Martial God Space

Chapter 3399: Kill another one

A sword destroys all the vitality of the innocent sage, and this sword can even penetrate into the endless dimension and completely destroy the innocent holy **** who is outside the path of creation.

Destroy all his possibilities for a resurgence.

Ye Xiwen is not the original Tianzun period. At that time, he had to kill a Tianzun. His means were not much. He could only slowly grind it. Now, he has the ability of a Thunder strike, compared with that year. It is impossible to speak the same language at all.

It is horrible to annihilate all life in a flash, because Tianzun master is very difficult to kill, and only the same as Tianzun, can penetrate the past and the future in an instant, nine days and ten places, strangling everything.

"This...this...this..." Many of the foreigners’ Tianzun eyes widened and stunned, even though they had guessed it early on, the battle between the two sides was on the verge, and casualties were inevitable.

But they just thought that it might be a stalemate, and now Ye Xiwen instantly broke their previous assertions, and there is a feeling of being like a face.

What really shocked them, however, was that they had been locked up for too long, and they had been unable to adapt to Ye Xiwen’s decisive style.

They are decisive for others to kill, and that is normal, but if others show them such a **** scene, they can't stand it anymore.

The madman and the feathered snakes were also stunned. At this time, they had just killed the three thousand martial arts incarnations released by Ye Xiwen. The whole process did not have much time. very short. But even then, wait until they come back.

The innocent holy sage was actually killed, and this young, younger generation is really too arrogant.

The flesh of the innocent sage was broken, and the flesh and blood of the whole body was burned to the ashes by a flame. After being completely injured by Ye Xiwen, it could not be stopped. A little trace did not stay.

Ye Xiwen could not help but feel a little pity!

The corpse of Tianzun, what precious treasure is that, but unfortunately he can't stay.

But fortunately there are others!

Ye Xiwen turned around and his eyes were cold and stunned like electricity. He stared at the feathered snakes and the mad beasts, as if they were watching the cold dead.

Both the feathered snakes and the mad beasts showed a bit of amazement and anger on their faces. Ye Xiwen dared to treat them as dead, and it was a shameful shame.

"Kid, killing a seriously injured Tianzun is nothing. Now I want you to understand that we are not irritating!"

The madman sighed and sighed. At this time, the injury he had been left behind by Ye Xiwen was restored to 7788. He finally shot again. There is a strange power in his body.

Calm, on his body. From the endless flesh and blood of him. He re-created a figure like a demon god, surrounded by Ye Xiwen, and this scene has a breath of time, with traces of years flowing, terrible and powerful.

"This incarnation is not simple!" Ye Xiwen blinked.

"Wu Zun, don't think that only you will release the Taoist body. Compared with mine, your Taoist body is simply a big witch!" The wild animal face showed a cold smile.

quickly. Ye Xiwen’s face showed a cold smile, because he already understood that the avatar’s avatar is indeed not like his martial incarnation. It is purely the martial art will, but by his body. It is made up of blood, which is a bit like Ye Xiwen’s sword.

It’s just that there is no such power as Ye Xiwen’s sword, but in this battle, it can explode tremendous power.


The huge figure was roaring and then smashed toward Ye Xiwen.

"Even if there is another avatar, then what, today you are still dying!"

Ye Xiwen screamed, took a palm and turned it into a big hand, and then slammed it down. He even smashed the avatar of the demon like the demon **** on the spot.

"Composition of the three talents!" At this time, the feathered snake screamed, and took the lead, stepping on the first place, and behind him, the mad beast and his avatars juxtaposed, forming a huge three-dimensional array. The power of the law, murdered toward Ye Xiwen.

At this time, they all saw it. Just by single-handedly, I was afraid that it was not Ye Xiwen’s opponent. So the three formed a three-team array and rushed to Ye Xiwen.

Ye Xiwen was fearless and overbearing. He directly entered the ranks of the three talents. The light of his eyes has already seen the mixed emperor being better at an amazing speed. In this case, the time left for him is really not too much.

What's more, even further, there are big day and undead evil do not know when it will appear.

The power of the three talents of the three great-level masters is unparalleled, even if it has never been cooperated, it can also erupt a tacit understanding far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"I control how much power you have, and die for me!" Ye Xiwen is not afraid. He has not had so much time to suppress them. There is only one way to choose.

"Make the Huakun palm!"

In the face of the three people who surrounded themselves with the three talents, Ye Xiwen did not stop at all, and did not hesitate to display the magical hand on the spot.


Suddenly it is like a river, and the endless frenzy is overwhelming. It is like a sea of ​​water, and the interweaving and composition of the law. There is no role at all, and it has penetrated the past and the present.

Ye Xiwen’s palm is like a huge stone thrown into the water, setting off a frenzy of the sky. The horrible power makes the three people who form the three talents feel like they are going to be destroyed. They have not seen it more horrible than this. The power, but at this time, it feels that no matter how terrible the power is, there is no such thing as it is, and there is no such thing as making them more terrible.

The blood of their bodies has been shaken, especially the incarnation of the mad beast is even more unstable and will soon be scattered.

"It’s just a blow. Even the three people who formed the three talents are not opponents. Is it true that there is such a terrible thing?" Many foreigners in the outer domain could not help but **** a cold air.

Although they are also recognized as the first master of the world, but in fact, it is because the creation of the heavenly king is indeed the king of the world, the invincible, even the top of the field in the field of ancient and modern masters have also been defeated.

However, for the martial arts of the creation of Tianjun, they did not feel that they were so horrible. If the creation of the heavenly kings came out, it would naturally be invincible, turn the river into the sea, and be invincible.

But now it is not the creation of Tianjun, but Ye Xiwen, talking about the realm of reality, it is even worse than them, how could there be such a terrible fighting power.


Ye Xiwen is also a palm of his hand, and the power of this palm is to shake the three talents on the spot. Just now the entire three talents are already faltering. Ye Xiwen’s power is enormous, but now it is Directly letting the corner of the three talents collapse, naturally it is the weakest corner, that is, the avatar of the madman, and in the face of Ye Xiwen’s martial arts, he is too weak, and he is comparable to the combat power of the general Tianzun. Here, it is simply impossible to be reflected.

Because the madman is not enough at this time, how can he get a complete supply?


A huge roar, the avatar of the mad beast was almost a scream, and then his body burst into tears, turning into a **** rain.

Although he has the combat power of Tianzun, but after all, it is not a god, it is impossible to reunite, and it is not like Ye Xiwen's sword, almost as an independent monk.

Dispersed is scattered.

The three talents were broken, and the feathered snakes and the mad beasts were immediately devastated. The more they invested, the more they got, but once the formation was broken, the more counterattacks they received.

Although the three talents can greatly increase the strength of the three, but in the end there are limits, once the limit is reached, then everything will be turned into fly ash.

Both of them only felt the uncontrollable ups and downs of the blood, and only a little bit of blood was vomiting.

"Good opportunity, now!"

Ye Xiwen seized the opportunity, and immediately took out the light of the sky at the foot, and suddenly slammed into the front of the two people, almost simultaneously extending their hands, five fingers pinch, slammed out.


The horrible punch turned into six roulettes, and the two men suppressed it.

If the two are in good condition, this move may not work, but at this time, both sides are dizzy and swelled by the three talents, and the blood is surging, almost on the verge of injury.

How does this stop this punch?



The two men were almost killed by the two fists at the same time. On the spot, the whole person flew out and squirted blood. They felt that the whole body had to be scattered, and suffered heavy losses. The mana in the body was uncontrollable. The explosion is coming.

A punch blasted the two men out and watched the two flew in different directions. Ye Xiwen made the decision almost immediately, and followed a stray to chase the past in the direction of the madman.

A trampling, stepping down, he was already smashed because of his avatar, and he has already lost his strength. Now he is being hit hard, and how the madness of the snow is blocking this foot.

"Oh!", the body that was stepped on collapsed, and it was torn apart, and then it was restored in the future. Ye Xiwen’s A Nasal sword followed closely and directly destroyed the Yuanshen.

Kill one more! (To be continued.)

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