xiwen’s eyes are also full of murderousness, just to take advantage of this opportunity.

"What's the matter!"

Yundi smiled coldly, and what he thought was exactly what he wanted to do to kill the enemies who had always been against Heaven.

"Since you broke into the collapse of life and death, you will not be allowed to die!"

At this moment, Ye Xiwen’s eyes flashed a cold mang. In his hand. Wudi Yin directly condensed, and a horrible breath emerged from his body, like the vast sea, attacking and killing in the direction of Yundi.

"The seventh world, he actually entered the seventh world!"

Many people suddenly exclaimed, including Li Huang, who was completely exclaimed. At this time, all the people understood. Why is the gold ant emperor not Ye Qiwen’s opponent at all, it turns out that he has already entered the realm of the seventh world.

It is no wonder that the death of the golden ant is so terrible, it is really a self-seeking dead end, and the sixth peak is even more powerful. It is only the sixth peak, how can it compare with the real seventh.

Sure enough, Ye Xiwen cleaned up and even used his own power without using a few points. It was not that he could compare them to the present. When I met Yundi, Ye Xiwen really exposed his strength.

"This... how is this possible!" Li Huang was completely shocked. He originally thought that he had overestimated Ye Xiwen, but he never thought that Ye Xiwen had already entered the seventh realm.

Already in a grade with him, in the creation of the gods. The gap between the sixth and the seventh. It is almost like a world apart, the gap between the giant and the ordinary emperor can be imagined.

But as far as he knows, Ye Xiwen should have just entered the sixth position before, and this is how much time has passed.

He finally understood it deeply. What is more terrifying than his strength is his speed of progress, which is completely chilling.

The Star Emperor is completely dumbfounded. He finally realized that the two sides are no longer in a class, even if they are also the seventh. But the gap between them is already different.

Yundi’s expression was also slightly dignified, because none of the materials he had received mentioned that Ye Xiwen had entered the seventh position.

If it wasn't for those who gathered intelligence to eat shit, then Ye Xiwen went further in a short period of time, and went further than the previous peak of the sixth.

No matter which one, Ye Xiwen is not a leisurely generation.


Ye Xiwen finally started, this time he did not support the big, but directly exhausted all efforts, in an instant, the entire life-and-death space was caved, many mountains and rivers collapsed directly, just like the destruction of the world, everything is unstoppable, everything It will be destroyed, and huge mountains will collapse on the spot.

The endless waves of undulations, the order of the whole world is chaotic, and the power of the law has completely collapsed, as the life of this world has come to an end.

Everything has its own life, even if the world has a day of destruction, it is only a day that ordinary people have never seen.

Ye Xiwen's attack directly penetrated the sky, hitting tens of thousands of miles of light and blasting to Yundi.

Yundi sighed coldly and his body shook. In an instant, he had escaped the attack of Ye Xiwen.


Ye Xiwen’s Emperor Wudi’s seal fell to the ground, almost smashing the entire land and smashing it out.

At the same time, a long shot came straight, thousands of miles long, traversing the void, and a single blow directly went to Ye Xiwen’s head.


This long gun directly stabbed Ye Xiwen's body, and was completely blocked by the time robe of his body.

"Good speed!"

The eyes of many emperors are straight. Just a short moment, the two sides have exchanged several times and shot, and the speed of such shots is beyond their imagination.

The seventh state, this is the power of the seventh level of masters when they are fully shot.

The peak matchup, the battle of the supreme strong.

Ye Xiwen exhibited the law and the heavens and the earth, wearing a green robe, I don’t know how many miles it is, and there is a long sword in the hand. The Taiyue sword is like a mountain, the tip of the sword is slightly shaking, and the power is brought up. It’s like turning the heavens and the earth over.

On the other side of him, Yundi is not to be outdone. A long shot in his hand is almost like a long river running through time. He doesn't know how many miles, as if in a void, one star after another is pierced.

"Somewhat!" Ye Xiwen did not have any frustration because of a single blow. On the contrary, the blood on his body was completely mobilized. It was a boundless war.

A real war broke out in an instant.

The long gun is like a long dragon, and it has an amazing coldness, and it is instantly culled.

Yundi’s guns are fierce and sophisticated, and with his amazing strength, this lance has erupted with amazing power.

A shot was pierced in front of Ye Xiwen.


An astonishing gold and iron symphony, but seeing Ye Xiwen wearing a dark Bodhi sacred hand on his hand, blocked the gun's raid, and at the same time his counterattack was not slow, the nose sword turned out a horrible Ah nose **** The world has fallen to the cloud emperor.


The war of terror broke out, and both sides tried their best. All the battles were so amazing. It was such a horror that the two sides were fighting too fast.




The amazing collisions once and for all only left a shocking wave of shock, and swept away in all directions. Even when these shock waves were too late to hit, they were rushed by the updated shock wave.

Everything is turbulent, all the rules have not been established, it is broken, if it is not the life and death of the platform itself, there is a super strong blessing, with such a full force of the two, even the world of stars will collapse, except time And space, nothing can be left.

"In this way, it won't be able to withstand the collapse of this life and death!"

Many people can't help but raise such a problem. It is really amazing that the two sides are fighting together. Especially after the magical powers of the Fa-rectification, the giants are as big as the giants.

"It shouldn't be, you have to know that there have been no problems in the life and death duel of the super-masters of the ninth place." Some people have been practicing for a long time, and they have clearly seen more lives and deaths in the life and death. .

"Just I never dreamed that this Wudi Ye Xiwen could actually compete with Yundi, and it did not fall into the wind. Is it too small for us to look at him before!"

"Heaven Taoism wants to deal with him again, I am afraid it is not so easy!"

After everyone really saw the strength of Ye Xiwen, they have thoroughly understood that it is not so easy for Tiandao to deal with Ye Xiwen again.

"The seventh world, this is the power of the seventh world. One day, one day, I have to step into the seventh world!" Li Huang’s double fists clenched unconsciously, and today’s things are given to him. The stimuli are too big. A person who thought that he could only sit on his own level, but he left him far behind, this is a kind of irony.

He entered the Pantian Palace, that is, he wanted to find an opportunity to enter the seventh world. As a result, he did not enter the seventh situation but was stepped into the seventh position by Ye Xiwen.

The fighting between the two sides is still in full swing. Even with the passage of time, the attacks on both sides have not only been reduced by a slight decrease, but have gradually strengthened.

The speed of the two sides is faster. Even if everyone opens their eyes, they can only see some faintly. Only when the space of life and death collapses can they judge what happened.

Under the rules of powerful enchantment, the space of life and death is constantly being destroyed, and it is constantly being reshaped. Looking far away, it seems that the scene of chaos is constantly repeating itself.

Various rules are turned into **** chains to swallow each other, bursting into the sky in a chaos.

Just when everyone was even worried about whether this space would be beaten up, the Emperor had already returned to this place, and when they saw that the two had been fighting together, they were anxious.

"At this time, the enemy is currently, the strength of these two people is absolutely top, it is our main force, how can it be played!"

However, there is no way to intervene with his strength, and he can only watch the battle between the two sides become more and more fierce. (To be continued.)

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