Martial God Space

Chapter 3412: The existence of the last era

Ye Xiwen entered the third world, but it was in the silence and was not known at all. Even if it was the Terran, no one knew that he had entered this crucial step.

But he himself understands it. Since then, he has been able to reassure many things, not to be as fearful as he was.

But before he could breathe a little, and wait until the world's fruit trees matured, he received orders from the gods of creation and asked them to come in person.

Ye Xiwen's brows are slightly embarrassing. This order is quick and urgent. Generally speaking, Tianzun is sitting in all directions. If there is no urgent matter, he will rarely issue a clear decree to let all of you become a god.

Is there anything wrong with heaven and earth?

The sacred gods suppress the eight parties, who dares not to accept.

However, Ye Xiwen still did not hesitate and went straight to the **** of creation. Jian Zun is retreating to prepare to break through to the second world. He is now doing nothing at all. With his cultivation, if he wants to cultivate to the peak of the third world, it is not a moment. What he can do is to rely on the fruits of the world tree, and in the period when the fruit of the world is ripe, he is basically doing nothing.

Soon, he has already come to the capital of the gods. At this time, there are already a lot of powerful existences in the sacred gods, and they have made the commandments of the gods. They dare not listen, usually they count On the surface, the sacred dynasty is unprecedentedly powerful and no one is willing to be hostile.

Ye Xiwen came to the battle house of the Warlord for the first time. He had to figure out what it was going to do when he made a large-scale call to the gods.

Sure enough, War Zun also guessed that Ye Xiwen must come to find himself and waited in the morning.

"Wu Zundaoyou, you are..." Just saw Ye Xiwen's first look, the war lord suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had seen something unreasonable.

Because he found that he seemed to be sensitive to Ye Xiwen, and it was blurred. The only thing that can make him feel like this is that Ye Xiwen has gone further.

Ye Xiwen naturally understood what he meant, and nodded with a smile.

War Zun was slightly surprised. It was soon relieved. It seems that he started to know him. He is so unexpected. His cultivation has always been like a rocket, soaring.

"The war and the Taoist friends have also made great progress. It seems that it is only a matter of time to break through to the second world!" Ye Xiwen also saw that during the hundreds of years of war, there is not a single thing. Do, with the deep accumulation accumulated over the years, has successfully pushed the repair into the peak of the first world, and breaking through to the second world is only a matter of time, almost not under the sword.

"Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

The war swayed and said, he thought that he had successfully cultivated to the peak of the first world, and it should be closer to Ye Xiwen. However, it seems that instead of getting closer, it has gone further.

How does this not make him feel a little discouraged, his own progress, in front of Ye Xiwen, seems to be just worth mentioning.

"War and respect the Taoist friends, the so-called nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, I asked the door to open the door, this time the sacred God called me to come, what is the matter?" Ye Xiwen asked.

"Let me explain it to you!" Just as the warlord is about to speak, a hearty voice came in.

The voice just fell, but I saw that one looks like it looks like a 30-year-old. The middle-aged man wearing a golden emperor strode in. He was handsome, with a small beard and a majestic look.

"Dong Tian Zun!" War Zun quickly got up and said.

"East Tianzun?" Ye Xiwen was slightly surprised. For Dong Tianzun, he naturally heard about it. In fact, he can also be regarded as the camp of Dong Tianzun.

However, since he entered the sacred dynasty, he has never really seen Dong Tianzun.

Because Dong Tianzun and other great Tianzuns have always been in the process of refining and manufacturing the key, in addition to the Nantianzun and the time and space Tianzun that I have seen before, the other big gods, Ye Xiwen has always only heard the name, but not its people.

Ye Xiwen just glanced at it. Although he did not use the eye, he still could only feel unfathomable. It was not like the War Zun, and he was easily seen by him. He could not help but have a basic estimate. Strength, really unfathomable, tyrannical.

It is no wonder that he was able to sit in the East for many years, suppressing all the super-teaches in the Eastern Region, super strong, and able to withstand the invasion of the outer domain, powerful to the point of unimaginable.

"Wu Zun, I heard that Zun Zun has heard about your affairs many times, but I have no chance to see it. It is rare to have such an opportunity now. I can’t help it at a glance!" Dong Tianzun sat on the cloud bed and said with pride.

"Dong Tian Zun has won the prize, but Dong Tian Zun is extraordinary, and it is not as famous as meeting!" Ye Xiwen smiled and said, not humble.

Dong Tianzun nodded with a smile and said: "You just didn't ask, why should you summon all of you in, now I can answer you!"

"Dong Tian Zun please say!"

Ye Xiwen said.

On the face of Dong Tianzun, he showed a few dignified smiles. He said: "How much do you know about the history of the creation of the gods? It is roughly divided into the two wilderness periods before the establishment of the creation of the gods and the establishment of the gods. In the period of opposition, yes!"

"Well!" Although Ye Xiwen had some doubts in his heart, how did he get into history, but he still knew about the history of the creation of the gods.

"But before the wild time, what was it? This point is almost non-existent in the records of the external announcement!"

"Before the wild time, wasn't it the chaotic era in the early days of opening up?" Ye Xiwen could not help but say something strange.

"Yes, it is the era of chaos. In that era, the existence of various powerful existences that could walk freely in chaos is almost endless. At that time, the world tree still existed, and the world has not evolved into the present. Deputy appearance!" Dong Tianzun said, "However, this is just the beginning of our era!"

"Prehistoric civilization!" These words were instantly popped up in Ye Xiwen's mind.

"Yes, it is prehistoric civilization. It should be said that it is the civilization of the last era. According to our information, the beginning of the universe and the destruction of the universe is not a matter of two times!" Dong Tianzun said, "The so-called life with the heavens and the earth, With the sun and the moon, the life is not dead, about the same, but even the world has life expectancy and reincarnation, let alone people!"

"The last era!" Ye Xiwen's mind, like a lightning bolt through the chaos, like the first lightning between the heavens and the earth, bringing light and bringing life.

Many of his previous speculations, many unreasonable places, have been explained at once, the world has a reincarnation, every reincarnation, for heaven and earth, it is like day and night, although this day and night is very long.

Many of the laws that he found on the road to creation are completely different from the current system of law. There are also reasonable explanations. It is no wonder that there are so many laws that are the same, but the operating mode is completely different from the way of being. It is.

It was originally a law belonging to different eras. It was the system that was destroyed before the end of the world, and it was naturally different from the present.

"Is this sacred sect called me, is it related to this epoch?" Ye Xiwen asked.

"Well, many people don't know about the big reincarnation of the heavens and the earth and the last era. However, in fact, the civilizations of the last century still exist, but in the endless universe of heaven and the sky, they are blocked by the laws of our world. But they didn't want to return to the realm of creation and regain the dominance of this piece of heaven and earth. This kind of battle began hundreds of millions of years ago!"

Dong Tianzun said: "This kind of battle has never stopped. It is only that we are the protagonists of this era. Heaven also belongs to us. They have not succeeded, but even so, it takes us a lot of energy to resist. Go to suppress!"

"If this is not the case, the strength of our creation of the gods, how to tie with the foreign domain, and tolerate them all, the real reason is because most of our experiences are involved in the chaos of the heavens!" Tian Zun continued, "In fact, you don't know, foreign creatures, in fact, many belong to the previous era, and even the last era, the blood of the civilization left in the last era, because of the magical power they practice and the current The rules are out of place, so they can't get the blessings of the law, they can't get the favor of heaven. The emperor can only live for thousands of years. The martyrdom they say is actually the traces of the past era, so that they can be wholehearted. Incorporate into the existing era, in order to get the blessing of the law, get the care of the heavens, and thus live with the heavens and the earth, with the sun and the moon!"

"At the beginning of this era, it was the era when many foreign creatures left in the ancient era were rampant. The creatures born in this era were trembling in front of the eclipse of the past, until the creation of the heavenly celestial genius, the sky When he was born, he swept the eight wildernesses, and the Ding Ding Dynasty began. It was a place for the creatures born in our era to survive!"

Ye Xiwen looked calm, but his heart was awkward. Was this the truth of all history?

The root cause of the dispute between the so-called gods and the foreign creatures was originally such a thing, and even involved the existence of the last era. (To be continued.)

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