Martial God Space

Chapter 3376: Make a key, become!

With Ye Xiwen as a guarantee, Qingling Shengzun is more convinced of the ability to pay for the Terran. After all, the other party is also a strong Tianzun.

After the negotiations were in good condition, Ye Xiwen left the Tianshang Alliance and the goal was directed at the endless chaos.

Qingling Shengzun also pointed out that even with the network and ability of the Tianshang Alliance, there are some treasures that can not be found, and can only be found in the endless chaos.

But in chaos, it is very dangerous for the emperor to walk in it. The chaos here is even more dangerous and more chaotic than the chaos in the heavens.

Only Tianzun can walk freely in it. Although the Tianshang Alliance is rich in wealth, but after all, there is only a strong Tianzun of Qingling Sanzun, and it is impossible to enter chaos from time to time.

So there are some heavenly treasures that they can't collect!

Those heavenly treasures that can cast Tianzun Taoist are not only in chaos, but the creation of the gods has developed for countless years. Before the creation of the gods, there were countless wild animals, even if there were days. Tidibao has long been searched by the predecessors who first reached the realm of Tianzun, and only in the chaos of the inaccessible chaos.

Although there should still be some scattered around, but to find it, the difficulty is really too big. If you say that you have to find those precious treasures of heaven and earth in the chaos, it is a needle in a haystack. To find those precious treasures of heaven and earth, it is to find a needle in the endless galaxy, the difficulty is not a difference of one and a half points.

chaos. Endless chaos. There is no time, the concept of space, not even up and down, in all directions, all that can be seen is endless chaos.

Fortunately, Ye Xiwen is not the first time to enter the chaos, and has long been experienced, relying on the connection between himself and the deity. To distinguish the position, know where the creation of the gods is, not to get lost completely.

It has also been recorded in the classics. There is no experience, and there is no experience. I am lost in it. When he re-transfers from chaos, it is already millions of years later.

Even if Tianzun may be lost inside, it is completely imaginable that these chaos are terrible.

However, this trip is essential. Must go to find!

Time has passed through 5,000 years, and there have been some disturbances. The war has continued, but the whole is calm. It seems that the situation in the past has been infinite for many years.

This is five thousand years. For the creation of the gods. It is not static. For the whole creation of the gods, the biggest thing is the first emperor who is famous for the world, and the war emperor has been robbed.

This is another fierce catastrophe. Although it has been prepared for countless years, the war emperor can be called a frequent means, and all kinds of cards are endless, and the people watching are dazzled.

However, even so. He is still stunned by the horror of the sky, and his body is full of skin. There are deep bone injuries everywhere. It is almost impossible to hear even a few breaths.

When everyone thought that the war emperor would not be able to cross it, he eventually survived.

In the end of the day, when the dying war emperor has not completely recovered, there is a long-awaited Tianzun in the outer domain, where he is robbed and strives to kill him when the war emperor is the weakest.

At this time, the goddess of the creation of the gods seems to be absent, no one can save him, and at this time, Ye Xiwen, who has been retreating, suddenly appeared in the starry sky of the robbery, repelling several Tianzun teamed up. Attack.

Although it was only a short-term repelling of the great Tianzun team in the outer field, but for the war emperor to get enough time, accelerate the transformation into a god.

Although I suffered a very serious road injury and almost injured my own avenue, once these shackles became Tianzun, these serious injuries became worthless, although it is impossible to recover completely. But it does not affect his combat effectiveness.

There is no such possibility for other Tianzun to kill him!

In the face of such a situation, the Tianzun of those foreign domains did not choose to die in the end, and they missed a thousand miles.

Even if the warlord was angry and burned, he was ambushed, and eventually there was no way to get back to the scene.

This point has already been foreseen by the war emperor. He helped to make the gods fight for the Quartet. For countless years, I don’t know how many foreign groups have been destroyed, how many beams have been formed, and there are many people who can claim to be like the sea. To die.

Once he chooses to rob the heavens, he must be dangerous, even dead and dead, but now it really confirms his original conjecture. If Ye Xiwen did not help at the crucial time, he would probably fall here.

There is no way at all!

After the successful emperor's catastrophe, he became a war lord, and he took over the power of the dynasty. He had to manage the dynasty, and he had to be authorized by the great lords. Now he does not need each. The authorization of Datianzun has already stood among the ones who are supreme.

For Ye Xiwen’s help at a crucial moment, Zhanzun is naturally grateful. Many resources have also begun to tilt towards the Terran. The two also secretly formed an offensive and defensive alliance. Although not a life-and-death alliance, the general things are mutual Can join hands.

For Ye Xiwen, there is no doubt that there is another helper in the creation of the gods. It is no longer the kind of isolation and helplessness.

Compared with other old monsters who have already made Tianzun countless years old, the qualifications of Ye Xiwen and Zhan Zun are too shallow, especially the complicated relationship, which is even more difficult for two people to meet at one time and a half. At this time, the two help each other, it is also the righteousness.

At the beginning, Ye Xiwen entered the realm of Tianzun, and it was already 10,000 years ago. In this 10,000 years, the strength of the Terran has almost increased by geometric multiples, just as it has accumulated to a certain extent, and the collective blowout has erupted.

By relying on Ye Xiwen's wealth from the creation of the gods, the strength has risen sharply. During the five thousand years, the Terran has added another emperor and an old monster. One of the giants of the Terran.

And Bian Xiaoyue, which is most valued by Ye Xiwen, has already entered the realm of Emperor Fengjun in the past five thousand years. Under Ye Xiwen’s guidance, he is not in a hurry to attract the emperor’s robbery. Constantly accumulating its own skill and understanding of the Emperor Avenue.

According to this situation, after her accumulation is completed, a catastrophe is the first peak of the emperor, there is no weak period, and there is no need to consolidate.

It can be said that in the past 10,000 years, the strength of the Terran has flourished and has been continuously upgraded, completely consolidating the name of its eleventh strong family, compared with the silver moon family in the Eastern Region. How much is worse.

Mainly the accumulation of the Terran before is too small, so it seems that the progress is so amazing.

Later, with the consumption of many resources and wealth brought back by Ye Xiwen, the strength of the Terran will enter a period of stability. In a few years, after several more emperors, the status of the Terran will be completely consolidated.

Rather than now, almost all of them rely on Ye Xiwen’s own name to forcefully consolidate the status of the human race.

However, when the tens of thousands of years have been calm, a message has been passed from the creation of God, that is, the creation key has finally been completed.

This news has just appeared, and suddenly triggered a frenzy between Tianzun. For the average person, they simply don't know what the token is.

However, for those who are interested in Tianzun, it is too clear, what kind of existence is there.

The news they have been waiting for for a long time has finally come. Many people want to break the sky. It depends on the creation key. If they don’t have a cure key, they have to break through the sky. The difficulty is too great.

For a time, the forces of the entire creation community began to make a fuss, especially the forces behind Tianzun’s presence, and they began to move.

Then, just in the moment when the creation of the key was successful, including many emperors, it felt that the whole void was different, and what kind of existence appeared slowly.

But Tianzun, I know what happened!

Then, it was the creation of God that announced the success of the creation of the key, and then the qi of the creation of the illuminating from the inexplicable void, under the auspices of the creation of the key, split into the dojo of the major Tianzun in.

Many people have seen that these divergent qis are clearly rich and full of enthusiasm for the creation of the gods.

But no one has raised any similarities.

Because this creation key itself is created by the creation of several great gods, and as the maker and owner of the creation key, it is natural for the naturalization of the gods to enjoy more of the glory of creation.

This is also the acquiescence of the people. After all, they do not want to force the God of God to be absolutely ruined. In that case, both losses will be harmless to anyone.

At the first time when the gas of creation shines into the court, the court is feeling up and down. Many of the disciples who are retreating are feeling that their skill in the body has skyrocketed almost instantly, and then their own realm has suddenly broken through.

Originally, I thought that it might take hundreds of years, and the realm that can be broken through in the last millennium, is just a breakthrough in the atmosphere of creation.

This is the greatest role of the gas of creation. Under the glory of this kind of creation, the gap between the forces of Tianzun and the forces that do not have Tianzun will grow larger and larger.

In the end, it will reach an irreparable gap.

At the moment when the gas of creation was shining into the court, Ye Xiwen suddenly opened his eyes. (To be continued.)

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