Martial God Space

Chapter 3363: Plunder away, South Heaven honors

C_t; After killing the wishful god, Ye Xiwen will be the **** of the gods' income in the inner world, and then look at the treasure house, although the treasure house is set ingeniously, but just the wish of the gods to open the treasure house's fingerprints It is not difficult for him to open his eyes. [There are almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable than the average station. The whole text has no advertising reads. ] ≤,


As this treasure trove opens slowly, endless anger is coming back.

Ye Xiwen opened his mouth and all of them inhaled into the body. They suddenly felt that their bodies were solidified a lot, and they immediately regenerated the flesh. This is the real flesh, not the body that is mixed with the law and the law.

More such an incarnation of the flesh, for the Terran, is undoubtedly very useful, it can be said that there is another peak of the Emperor sitting in town.

Because there is a real body, you don't have to worry about dissipating at any time. This is a different matter from the incarnation of the gods.

Originally, Ye Xiwen did not realize the idea of ​​incarnation, because the cost is really too great to achieve such a body. For him, the benefits are not many, because his avatar is strong, but with the strength of his deity, Shooting a dead one does not require much effort.

However, nowadays, I have absorbed the temperament of this sky, and the situation is different. These Danes are full of gloom. I don’t know how many years have passed. I have absorbed it in one breath, almost equivalent to one breath, and swallowed dozens of pieces. The creation of Xuandan, this can be immediately sanctified, and create a flesh out of thin air.

However, if this is the case, the body will only be at such a level. It is impossible to go further in this life. It is only possible to build on this strength, or to rely on his own understanding of the law of Heaven.

It can be said that the birth of a monarch is the cultivation of the Emperor, but it is also limited to this, and it is impossible to go further in this life.

To completely clear the relationship, become the second avatar. If you read the full text of the latest chapter, you will have to make a lot of good ideas, but if it is successful, then the result is extremely gratifying, then he is an incarnation. It also has the ability to practice, and it will be much easier to enter the realm of heaven in the future.

With his deity guarding himself, those outside interferences have not been considered, as long as they have survived the robbery. Then there will be two guardians in the Terran.

The trend of the human race will suddenly increase a lot. One ethnic group can be the wing of one person, but on the other hand, the strength of one person is enough to promote each other for the wings of a group of people.

For Ye Xiwen, this hidden hand in the dark, not only can guard the Terran when he is absent, but most importantly, it also leaves a back road for himself, if there are unexpected readings; There is such an incarnation in the body, and it will not fall.

At a critical moment, perhaps it can be an important boost for oneself. He knew it before, but he never tried it, because the resources consumed in it are too exaggerated.

It is natural that there is no difficulty in creating an incarnation of the realm of the gods. . . What is the use of that!

Now that you have these words, you will be much simpler. This is a great fortune!

But even the wealth of Tianda is in front of you. He can't take it all away, otherwise the big gods under the wrath will definitely join hands to calculate. At that time, his skill is only afraid that he can't keep the secret. And if it is only a little less, then a few Tianzun will not notice.

And some of these, Ye Xiwen has plucked tens of thousands of sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred Some wealth.

He did not take more. Otherwise, you must be alarmed by a few days of respect, this is also a mess can do, if it is normal, he is not interrupted this opportunity.

Nowadays, he has not thought about confronting a few big gods. One is not necessary. Secondly, he is strong again and can't stop the siege of those people.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel a bit. When he made great contributions, he was born and died, and he got a make-up of Xuan Dan. That made Xuan Dan helped him all the way to the ninth peak. Now he has swept away tens of thousands of pieces.

Time has changed, and it has long been completely different. At the same time, it is deeply shocked to make the foundation of the gods. It is indeed unwise to use his current strength to become an enemy of the gods.

However, this is no problem, because if it is not forced to the road, he will not choose to completely oppose the creation of the gods, and there is no need for it, just to make the gods as the wings, and bless him to continue to grow.

With tens of thousands of creations, Xuan Dan said that he can say that as long as he comes back to a retreat and then comes out, he can be further improved. I don’t know how many years have been saved.

After closing the gate of the Treasury, Ye Xiwen did not stay for a long time. Since the purpose of killing the wishful gods, the goal has been reached, and there are more than 10,000 pieces of creations, and the wealth that was previously plundered can be said to be huge.

He no longer stayed for a long time and flew directly outside the fortified Heavenly Palace, because he already felt that there was a strong presence flying from the depths of the Tiangong Temple, and time gave him no more readings.

He is just an incarnation, not a deity, and has no ability to pull the sky.

Just out of the creation of the Tiangong, suddenly saw a giant in the void holding a **** drumstick, every time it fell, it can make the entire creation of the Tiangong violently shake, as if the sky has collapsed.

There are fierce battles everywhere, and the foreign creatures have already attacked the Tiangong Temple. At this time, it is naturally desperate, because they also have to die when they are not fighting, and the elite of the creation of the gods in it, it is even more elite. Elite, although they have been caught unprepared, but they are simply a generation, this is the last fundamental place to guard the creation of the gods, casually look, are king-level, the emperor is not uncommon, many of these are early years He served in the army of the sacred dynasty, and later left the army of the sacred sacred sects. He was submerged here. He counted the age and practiced for more than ten thousand years. Although he did not reach the realm of the emperor, he said that he Behind them, they are far better than these creatures in the outer world. After all, even if these foreign creatures have cultivated into the realm of the emperor, they will live for thousands of years. How can they compare with these old monsters?

These people are simply monsters that have climbed out of the blood of the corpse, and they have been fighting for many years. When it comes to fighting power, it is even more common for ordinary people to imagine. If there is no Emperor, the top-ranking old monsters are dedicated to killing these top-level old monsters. It won't take long for it to be killed.

It’s a bit exaggerated to grab a go out here, but it’s a bit exaggerated, but just grab a go out is the elder of one of the big churches. This is not a fake. After years of fighting, the battle is arranged, relying on the creation of the Heavenly Palace. The location of the land, dare and the emperor called the board.

For a time, the whole scene was deadlocked, even if it was the Emperor of the Emperor, it could not be let go. Many emperors have been awakened from the retreat, and they have formed a large array to compete with the Emperor.

Even if it is the Emperor of the Emperor, it is impossible for one person to do the defense system of the Tiangong Palace.

Daddy, at this time, a terrible knife light is like a sudden explosion from the depths of the void. It instantly splits thousands of ways and directly closes the entire space.

Where the knife light passes, those foreign creatures, whether they are the emperor, or the emperor, or the king of the gods, the sermons, all become nothing, killing tens of thousands of foreign creatures, but this is only affected by these knives. The real goal of light is not others, it is the Emperor of the Emperor, countless knives have sealed his retreat, and the head is a knife, directly to his forehead, directly to the Emperor of the Emperor in two halves of the reading;

"The Emperor of the Emperor, you are so bold, really, when we made the gods, no one?" A burst of blast was accompanied by this knife.

The emperor's body appeared in a huge incomparable palace, and he was guarded by himself. It is the supreme guardian, Pantian Palace, which is the instrument he enlightened, naturally carrying.


Knife Mang did not enter the Pantian Palace, almost completely banned the prohibition in the Pantian Palace, and the Emperor of the Emperor was smashed in the spot.

However, although this knives are infinitely powerful, they still have not been able to break the defense of the Pantian Palace.

"South Tianzun, if you want to kill me, come out in person, only this knife, I am afraid that I can't help me!" Pan Tian Huang stood behind his hand, standing alone, standing between the heavens and the earth, is the focus of the world.

"It’s a great courage!" At this time, in the depths of the Tiangong Temple, a figure slowly appeared, but he saw a man wearing a navy blue robe. The man was a red and long, like a Like a burning flame, the whole person looks at the past, and the world is exposed.

Everyone's eyes are focused on him. This is one of the few people who ruled the supreme supremacy of the vast land of the southern region, and the highest in the sacred gods, Nan Tianzun.

A terrible power!

Everyone feels the crush of this power. Under the emperor, there is almost an impulse to squat. The emperor is also shaking and extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he soon converges on the power, and everyone has a feeling of gasping.

"If you are not courageous, how can you step into today's realm!" Pan Tianzun sneered a little, "Isn't others still coming out?"

"Did you go out?" Nan Tianzun said coldly. "Do you think you are still at the peak? They are really coming out, you are dead today!"

"Do you dare to kill?" The Emperor's face showed a sneer. (.)

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