Martial God Space

Chapter 3361: Make a fortune

The creation of the Heavenly Palace was built in the period of the rule of the Tianjun, and it was the place where the Tianjun ruled the world, and it was also the core of the entire creation of the gods and even the core of the entire creation. ~,

The entire Tiangong Palace is intricate and complex, with layers and enchantments. Although the Tiangong may not encounter a surprise attack for many years, once it is met, it is definitely a big thing.

Therefore, the alert here is also the most strict. If it is normal, Ye Xiwen will have to sneak into it completely, but it will cost a lot of hands and feet. Although there are no ones other than the great gods, no one should be his opponent of the incarnation, but there are still A lot of arrays and enchantments will inevitably not leak out of the figure.

But now it is different, the foreign army attack, there is chaos everywhere, providing him with a perfect opportunity.

A good opportunity to sneak into it!

There are scenes of turmoil everywhere, no one will notice that there is another person. At this time, the foundation of the sacred dynasty is really revealed. Although it seems to have been attacked into the creation of the Heavenly Palace, this last nest, But in fact, there is a steady stream of elites flying from each sub-plane.

Facing the army of those foreign countries, these are the real cards in the creation of the gods, the elite army, hidden in the fortified Heavenly Palace, there are actually more than one million, of which the proportion of the gods and the quasi-emperors It is also high in the back of the cold, there is no such connotation, the creation of the gods is not enough to suppress all directions.

"This should be one of the most elite troops in the creation of the gods. If it is not me, only this unit will be enough to wipe out the human race!" Ye Xiwen sighed and sighed, this possession of the gods The foundation is indeed far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It is no wonder that even if there is a super-religious church and a top ten strong family in the locality, the creation of the gods can still be stable.

If it is not the influence of Heavenly Respect, only this unit will be enough to annihilate a super-powerful ten-strong class. I don't know how many years to accumulate.

The Terran is not like this. Compared with these super behemoths, the Terran is still too far away.

However, he did not feel how long he was, and immediately went deep into the Tiangong Palace. Avoid the enchantments and formations of those defenses.

Constantly deepening the creation of the Heavenly Palace, even the many dimension planes of many treasures can be seen, all of which have been attacked by foreign creatures, and those powerful foreign creatures are plundered among them.

These dimension planes are treasures among the gods of creation, and they do not know how deep. The space on the ground floor is self-sufficient, and I don’t know how many rare treasures are hidden, Tianbaodibao, panacea and so on.

It is these things that constitute the true essence of the creation of the gods, and the creation of the gods has never been attacked by the people of the gods for many years, so the treasures are full, and now there are many Was taken away by foreign creatures.

Those gourds with medicinal herbs. There are also many magic weapons with great power, those that record the incomparable martial arts, the verses that portray the avenues, and the various materials that are rare in the weekdays, as well as various kinds of God weapon.

The foreign creatures that have obtained these treasury have soared a lot, especially the foreign creatures that have swallowed the medicinal herbs. Some of them have been alive and dead, and some of them have come up, the skill is soaring, and they become masters at once. . The skill has soared, and the elite of the gods who have been playing at once suddenly lost.

Even Ye Xiwen can still see some pseudo-tracks in it, and those pseudo-tracks are retouched by imitation of real Taoist devices. The difference is that the emperor branded his own avenues on it.

On the power. It is also very great. It can be said that it is extremely rare. Because it is less difficult to refine the pseudo-road device than the Tao, the raw materials and the emperor's Tao are also generally the same.

"A lot of babies. It is the foundation of the creation of the gods, but if these are cheaper for you, it is a pity, especially these medicinal herbs, if the human race is obtained, the strength of the entire ethnic group must be in the previous Steps, can catch up with the top ten strong people in the shortest time!" Ye Xiwen sees the score, many of those medicinal herbs are medicinal herbs that increase their skill, and it is a pity that they have been obtained by those foreign creatures.

He immediately decided to secretly shoot, the so-called horse no night grass is not fat, people do not have wealth and wealth is the truth, these things he used less, but the human race can be used.

Immediately, the big hand was handed over to these magic weapons, the medicinal herbs, the heavenly treasures, and the sacred weapons.

Those foreign creatures have just broken the treasure house, but they still want to plunder, but they have not been plundered. They have been slashed, suddenly furious, snarling, and then writhing a huge body and attacking Ye Xiwen.

However, how could these people pose a threat to Ye Xiwen, but they took a sigh of relief and turned into the hurricane that Ye Xiwen had when he was robbed, and instantly destroyed the foreign creatures, and hundreds of them were turned into nothing. .

These things are all piled up like the sea, all of them are included in the inner world of Ye Xiwen. At this time, even if his inner world is just an incarnation, there is boundless breadth, just like another star sea. These medicinal herbs, although many magic weapons, are not enough to fill up.

These foreign creatures were killed in an instant, and then Ye Xiwen followed up with those foreign creatures. After each attacked a treasure house and squandered the elites of the treasures of the treasure house, Ye Xiwen took the shot and put them in the treasure house. The treasures in the sky swept away, and all the valuable magic weapons, medicinal herbs, Taoism, and martial arts cheats were all taken away.

In this chaotic situation, no one noticed the strangeness here, and the universe was chaotic. Everyone would think that these things were robbed by the foreign creatures.

The more you go inside, the more precious things are in these treasures. The outside is just an ordinary artifact. Inside, there are also great artifacts. The frequency of artifacts is getting higher and higher, even the roads have many In it.

These are the native masters of the fallen masters in the creation of the gods or the alien creatures, and they have become the foundation of the creation of the gods. Now, these are cheaper Ye Xiwen, and become his bag. .

In this way, the layers of the sweeping past, the foreign army is also doing their best, so the speed of sweeping is particularly loved, and the treasures of the ruined gods are particularly numerous, but most of them end up in Ye Xiwen's hands.

As for the emperors who are in the outer world, they are competing with the top masters in the creation of the gods, and they simply cannot attend to these.

The emperors in the Tiangong Palace were also fighting for death, and no one on both sides noticed this.

Ye Xiwen’s heart is naturally a big joy, but it is still a wealth of wealth, but in a short period of time, the wealth he has plundered is enough to make the family’s heritage several times. Even so, the endless treasure trove of the entire creation of the gods. In fact, it is still only a slap in the face.

Unless it is possible to break through the entire Tiangong Palace, it is possible to take all of his accumulation into his own, but that is unlikely. With his current strength, if this is done, the consequences will be serious.

Following the foreign army, mixing some wealth, that is not a big deal, but if you take those wealth away, then I am afraid that the four great heavens in the southeast and northwest will run away.

However, this is so, Ye Xiwen is already very satisfied. When these wealthes are integrated into the human race, there will be no problem if the human race is turned over several times. It is estimated that the emperor can also have one or two more.

At this time, in the fortified Heavenly Palace, more and more tyrannical atmosphere is boiling and is recovering, indicating that many of the Gaidian who are sleeping in the Tiangong Palace are waking up and joined the ranks of the foreign army.

Ye Xiwen even saw the shadow of the Emperor of the Emperor in the flickering. It seems to be against the enchantments and formations in the creation of the Heavenly Palace. These interceptions and formations have been specially treated. For Ye Xiwen, just be careful to avoid it. Yes.

However, those foreign creatures must do their best to attack the past one by one, and they can only pass through one by one. If there is no Emperor Supreme in front of them to attack the city, and break through the formation and enchantment, these foreign troops will not be so smooth.

The foundations of the sacred dynasty are recovering. If there is no squadron, the front of the squadron will resist the squad, and this squad will enter the ruling Tiangong’s foreign army, and it will not be long before it will be destroyed.

However, this is the case. The reincarnation of the creed of the dynasty also allowed even the top-level biological army led by the Emperor of the Emperor, such as the Emperor of the Emperor, to enter the quagmire.

However, Ye Xiwen was sneaked into the depths of the Tiangong Palace when he was dragging the elites of the sacred dynasty and the outer world. He saw all kinds of good things and took away some of them, but he did not dare to be like all outside. Take away.

Because there are foreign creatures outside as shields, no one knows which wealth has finally landed, but if you come here, I am afraid that it will be detected soon.

The main purpose of Ye Xiwen is to find the wishful god, kill him, twice before intending to let Ye Xiwen die in the hands of foreign creatures, these Ye Xiwen are in mind, he is not a guy who likes to give up.

It is his character that will be reported, even if it has achieved the heavenly respect, it has not changed. The heart of the heart, which is casual, is extremely important for these top leaders.

His figure was flashing, shuttle, and searching among the many palaces. Soon, he seemed to have gained something and quickly flew in one direction. (To be continued.)

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