Martial God Space

Chapter 3197: Again

The Dark Emperor calmly said that his eyes were staring at Ye Xiwen and seemed to want to scare him away.

Ye Xiwen has no expression, how can he not see it, the Dark Emperor wants to use his words to force him back. In the case of the Dark Emperor, if it is not a love, he is absolutely unwilling to fight. Can you defeat Ye Xiwen in the first battle? His own injury broke out, enough to kill his life.

If other people are afraid of being scared away, the Dark Emperor is still nothing, and other dark emperors will gather together, unless they are the masters of the eighth world, otherwise they will be dead.

"Are you waiting for the shadow emperor? Then I can tell you, you don't have to wait, because they are all dead!"

Ye Xiwen said indifferently.

"What?" Dark Emperor's face finally changed, and his calm look that he had been maintaining forever could no longer be maintained because he heard a terrible news.

All his previous cards were based on the fact that the Shadow Emperor and others can return quickly, but on the other hand, if the Shadow Emperor can't return in time, then the current situation will undoubtedly be extremely bad.

"They all died on the bright mountain, and I was killed by my own hands, so you should not have a lucky mind!" Ye Xiwen said faintly.

The Dark Emperor's expression became more and more indifferent, and his eyes flashed in his eyes: "Do you want to stimulate me? Let me fight with you?"


Ye Xiwen also did not deny that he could not tell the Dark Emperor to kill him with him, but he told the Dark Emperor that the Dark Emperor was forced to die after the road.

"If I am not mistaken, you have now entered the seventh peak. You want to lend me a battle. Will you enter the eighth position?" Dark Emperor said, although he was asking Ye Xiwen, but his expression was It is very ok. Obviously I already understood Ye Xiwen’s plan.

"Yeah, within the seventh realm. No one is my opponent, and you are the best sharpening stone!" Ye Xiwen is incomparably indifferent at this moment, he is now entering the seventh peak, more understand the eighth world How difficult it is, although he has made a lot of preparations, but does not reject more preparations.

With the repair of the Seventh Circumstance and the Battle of the Eighth Context, such opportunities are not always common, and the Dark Emperor is still seriously injured. This is the best whetstone.


The Dark Emperor’s eyes are full of killings. Ye Xiwen has thoroughly angered him. He has not only smashed the essence of the dark tribe, but also used him as a sharpening stone. He has been in the emperor for countless years. There has never been such a shame.

"I remember that if there were no mistakes in the classics, many years ago, the dark state had invaded the state. It was a pity that the emperor was born at that time. It prevented the invasion of the dark state, if I did not guess wrong. The injury on your body was hurt by the Emperor at that time!" Ye Xiwen flashed a lot of information in his mind. Suddenly I thought about it. Many years ago, the dark people had invaded the state, but they did not succeed. They were eventually driven away by the emperor.

The Dark Emperor did not appear after that time, and the owner of the Dark State was replaced by the Shadow Lord.

If you think about it this way, then the people who eventually led to the dark Emperor’s reinvention will be ready to go.

"Yes!" Dark Emperor said. "But you will regret your madness today. Do you think that you have some cultivation, can you be invincible in the world?"

The dark emperor looked at Ye Xiwen coldly. Directly shot, the body's blood suddenly burned to the extreme. Instantly forced to make a group of black shadows rushed toward Ye Xiwen, a strong attack.

Almost all of a sudden, he rushed to Ye Xiwen's front. He did not give Ye Xiwen a chance to breathe. His speed of shooting exceeded the speed of light and affected the timeline.

His cultivation is truly amazing, second only to the spiritual emperor that Ye Xiwen had seen before, although Ye Xiwen has only seen two emperors in the eighth world.

However, the exercises of these two people can be said to have their own merits, each with its own tyrannical place.

"So fast!"

Ye Xiwen couldn't help but be a little surprised. Even if it was the Shadow Emperor, Shi Huang and others shot, they could not escape his eyes, and the Dark Emperor shot, even faintly let him only see some afterimages.

However, Ye Xiwen instantly opened the heavy shackles and directly captured the shadow of the Dark Emperor. The Devil's Wings suddenly opened up and then completely protected themselves.


But only heard a huge roar, but saw the amazing blow of the Dark Emperor completely resisted by the Devil's Wing.

However, Rao is so, Ye Xiwen has repeatedly stepped back a few steps before he completely dumped this giant force.

On the other side, the Dark Emperor saw himself and actually failed to kill Ye Xiwen, and suddenly he was shocked. With the strength of his eighth position, even if he was under heavy circumstances, he would not be able to force him back. Only.

However, Ye Xiwen did it. He finally understood why Ye Xiwen had said that he could not find an opponent in the seventh world.

This kind of strength, even dare to challenge the eighth world, how can the seventh environment have his opponent?

"Take out your full strength, only to the extent that you can't pose any threat to me!" Ye Xiwen just looked at the dark emperor in front of him.

"You ruined the high-level elite of my dark family, I want you to pay for it!" The dark emperor groaned, like a beast that was wounded, the dark elite was swept away, without these gods The guardian of the emperor, the dark people can get such a large piece of land. How much wealth is there in a state, the number of counties is innumerable, and there are not many people who are secretly peeping. In this case, almost It is foreseeable that the dark people no longer have the capital to dominate, and in the future battles, as long as they are not destroyed, it is already very difficult.


On the Dark Emperor's body, the horror of the atmosphere is released, and the law of endlessness condenses into a law chain that flies in the sky, forming a storm of terror.

Under the influence of this storm, time and space have been affected, and all are in disorder, and it is impossible to really capture his situation.

This is the real power of the eighth world master, but the existence of the ninth state is only an invincible master in one step.

Most of his skill before was used to suppress the upper body, and now his skills are all released.

"Ten tricks, I want your life within ten strokes!" Dark Emperor whispered.

"You don't have to talk big words, do you want my life within ten strokes? I think you can only support ten strokes!"

Ye Xiwen smiled faintly and saw through the plans of the Dark Emperor, but his heart was completely guarded.

The Dark Emperor had only ten chances. After ten strokes, even if he didn't want to die, he would die. The whole body's injury recurred enough to make him die without a burial place.

This was all left behind by the Emperor Huang.

Because of this, within these ten strokes, the Dark Emperor will inevitably make every effort to kill Ye Xiwen.


The Dark Emperor shot again, a shot, a dark secret is running on top of his head, his injury is hidden, he is doing his best to mobilize the power of the whole body, and the whole body of life, at this moment thoroughly freed.

"Don't you want to enter the eighth world? Now I will let you see the power of the eighth world. It depends on you, it is still far away!"

In the coldness of the Dark Emperor, a force of dark horror emerged and smashed to Ye Xiwen.

There is no fancy supernatural power and martial arts. It is a place where he has reached the peak. He does not need to use the magical powers and martial arts to add. He has such qualifications. Throughout the ages, in the understanding of the Dark Law, he is The most peak exists.

Ye Xiwen did not move, but felt the horror of this dark frenzy. His body time robes emerged and guarded him. The time of the gods spread out, and the demon wings began to pat on him. Protect him and set a second defense.


The power of this dark source directly plunged into the time of the kingdom of God, and immediately shattered the dark **** country, and then immediately rushed to Ye Xiwen.


Then it was the defensiveness of the Devil's Wing, which was directly smashed to the face of Ye Xiwen. This is the power that the master of the eighth world can possess. The master of the seventh world is too weak in front of Ye Xiwen. It is nothing more than a question that can last for a long time, and it is impossible to cause any problems for him.

"Master the world!"

The sword of Ye Xiwen’s hand screamed and screamed, and a sword fell down. A sword smashed out, like the only master between the world, smashing everything and colliding with the force of darkness.


The power of the darkness was spread directly by the A Nasal sword. After a layer of obstruction, the power of this dark source did not have the original horror, and it was fallen by a sword.


A flash, a figure instantly appeared in front of Ye Xiwen, and did not even give him any chance to react. One foot was like tearing the darkness of the light, and he slammed toward Ye Xiwen.


This foot was blasted on the robes of time with the power of destroying the earth.


The entire time robe is trembled, the power of time is running wildly, and I want to dissipate this giant force.

"it is good!"

Ye Xiwen was not angry and laughed. After taking a step back and dispersing the giant force, he not only did not want to avoid his edge. On the contrary, Wu Diyin appeared in his hand and rushed directly. If he retreats, then this calculation is also It’s in vain.

This battle is also crucial for him. It is related to when he will enter the eighth world and he will not be able to retreat. (To be continued)

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