Martial God Space

Chapter 3354: Heavy robbery

What is really tricky is the masters who are concerned about the dark, especially those who dare to go directly into the sky, which one is not a leisurely generation.

Isn’t Tianzun dare to shoot at this time?

The ordinary Emperor Fengjun dared to rush into the catastrophe of this battle, then it is really a self-seeking dead end, even if it is the level of the emperor, the peak of the emperor, into the Ye Xiwen's catastrophe, the same to die without a place of burial.

Although many people are ignoring the idea of ​​arson, but to say that in order to rob the fire, they will put their own lives on, I am afraid that 10% of the people are not willing to do so.

Those Tianzun, which one has no means, even if not directly shot, is the same horrible for Ye Xiwen.

However, this is just the beginning. Fortunately, what Ye Xiwen feels most relieved is that after all, Tian Zun directly shot and killed him, otherwise the whole situation would be extremely bad.

At that time, one side was a day of robbery, and the other side was the shot of Tian Zun at no cost. I am afraid he would have to escape.

Only he knows that the possibility is not great. Because Tianzun wants to intervene in the days of robbery, he will also face revenge from heaven. This can be related to strength. On the contrary, the stronger the person, the more he has to interfere with the operation of the robbery. The counter-attack of the face of the robbery is more serious.

Therefore, even those emperors will rarely interfere with the disciples under the door to pass the emperor's catastrophe, because once they intervene, then the level of the catastrophe will be raised several levels, directly retaliating against him.

If this is not the case, those high-ranking factions have old guardians. They should be the emperors, but the fact is that, in any case, the emperor is still a scarce resource.

This is also an invisible protection of the tyrants.

Therefore, it is ok for Tianzun to be able to do this, unless it is a hatred with him.

Before Ye Xiwen was ready to eat a burst of losses, but also to kill the demon in the robbery, but unfortunately still did not find the demon king, had to take a risk.

At this time, Ye Xiwen did not know whether it was self-deprecating. I have not had a deep hatred with any Tianzun.

This is why Ye Xiwen has to kill the demon lord first, otherwise he will come to kill himself in person. At that time, I am afraid it is really in jeopardy.

It’s the most devastating. And under the joint attack of the slayer and the singer, he will die.

This is a more horrible robbery than any day.

The real killing began. Ye Xiwen had to fight against the three disasters inside and outside the body, while killing the lightning man and taking their power for their own use. On the one hand, we must confront the monks who come in and out from time to time.

No matter whether it is a lightning person or a deaf person, there is no original will, and there is no need to be afraid of damage. It is a life-threatening life, and it must be replaced with Ye Xiwen. Even if it is not done, it is only a heavy blow. Ye Xiwen may have recovered seven or eight eight eight or three breaths, but it has been hit hard. Undoubtedly a dead end, the day of robbery will not give him this time to recover.

The situation began to gradually become unfavorable to Ye Xiwen, but Rao is so, Ye Xiwen is still trying to kill those lightning people, no matter what their strength, in the face of Ye Xiwen, it seems that the same is not the opponent.

Just as Ye Xiwen wanted to reverse the situation little by little, a huge incomparable beast came from afar, from far and near. However, it was only a moment of effort, and it was already rushed to Ye Xiwen's front.

Like the monk, he directly entered the catastrophe, and there was no concern at all. And the catastrophe is like a blind eye, and you can't see the owner of this figure at all.


A huge **** mouth, opened a sharp fangs, and suddenly bite down to Ye Xiwen.

At the crucial time, Ye Xiwen slid directly out for thousands of miles, which escaped the raid of this big mouth.

At this point he finally saw it clearly, what was it. This is a beast that is as tall as a mountain. At this time, Ye Xiwen is in front of him, just like a ants and a giant.

This fierce beast has a kind of heavenly momentum, as if it is the only master between heaven and earth. It is necessary to bring the heavens into the civilization of the beast. There is a kind of heaven and earth, only the momentum of my own.

"Is it a god?" Ye Xiwen brows slightly, because he feels a familiar feeling from this fierce beast, it is the atmosphere of the heavenly realm he wants to break through, but he is very soon, although this fierce beast is With the breath of heaven, but in fact there is no such terrorist power, it can only be regarded as empty.

However, even if it can only be regarded as empty, it is even more horrible than the incarnation of the Yuanshen, which was formerly the emperor, and almost has to be able to compare with him.

In the case of the emperor, it is impossible to do anything. However, for Tianzun, there is nothing impossible to modify the rules and everything.

"No, it's just a remnant!" Ye Xiwen's eyes open, and soon saw what the beast was.

Because this is not a god, or a former Tianzun, but after being defeated, it was killed, leaving only this shackles to be taken away, refined into a god, and refined by the secret method. Although there is no means and ability of Tianzun level, in the realm of Emperor Jun, it can be said that it is invincible.

Ye Xiwen can feel that this power can almost be compared with himself, which is already incredible.

"This is only a remnant of Tianzun, but there are very few Tianzuns. Besides, after being killed, they must be strongly reluctant to be able to leave this remnant to be refining, even if it is killed by him. I haven’t been able to have such a strong residual thought, but it’s an invaluable treasure. It’s really a privilege to kill me!” Ye Xiwen’s face was a little sneer, because he’s now, this sorrow is also By severing the cause and effect, he can be calculated and traced, and there is only some information about this remnant itself. It is impossible to predict the people behind the scenes.

Of course, he understands the thoughts of these gods. They are also old fritters. They are consciously trying to deal with Ye Xiwen, and they are forced to fight for hundreds of thousands of years. For millions of years, that is not worthwhile.

However, he did not dare to look at the chess player in the world. He simply used the means of pressing the bottom of the box to kill Ye Xiwen.

Success is good, failure does not endure long-term hostility with a future Tianzun.

Obstruction is a deeper hatred than killing parents and breaking people's wealth. It is enough to be old.

However, knowing that it is known, Ye Xiwen still faces the attack of both the beast and the beggar, especially the remnant of this beast, which can be compared with Ye Xiwen, and is stimulated with all the potential, and it does not matter for a long time. The fighting power that time bursts out is really terrifying.

What's more, there are these Lightning People's Regiments, who are desperately rushing to Ye Xiwen, and the three sides are encircling, almost urging Ye Xiwen to the road. Rao is Ye Xiwen who prepared a lot before, and it is too much to eat.

At this time, there is another master who shot, obviously not willing to see Ye Xiwen's success, become a member of the chess player, a gleaming door opened in the sky, then one dressed in ancient The arm of the costume stretched out of it, and then a handful of knives emerged from his hand. This knives instantly burst into a terrible knives, straight into the sky, almost smashing the clouds. Then, this knives fell to Ye Xiwen with lightning speed.

Ye Xiwen felt a very dangerous breath in the blink of an eye. The knife was like a slow, fast, and the outsider looked like a simple bombing, but in his opinion, it was the next moment. It fell on him.


Knife Mang fell on his body, a huge roar, Knife smashed into Ye Xiwen, as if it had entered a boundless sea with a knife, set off a stormy wave.

Ye Xiwen was flying out at the time. On his body, there was a crack in the body, and blood continued to flow from the cracks.

"He was injured and he was injured!"

Many people could not help but exclaimed. Until now, they themselves did not feel that what they said was strange. An emperor was arrogant and the injury itself was very normal. However, Ye Xiwen was too strong.

From the beginning of the robbery, whether it is the beginning of the endless lightning sea, or the later five elements of thunder, three disasters, the lightning beast army, the lightning army, even the monks, fierce beasts, these are enough for many In the face of the crisis of the emperor's life and death, don't say that he was really forced into a desperate situation, and even the wounds have not been.

It seems that many people seem to follow this rhythm. It seems that Ye Xiwen’s harmless robbery is also possible. In this case, he has not only survived the rare annihilation of ancient and modern times, but also created a record, without injury. Robbery.

However, now, the myth has broken down directly, and there is a crack in the body of an arm that is not knowing where it came from.

"Is there a godly deity to take it out?" Many people couldn't help but widen their eyes, and only then could it make this monster that was imaginary to be unimaginable to be hit hard.

"It's not Tianzun. If it's Tianzun, no matter how it is hidden, it will cause the sky to bounce back. He will be injured mainly because he can't suppress the fire in the body, and he will be countered, and multiple reasons will be added together!" , said quickly. (To be continued.)

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