Martial God Space

Chapter 3378: Open the key to the land of creation

It is indeed the horrors of the Tianzun on the road of creation that made him think of it now. ●⌒,

Those who are above the sentient beings, how great the characters, but actually trapped in it, the horrible procrastination, relying on the hunting of the emperor, swallowing the essence of the emperor's body is so strong and prolonged.

There is such a precedent in the past, even if Ye Xiwen has a greater interest in the road to creation, there is no greater curiosity, and will not rush to go, it is undoubtedly looking for death.

He didn't want to be trapped inside for the rest of his life.

Even if he and the gods of the gods fall out, he is not afraid, just don't want it, no need!

"Well, this is not a secret!" War Zun explained to Ye Xiwen, "In fact, when the creation key is still there, the road to creation is free to enter. In the deepest part of the road to creation, it is actually There is a place called the land of creation, and the gas of creation comes out of the land of creation, so at that time, many people were enlightened in the avenue of creation before the land of creation, and also tried to find that one! ”

“The land of creation?” Ye Xiwen was not the first time to hear this land of creation, but he did not know that the former Emperor and other people were trapped in the land of creation.

Even he did not know what the land of creation was like and what it was.

"The creation key can pull out the gas of creation from the land of creation. Doesn't this mean that the key to creation is actually the key to opening the land of creation?" Ye Xiwen immediately asked.

"Daoyou is really smart, and there is a legend. This kind of creation key is the key to open the land of creation!" said Zun Zun, "It is said that the creation of Tianjun was only because of the secret key of the land of creation. Going in and out of the land of creation, and being made into a real estate, and finally achieved a success!"

"How do you even say that you are a legend? Do you have never followed the Taoist Heavenly Monarchs? Do you not even know?" Ye Xiwen asked, saying that he is now in the creation of the gods. To say that the qualifications are even deeper than the war, I am afraid that I can’t find a few.

This qualification is not without any use of eggs. On the contrary, it has such qualifications. It has an unimaginable vision of ordinary people.

War Zun’s face showed a bitter smile, and then said: “It’s said that, but in fact, when the Tianjun was settled, I was just entering the realm of the emperor. At best, it’s the sacred A member of the war, and at that time, the creation of Tianjun is already the peak of Tianzun, his things, how can I know!"

Ye Xiwen suddenly relieved, although the war honours are profound, but at that time his cultivation was not even able to be respected by the heavens. Many things he did not know, and at most it was only a hearsay.

Even so, this hearsay is already a message that many people are unable to obtain with their brains. This is the role of qualifications, and it is by no means useless.

"And, the key to creation is not created by the creation of Tianjun, but it is inherently pure, powerful, and even contains avenues. The creation of Tianjun is only the key to the creation!" Continue to say, "So we are not very clear about a lot of things, and now the creation key that was recast in the creation of the gods is actually just a counterfeit. It is just a counterfeit, and it is naturally incomparable with the authenticity of that year. Moreover, there are only some basic functions left, that is, the gas of creation is drawn from the land of creation. As for the opening of the land of creation, it is impossible to do, if it can be done, perhaps the original That kind of creation key can do it!"

"Even a few big Tianzun can't do it together, the quality of this creation key is really high and scary!" Ye Xiwen could not help but be a little surprised, he thought that the creation key is at best a key. At best, it is a Japanese-level device-level instrument. It is nothing at all, but now I know that I am afraid that it is not so simple. Otherwise, in terms of the strength of several great gods, what kind of Tao can not be found. However, the reason is that there is no way to take this kind of creation key. Even if it is cast, it is only a counterfeit product with some basic functions. It cannot be compared with the genuine one.

What makes Ye Xiwen heart-warming is that this creation key is also related to the land of creation, and it is related to the legendary creation. If it can be obtained, the benefits are naturally beyond doubt.

However, the real credit card is now unknown, and it has been robbed by people. This person is still a predecessor of their race. As for who he is, he is not clear, but there is a faint speculation in his heart.

"Through this creation key, even Tianzun can freely enter and leave the road of creation?" Ye Xiwen asked.

"Yes, but it can't be regarded as free entry. After all, it's just a counterfeit. It's nothing compared to the original authenticity. It can only open the crack of the road of creation by urging the creation key, not to be made by the road of creation. Impact, but these are time-limited, and it is impossible to go on like this, so they will want to pick up those people when they open the creation key. After all, they are trapped in it. It’s been too long for too long!” War Zun said.

Ye Xiwen suddenly understood, saying: "But if there is really nothing wrong with this matter, why don't they go, but let me go?"

Ye Xiwen’s biggest and doubtful thing is this. It’s not that he is too suspicious. It’s really an old monster in the face of these worlds. He has to be cautious. Otherwise, there is no way to die in the future without burial.

"There is also a reason for this. They have to gather all their powers to be able to reinforce the creation key, so they can't walk away. Don't worry about this, because there will be me and my friends. Go, let's both rescue those who are trapped in it!" War Zun said.

I heard that Zhan said that I have to go, and I hope that I will be relieved. After all, there is a war and respect. If War Zun really finds something wrong, he will not go in person.

Although he is loyal to the sacred gods, he must completely sacrifice himself and remove Ye Xiwen. He does not believe it.

"In addition to us, there will be foreign experts involved in it, because there are many Tianzun in the foreign language are trapped in it, not only we have made God!" At this time, the war sighed and said. "At that time, the strength of the parties will have a great improvement, and the chaos will be a huge shuffle!"

At this time, his heart was also very complicated. After many years of passing through, he finally entered the realm of Tianzun, but he still had to enjoy many days of supreme status. He would welcome many previous Tianzun returns. By that time, he would What is the meaning of Tianzun in the first small world? Although it is no longer a sinister ant, you can let those celestial gods squash and flatten, but the right to speak will be greatly reduced.

However, this matter is also unacceptable to him. Since the re-casting of the creation key, this has become a matter of course. The only difference is when to do it.

Because this matter involves too many people's interests, there are indeed many people who do not want those people to return and share their authority, but in the same way, many people want them to return.

In the end, those who hope to return have the upper hand. After all, those who are trapped in it have their own dense and unimaginable connections in the sacred dynasty. They are only trapped and unable to get out of trouble.

Therefore, this time I opened the creation key and went to the road of creation.

Ye Xiwen certainly understands the saying of War Zun, because he and War Zun have the same problem. He is now one of the giants in the Eastern Region. Apart from Dong Tianzun, no one dares to say that it is above him, even if it is East Tianzun. It’s just before him.

However, when the other gods return, the whole East is full of fun, I am afraid that there will not be only these big gods.

"But to say this, the creation key is not the way to open the road to creation anytime, anywhere?" Ye Xiwen asked.

"This is of course impossible. It is easier to open the channel of creation key than to open it by force, but it is also very difficult!" said Zun Zun. "When we didn't make a key, we all I can only wait until the path of the creation is closest to the creation of the gods, and then force him to open him, but every time is limited, you must leave the path of creation away from the creation of the gods!"

"But with the creation key, it won't be like that. It can be opened anytime and anywhere, and it can be kept all the time, but the premise is that it consumes a huge amount of resources and wealth, and it has to be the four majors in the southeast and northwest, and the time and space. Joining hands together, in addition to them, there are top players from outside the field to participate in it. With so many days of blessings, they can complete it. These resources and wealth are also divided into half. Otherwise, they are so good, they can let them go in together. Save people!"

Ye Xiwen nodded and said, I did not expect that there are so many reasons, if not by the war, he probably does not know.

Although he also entered the realm of Tianzun, but he is still a junior student with a very junior qualification.

"In addition to this reason, there is another reason because you have also entered the realm of Tianzun. Those who have gone out, you have to come and see, mix your face, so that you don't know it next time, Dashui rushed to the Dragon King Temple! "Zhou Zun smiled and said.

Ye Xiwen breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that they did not know that the goddess of death was killed by Ye Xiwen. (To be continued.)

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