Martial God Space

Chapter 3205: The stronger the battle

Thousands of martial arts at the level of the Great Emperor have manifested a human form and fought fiercely throughout the space.

Thousands of different emperor-level martial arts will confront each other, and its sight is amazing.

In the eyes of the celestial punishment, a steady stream of martial arts ideas of the imperial level, directly rushing toward Ye Xiwen, surrounded the group.

However, Ye Xiwen is not a vegetarian. The three thousand martial arts incarnations in his body have the prestige of ordinary people. Some of them are six reincarnations, the devil's wing and other martial arts. They are already far superior to ordinary ones. The martial arts of the emperor level is above.

The martial arts outside the other top 100 martial arts are slightly worse than the ordinary emperor martial arts, but it is not too much, enough to compete with the stalwart of the emperors who once shined in the long history.

When the battle unfolded, it covered the entire space in an instant, and it was like endless.

The martial arts idea projected in the eyes of the celestial punishment was continually broken, but soon, and more and more martial arts ideas were continuously invested.

In the long history of this long river, I don’t know how many tyrannical emperors exist. Now it seems like the same time to recover, and the same time confrontation, which is a rare sight in itself.

The War Emperor looked far away, and only felt that the scene was very amazing. Even if he followed the creation of the Heavenly King to fight the world, he rarely saw such an amazing scene of the battle. This is because these are not the real resurrection of the Great Emperor, just The martial arts idea is over.

Otherwise, this is definitely the first scene he has seen since ancient times.

However, this is so amazing, it is already very amazing.

In such a battle, Ye Xiwen’s martial arts incarnation was constantly being blasted, but it re-aggregated and re-aggregated every time. It will become more powerful.

In the battle with the martial arts ideas of these emperors, the mysterious space in Ye Xiwen's body was wide open, and the martial arts contained in these martial arts will be analyzed madly.

There is a broken king-level dragon vein in the body. He doesn't have to worry that the aura will not be enough, as long as there is a constant influx. He will be able to comprehend many things in a flash.

Even if the practice has reached his point, I dare not say that I know everything. There are also many places that he does not know. I have seen the most amazing people in the past and the past. Many of them need Ye Xiwen to learn and learn from them. of.

So in this battle, Ye Xiwen is not afraid at all, the opposite. It is still stronger in the Vietnam War. After each martial art martial body is broken, the re-agglomerated martial arts avatar is stronger, which also represents Ye Xiwen's understanding of the martial arts to a higher level.

In such fierce battles, he was continually broken and constantly condensed. Many of his martial arts comprehends, and many martial arts have finally entered the emperor level from the level of the emperor.

As Ye Xiwen continues to improve, his strength is also increasing. Gradually, I gradually moved back to the situation from the situation that was originally suppressed, and even slightly gained the upper hand.

Everyone noticed this change and widened their eyes. Because Ye Xiwen is one of the many emperors who have been fighting against the past and the present, although they have all passed away, they are still very terrifying forces.

That is to say, the electric monarch can achieve such a degree by virtue of the eyes of the heavenly punishment, how can ordinary people dare to imagine.

However, Ye Xiwen still did this, and they were not shocked.

At this point, the electric monarch finally found out that Ye Xiwen’s martial arts avatar was stronger and stronger, and the martial art will be summoned from the eyes of heaven to be limited, both in quantity and quality. It is limited, he can not summon a stronger martial will.

Because his strength is there. If it is the true eye of heaven, relying on the power of heaven. When you can summon the endless martial arts will, you can even spread it out, have the power of life, and even have the fighting power of the heavenly level.

But he does not have this strength after all, and manpower cannot be compared with Heaven after all.

Therefore, he could only watch as Ye Xiwen's strength became stronger and stronger, and gradually suppressed him. He immediately realized that he could not continue this way. Otherwise, he would not even be degraded here.

His own attack can't beat Ye Xiwen, but he became a stepping stone for Ye Xiwen's nourishment. Such a thing, how can the electric monarch be willing to do it.

Ye Xiwen was surrounded by the incarnation of the martial arts. The whole body shone with colorful light, and the bright old tree behind him emerged. He seemed to be comprehending the same thing. Every time, he had everything. Comprehend, the original stagnant skill is also rising at an alarming rate.


At this time, the electric prince finally took the shot directly, and did not give Ye Xiwen the opportunity to continue to improve. Such Ye Xiwen was already very tricky. If he was further promoted, it would be fine.


When the electric monarch shot, it was the thunder of the sky. In this kind of gods, like the rivers and rivers, they raged out. Ye Xiwen originally escorted his own martial arts incarnations around him, and they could not stop the amazing one strike.

The electric prince tore open Ye Xiwen's defense. In an instant, he has already come to Ye Xiwen. In his hand, it is a thunder pool. In it, the endless energy is flipping their horrible power. On the spot, a flip, toward Ye Xiwen. Buckled down.

Among the endless thunders, the civilization of the mighty Thunder has evolved, and the ordinary situation is ugly, and only in this case can you see it.

This countless thunders poured down like an endless world of energy pouring down.

At this time, Ye Xiwen finally moved. The claw was caught. It was a dragon claw. His entire arm was turned into a dragon claw, transforming the body at any time and place. This is almost instinct for him. He did not fear the thunder energy poured down, and he directly caught it.

In an instant, the lightning energy burst into bursts, all of which were caught by the dragon claws.

At this moment, Ye Xiwen is almost like an incarnation of the eternal ancestors. It is the ancestor of the endless dragons. It is the beginning of the dragons between heaven and earth. The supremacy exists. His every move can completely imitate the power of the ancestors. Even stronger than the ancestors of the year.

"Zulong Printing"

Ye Xiwen backhanded, and there was a more printed pattern on his hand. This print fell down and collided with Lei Chi, and there was a faint roar of the nine-clawed golden dragon.

"Dragon? It's useless, you can't stop me." On the face of the electric monk with a bit of sneer, "I am punishing you on behalf of the heavens and the earth, you dare to resist, that is, resisting heaven, no matter how powerful you are, all are To die"

"Revolt against you is to resist the heavens? I see that you really have a big tone. If you count something, you dare to represent God." Ye Xiwen did not put his words on his mind.

It was directly a six-round reincarnation, and directly formed a six-wheel roulette to suppress it. It was fighting with the thunder pool. The skill of both sides was almost the same. One surpassed the limit of the emperor and reached the ancient The current situation, while the other is to impact the realm of Tianzun and not die, his strength is also deep enough to be unimaginable.

The embarrassment of the electric monarch, Ye Xiwen has already made preparations, but the electric monarch is not prepared for Ye Xiwen's strength and difficulty. This is often the first step by Ye Xiwen, but now he finally pays attention to Ye Xiwen, exhausted All efforts must also kill Ye Xiwen.

He started to be more hot, shouting, a first-class dragon pulse flew out, and then swallowed him, and he spit out all the air, the power of terror in his body. The recovery is raging in his body.

"Do you think you can?" Ye Xiwen laughed happily, and also flew a first-class dragon vein in his body, and he swallowed it all at once. The massive aura was transformed by him and used by him.

There is a broken king-level dragon in his body. To say that light is more than wealth, he does not know how much he wants to be stronger than the electric monarch.

After the electric prince swallowed a first-class dragon pulse, the thunder pool in his hand grew longer and longer, and the power of the thunder was constantly roaring, getting stronger and stronger, and even reached an unimaginable level.

However, Ye Xiwen is not to be outdone, and he has not put the electric monarch in his heart. It is also a big play, and he has to retreat from the electric monarchy. It’s amazing how much the eunuch’s offensive is, but it’s swallowing up a After the first-class dragon pulse, his body aura is full, and it is too much to use. The rest is also used to evoke the time robe, so he does not need to control his own defense, just keep shooting. The big and big rushed into these batteries.

"Hey, die"

The electric monk screamed, and on the top of his head, the eye of the heavenly punishment had been taken back, and then turned into a terrible martial attack, which was directly crushed toward Ye Xiwen.

In the face of this blind eye, Ye Xiwen's martial arts avatars tried to obstruct, but it was useless, but it was a moment before it was broken.

All the way is like a broken bamboo, destroying Ye Xiwen's defenses all cleanly. This is a kind of supernatural power. It is the electric monarch who thoroughly refines the eyes of the heavenly punishment and thoroughly uses it for his own purposes.

This is both a supernatural power, and the same is also a very unreasonable instrument. After the blessing of the eye of the heavenly punishment, the trial of the electric monarch has improved a lot. At one time, there is actually a tendency to override the above. To be continued

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