Martial God Space

Chapter 3248: Young masters conference

The Terran of the Terran is not on the top of a beautiful peak on the mountain. In the early morning, people come and go.

The entire mountain is like a plane cut flat, and it is a huge square paved with hard jade.

At this time, the square has long been a crowd of people, and at first glance, it can be found that people of all races gathered on the square and sat down on their seats.

The masters of these various ethnic groups are all high-spirited and youthful, and they are all young masters among all ethnic groups.

There are also many outstanding children among the tribes of the Terran, who are counted as the proud sons of the generations of the heavens. They are not even qualified to sit in the seats. They can only be with them.

Among the human races, only three or five people are qualified to be seated among the hundreds of people.

"It's so strong, the breath of these people, one is more horrible than one. It's really hard to imagine. Are they really younger than five hundred years old?" Some people waiters looked at the top 100, and they could not help but be scared.

The several human servicemen next to him also nodded with great enthusiasm and agreed very much.

Even more than them, they are the followers they bring, and they are even more horrible. Anyone who is on the outside world is a young master of the generation, but here, it can only be a follower standing on the side. Compared to them, it is not strong enough.

They were originally proud of one match, each of them was a super genius among the tribes of the Terran, otherwise they could not be chosen to serve the Terran.

Among the human races, Zhoushan is not a sacred mountain. The martial arts holy land that countless people yearn for is also the birthplace of the human race in the realm of creation. It is also the place where the emperors lived in the emperor, and their status in the human race is extraordinary. .

They can be chosen to serve here, it is already a great glory, do not know how many people envy hatred. In this case, they are inevitably proud, and they feel that although they are not the best in the world, they are also the first-class characters in the world.

But now I can see that I don’t want to say that compared with the hundreds of people, it is a comparison with their followers, and that is a far cry.

"This is within the dozens of states, the top young geniuses, good and bad, the young strong people I have seen in my life do not seem to have so much today!"

Someone bites his teeth. Some people also admire that more people feel that they have been greatly stimulated. In their own hearts, they suddenly become the nine-stream characters from the first-class characters in the world.

Each of these people is a top genius who can be called a state, and is also a treasure of all ethnic groups. Among the human races, only a few people can be alongside these people. This is still the great development of the human race in these years. People also get huge benefits.

In the past years, this young master talked about the conference. It is impossible for the Terran to get a quota. In that case, it is already the top figure among the Terrans, and it is invincible. Sweeping the peers, and even so, at this conference, it can only be considered ordinary.

And those people are already the most outstanding geniuses in the human race. Looking at the identity behind them is already a glimpse.

Some of them are the Empress Dowagers, some are the descendants of today's emperors, and some are the most outstanding children of the Fengyi clan.

Each one is a world-famous person. There are great connections with the emperors who are in the position of the Terran. Even so, in the face of the strongest young powerhouses in these big states, they can only be considered as medium-level.

Because other people's coming is also a bigger one, and most of them are more or less standing behind one or more emperors, not a leisurely generation.

Those who can stand out among the young powers of these generations are all highly hoped, and in the future they are expected to be the generations of the emperor.

Although this group may not be able to become one, it is closer to the emperor's realm than others.

And although it is said that it is only under three hundred years old, it is eligible to participate. However, in fact, many of those who really participate in it are only one hundred years old, two hundred years old, and really close to three hundred years old. Mood and face participation.

Even for some long-lived races, they are only three hundred years old when they are converted.

Because of this, it is only possible for the children of the people who are proud of their hearts to have nothing to say, because they tend to be bigger than the people involved, but the strength is far worse than that, they can’t help but admire and admire them. .

This kind of conference is held every 100 years, and this time the right to host is accidentally falling into the hands of the Terran. This is the first time that the Terran has organized such a youth conference.

In the young people of the Terran, it seems that this is also proof that the status of the Terran is rising at a rapid rate, even enough to stand side by side with those behemoths that can only be looked up in the past.

In fact, this is indeed the fact that the surrounding tribes have finally looked at the Terran, although there is a threat of such a monster, but for the tyranny of the Terran, they have to admit that not every ethnic group They dare to scream with the demon squad and win the battle.

Although it depends on the strength of Ye Xiwen, the top power is not part of the strength of a group.

This kind of young masters said that the conference did not know how many times it was held. It was not unusual in itself. It was natural that the people had applied for it, and it was considered to be one of the ranks of the real tyrannical forces that entered the Eastern Region.

However, despite this, there are still many young masters who do not recognize the status of the Terran, especially the young masters of the Terran. In the eyes of the top players, it is simply not enough to convince everyone.

The words are even more unkind, and there is a hint of ridicule.

The more the people of the Terran are listening, the worse their faces are. These people’s words are not welcome, especially some of the strongest people at the end of the rankings are not afraid that the Terran can grab the right to host, but it is also pointing to the seat of the Terran. The super master, that means that if they do not occupy the light of the organizers, they are qualified to sit side by side with themselves and others, which is simply impossible.

Several young people of the Terran are also angry, and they are also the most famous people in the family. They are not the top of these people. They also recognize but say that they are coming in through the back door. It is really hard to bear.

Many of the Terran's waiters couldn't help but be depressed. On their own territory, they dared to be ironic. If you are on someone else’s territory, isn’t you still wronged?

For a time, I still thought that the Terran had risen, and many of the descendants of the Terran who had a high look at the other tribes really understood that the other tribes were only initially accepted. It is still far from being too heavy.

Perhaps their Wudi squatted out, no matter where they were, no one dared to take a nap, but that was only Wudi. It’s not them. To get enough respect, you have to rely on your own skills to get it.

The world itself is a strong flesh and strong food. Only the strong ones have the right to speak. When Emperor Ye Xiwen faced the other emperors, he was always unparalleled, and the savage genius had to bow. This was the strong victory for the Terran. Name, but they are weak relative to the young masters of other ethnic groups, and they are extremely angry. There is no way to counterattack with words. It is too weak, and it is impossible to get other people’s changes.

"Extremely. This time I closed out and I heard that you have been beaten by the people who have been beaten by the people. Even the ancestors of the demon gods have been beaten up?" One of the top 100 people among them The young master opened his mouth and looked at the face of a young hunter-shoulder who was seated in the top. The face of the young Yaoguan youth had two mouths. The best identification, obviously different from other families.

The voice of the man just fell, and suddenly attracted a lot of people's attention. In particular, the battle between the Terran and the Heavenly Demon is a major event in the East.

At their level, the cracking of the road to creation is just a myth and legend. It is not something they can participate in, but the race between the Terran and the Demon race is different, enough for them to discuss for a long time. .

In particular, this person and the savage young people have long been grievances. The two sides have been fighting for many times, and they have not been able to take advantage of anything. It’s hard to catch the opportunity. How can they not fall down?

The savage young man’s face with a few cold and arrogant expressions said: “The Wudi Ye Xiwen is just a despicable villain who is in danger of being awkward. If his ancestor was seriously injured, I have his arrogance!"

If the young masters of the Terran before can still endure, when this is related to the first strong man of the Terran, Wu Di Ye Xiwen, everyone can't help it.

They all grew up under the glory of Ye Xiwen. Since their birth, Ye Xiwen has been the Optimus Prime of the Terran, and has propped up the human race. Some time ago, it was crucial for the Terran to win and the Heavenly Demon. In the First World War, there are countless revered and spiritual followers in the Terran.

These young masters are the backbone and main force among them. They are young and bloody. They are the most old-fashioned rules. Since Ye Xiwen has been on the tour, he has swept away the heavy suffocation, compared with other people. In fact, nature is more able to gain recognition.

The young people of the Terran youth stood up and stood up and looked at it with utmost anger.

"Extremely, what do you say, dare to talk about my emperor behind the monarch, do you want to die?" said a young Chinese master coldly.

"Don't I say what's wrong? Windy days, the last lesson seems to be that you haven't absorbed it, but you dare to jump out. I really don't know how to live and die!" The singularity only looked at the human race youth indifferently, faintly said.

The old man of the Terran was very popular when he was in the air. When he was in a hurry, it was obvious that he had suffered a lot before.

"You dare to insult my emperor's emperor, I want to leave easily today!" Another man's youth master said loudly.

"That's why you have learned together. Anyway, the conference must be done. Are you one by one, or are you together?" The singularity does not mean it, just a faint saying.


The young people of the Terran have been angry.

Daddy, at this time, there was a crisp sound outside.

"The brothers don't have to be angry, but they are a clown. Why don't you work with your brothers and give them to the younger sister?" (To be continued...)

Ps: Finally returned to the country, dizzy, and by the way, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a subscription!

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