Martial God Space

Chapter 3349: Escape

Ye Xiwen was transformed into a light, and following this blood wave, he flew out with this shock wave.

Originally, there was a lot of energy stored in the large array of mixed elements, and because of this, when it bursts open, the frenzy is still terrible.

Almost like a stormy tsunami, sweeping away in all directions, wherever it passes, a **** fog, Ye Xiwen swept away with this frenzy and swept away.

Because everyone was shocked by the horror of this attack, no one noticed that there was still a person who was hiding, and even Tianzun did not pay attention, because his eyes were all in the creation of the gods. On the other hand, it has destroyed a large part of the creation of the mixed elements, but it has only opened a mouth.

If you want to really break through this mixed-race, it will take a lot of time, and it will not be anxious to come for a while.

This shock wave has been swept into the depths of the foreign biological army and finally dissipated. At this time, the talents found that there was one more person.

"Someone is hiding inside!"

Many people have already reacted, but they have all arrived. It seems that it is too late. This figure is like a group of lightning, and it rushes toward the outside.

The emperor who tried to block the front did not keep up with his speed. He was shot by him, killed instantly, or hit hard.

The strength of this person is really strong to a terrible point, even if it is a lot of strong, it seems to have been scared at this time, and did not dare to stop.

Unless it is true that his life is long, he would not dare to block such a super comet.

This allowed Ye Xiwen to win a little time. At his speed, he could step out of a million miles in one step. It was nothing at all, but in this battlefield, there are layers of arrays and Enchantment, these have greatly delayed the pace of Ye Xiwen's progress.

Otherwise, take Ye Xiwen's foot strength. In a flash, you can get rid of this huge battlefield.

However, Ye Xiwen's action still caught the attention of the Emperor of the Emperor, with the skill of the Emperor, although he was on the other side of the battle. But I still noticed this existence immediately.


He immediately recognized the figure, but it was not someone else. It was the guy who had not killed him before.

It can be said that the guy has escaped from his own hands twice, from the earliest Pantian Palace. Although he was devastated, he still let him escape. Later, after he recovered to the strength of Tianzun, he shot several times in a row and actually failed to kill him, even not as above.

The last time he was good, he will also be hit hard, and this time, even the heavy losses are gone, and it is straightforward without any injury.

For Ye Xiwen. It is undoubtedly the creation of a miracle in the history of the emperor. It can be said that it is a glorious glory, and may even be a history.

But for him, this means that he wants to be the setback for this thing, and he will be stinking for a long time. Although no one will doubt his strength, he will only feel that he is under the guise of losing his hand, but for him, This is already a shameful shame.

For practitioners of this level. The dough is also very important.

Thinking of this, he finally got angry and shot, and the big hand suddenly shot, and instantly turned into a sky. He shot down.

This big hand instantly blocked the heavens and the earth, as if a cage between heaven and earth was formed in an instant, and Ye Xiwen died in the dead.

Ye Xiwen naturally knows a lot. Before he could escape from the Emperor's hand without any injury, it is also because the Emperor of the Emperor did not put him in his heart. Otherwise, although he can escape, he can't really be unscathed.

So even if he is now, he will not dare to look down on the Emperor.

Behind Ye Xiwen, the devil's wing is completely unfolded. It is also like a huge cloud. A movement is a storm of thunder and lightning. It is extremely terrifying and the speed is fast.

When the speed is accelerated to a certain extent, the power of itself will be terrible, although the Emperor of the Emperor changed the rules around him and turned the space around him into a cage, but he was still speed and himself. Powerful powers rushed out.


The Emperor's big hand is huge, and it can be said that almost all of the tens of thousands of miles are wrapped in it. If it is trapped in it, with Ye Xiwen's foot force, even if it is fast, it is impossible to escape.

But now it is totally different. After directly breaking through this invisible cage, Ye Xiwen’s speed suddenly increased a lot, and he jumped out of the millions directly, and instantly escaped. The chase of the great hand of the Emperor.

I left the battlefield directly.

However, Ye Xiwen did not dare to have a slight ease, because the Emperor's big hand followed closely, and he shot it. He did not seem to kill him. He simply refused to give up.

His speed is very fast, but the speed of the big hand of the Emperor of the Emperor is even more dissatisfied, directly penetrating the time space, ignoring the distance in a few million, raiding him thousands of miles away.

The speed of both sides has been soared to the extreme.

Looking far away, it’s like Ye Xiwen is flashing, but it’s a moment of effort, it has disappeared into millions of miles, tens of millions of miles away, and the big hand of Emperor’s Emperor is constantly printed. Even because the speed is too fast, the previous big hand has not disappeared, and the latter big hand has already been photographed, which has caused the far-sightedness, as if it were a row of big hands, and at the same time appeared.

This kind of landscape is really spectacular when you look at it.

However, in fact, for Ye Xiwen, this is basically a life-and-death escape. He knows that if he appears, he will have to face the raid of the Emperor. If it is not followed by that frenzy, he will be shocked, otherwise, He is afraid that he will not be able to break free.

Ye Xiwen's speed is getting faster and faster, and the law of time exudes a colorful light on his body. This is the use of the law of time to the extreme, and only in this way, it is possible to pursue the pursuit of the Emperor.

This is just a short period of time, and it has already fled hundreds of millions of miles, and has completely escaped from the scope of the **** of creation.

Finally, the Emperor of the Emperor behind him did not continue to pursue, it seems that because it is compared, it is still more important to continue to besiege and create the gods. It is even more important to break the creation of God. Compared with this, it seems that it is nothing.

Ye Xiwen finally breathed a sigh of relief, because he knew that he had successfully left the city of creation, and as long as he left the **** of creation, then the latter things would be simple.

After a few breaths, Ye Xiwen’s skill before being chased by the Emperor’s Emperor, and some minor injuries have been restored to 7788.

At this time, his state and skill are at the peak of the peak, which is a good time to rob.

Ye Xiwen immediately did not hesitate, and quickly went to the endless stars of the heavens. The closer he was to the stars of the dynasty, the more vitality he had, the more life there was, and some monks also liked to have their own caves. Building in this piece.

But the more you fly, the more vital the life will be, and there will be only endless silence.

This is where many monks like to rob, because there is no living being, away from the sacred gods, so even if you rob, you don't have to worry about accidental injury, and you don't have to worry about what you are doing.

The same is true of Ye Xiwen. After entering the empty starry sky, Ye Xiwen sat in it. The faintness is like the only master of the whole universe. Like the only creator, he has long completely integrated his own cultivation and heaven and earth. One, looking at the past, is like the will of the heavens and the earth.

Soon, on the top of his head, the pressure of God's will is getting stronger and stronger. This is exactly what he finally ignited. It is almost an instant, and the heavens and the earth sense his existence. It seems to be provocative. The thicker the pressure is gradually formed.

Almost at the same time, not only this piece of starry sky, but even the creatures in the starry sky near the sacred dynasty felt this Tianwei, even they never felt that Tianwei was so close to them, so strong Tianwei, like the sky to be angry.

Then this Tianwei gradually gradually spread into the creation of the gods.

Ordinary creatures only feel that an inexplicable Tianwei is forming, but for those monks, this feeling is really no longer familiar. It is clear that some people are robbing.

But they also felt tremble, the whole body was shaking, and the back was cold.

Because they can't believe it, what kind of catastrophe can cause such an amazing sight, such a long distance, but because of the heaven and earth pressure formed by the catastrophe, it can actually pass over, this is such an amazing disaster.

In the end, who is in the robbery, what is it?

The average monk only thinks that this is a terrible horror, but it can't be distinguished. Only those emperors, at the first moment they feel, immediately feel shocked. This kind of catastrophe is more than they have spent before. When the emperor robbed, he still had a hundred times more horror. This is clear to them.

When they passed the emperor’s catastrophe, they were already very difficult, and this was more than a hundred times more horrible than when they were robbed. The kind of heaven and earth is so chilling that there is only one possibility. It is.

Someone is robbing in the sky!

When I think of it, many people are bright!

This proliferation of pressure was such a time, and it quickly dissipated, but it was captured by many powerful people. They flew away from the creation of the gods and went deep into the stars. (~^~)

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